The Best Way Forward (2)
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The Best Way Forward
The Best Way Forward
Text: Philippians 4:1-9
Text: Philippians 4:1-9
1) Intentional Connection
1) Intentional Connection
Paul speaks from the position of a very close friend to those listed in this passage.
Notice Paul’s call for all fellow laborers to be helpful to those women who labored with Paul, Clement and others.
TURN TO — Acts 16:1-3, 6, 12
Remember, we value our connections within the body to be second to that of our connection to Christ. It is by His blood that we are connected.
Not only as close friends, but they make up part of that “mark” of God’s high calling. The people, not things, were his prize and crown.
Question: How often do we sacrifice growing together in our blood connection due to our “busy schedule?”
Again, you can’t miss the fact of how weighty this is due to where he is penning this letter. Paul was NOT faking it or blowing smoke just to gain some sympathy.
Illustration: There are times when people pursue others just to be on the receiving end of praise, sympathy, empathy, etc.
What I am about to do is going to bring us all to the bar!!!
LIVE ILLUSTRATION: Ask certain families to come up front and pose the question to the audience, “How many of you have pursued a deep relationship with these couples?”
I am not talking spending time with them to “get them are your side” or “creating some kind of coup.”
LISTEN, those who say, “Fellowship or helping others is just not my thing,” is to say, “I worship myself and will live as others don’t exist.”
How can we materialize this?
What would be the logical steps to become helpful to one another?
There must be active communication in order for one to know they are in need of help.
Active communication comes from one person being the initiator.
It doesn’t really require much creativity.
Coffee, lunch, dinner, phone call, evangelism, etc.
Our connection is NOT about worship style or preference, but rather coming with worship in my heart and a proactive love toward each other.
2) Joyfulness & Prayer (vv. 4-6)
2) Joyfulness & Prayer (vv. 4-6)
A. Rejoice!!!
A. Rejoice!!!
Now, let us be honest. Life is full of people, events, circumstances, troubles, trial. That being said, these variables have a way of persuading us to complain rather than rejoice
2 Corinthians 6:10 “10 As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.”
Paul does not dismiss the experiences of sadness and poverty.
Paul is saying, while you are physically experiencing those things, REMEMBER, you don’t live here. In other words, the more you allow yourself to live in the hope of Christ, the earthly experiences will NEVER CONSUME YOU!
“again I say REJOICE!”
James 1:2 “2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;”
The reality of the living among your temptations is not an automatic death sentence.
Living among them is equal to the Christ-centered and surrendered believer to rise above them.
“again I say REJOICE!”
1 Peter 4:13 “13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.”
Suffering is real and should never surprise us.
Suffering is not a mark of our faith in Christ as a vain venture.
The believer’s suffering cultivates in us a deeper love for our Savior. Our deliverance from suffering will bring our rejoicing to an eternal climax!
B. Show the world your GENTLENESS.
B. Show the world your GENTLENESS.
When we are collectively REJOICING, we collectively will respond with longsuffering and grace to those who persecute us.
This is “becoming the GOSPEL OF CHRIST.”
C. Flee from ANXIETY (worrying)
C. Flee from ANXIETY (worrying)
QUESTION: If there was a way to remove your response of anxiety toward things, would you yield too it?
Paul is telling us of an exciting reality for the believer and the body; YOU CAN ESCAPE YOUR ANXIOUS RESPONSE!!!
FIRST, “in everything”
SECOND, prayer (common petitions) & supplication (urgent plea)
THIRD, these prayers and supplications are to be directed toward God.
FOURTHLY, these petitions and pleas must be wrapped with THANKSGIVING.
Example: You child may have broken their leg, but God has allowed them to have a healthy heart, brain, lungs, etc.
QUESTION: Where does your anxiety live and cause damage? Your MIND and HEART. (v7)
“keep” = to guard; keep watch over.
“through Christ Jesus”
The peace is not necessarily and AFTER AFFECT, but rather a GRADUAL AFFECT.
3) Excellence & Praise
3) Excellence & Praise
Understand these terms:
TRUE - factual
HONEST - honorable things
JUST - morally right
PURE - holy
LOVELY - pleasing
GOOD REPORT - things worthy to be praised
What is at stake is VIRUTE and PRAISE.
excellence (virtue) n. — the excellence of a person or thing that enables it to achieve its end or purpose; especially used of moral excellence.
Praise or praise worthy.
Psalm 18:3 “3 I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: So shall I be saved from mine enemies.”
Psalm 113:3 “3 From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same The Lord’s name is to be praised.”