Teaching A Home Bible Study

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1. Why Teach Home Bible Studies

God's Way in Soul Winning By John R. Rice
Psalm 126:6 AV
He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
Psalm 126:6 NKJV
He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him.
Soul winning is the main business of a Christian.
The saving of sinners is the thing nearest to the heart of God.
For that purpose Christ came to earth, and lived and died and rose again.
Even now the angels in Heaven rejoice more over one sinner that repents than over ninety-nine just persons that need no repentance.
Soul winning is the eternal business.
One sows now, and then reaps throughout the endless ages of glory, when he gives the gospel to sinners.
How may I win souls?
That should be the chief concern of every child of God.
The Scripture says, "Let him that heareth say, Come."
And the Great Commission is given to every Christian that he should go into all the world and make disciples.
The Bible has much to say about how to win souls. Here in Psalm 126:6, God's way of winning souls is clearly laid out.
A meditation on this passage, directed by the Holy Spirit, should certainly make clear God's infallible method in the winning of souls.
This is a psalm of revival:
Psalm 126 NKJV
A Song of Ascents. When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, We were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, And our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, And we are glad. Bring back our captivity, O Lord, As the streams in the South. Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him.
"When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream."
The captivity referred to must be the Babylonian captivity.
The inspired writer here recalls the happy revival when the remnant under Nehemiah and Ezra returned from Babylon to build again the walls of Jerusalem and the Temple.
It seemed too good to be true - it was almost like a happy dream when God turned the captivity of Zion.
Then their mouths were filled with happy laughter. It was not frivolous laughter, but the deep, joyous laughter so close to tears, so close to the shouting of praise.
Many of us look back with mingled joy and longing to the times of great revival and blessing, when our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongues with singing.
"Then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad." The heathen were impressed with the marvelous deliverance which God gave His people. Real, Heaven-sent revivals are like that. Outsiders know when God has visited His people.
Beware of Spiritual Bondage There are other captivities worse than being carried into Babylon.
Our churches are cold, our hearts are cold, our prayers are cold. The Bible becomes a dull Book. The ministry becomes a thankless task - a burden to be borne. Our services become mere form, our songs are meaningless. We feel the parching drought of worldliness.
Our souls long for a breath from Heaven.
We need a rain of the Holy Spirit upon God's people.
Analyze that verse and you will find these five parts in God's plan of soul winning:
"He that goeth forth'' - the go in soul winning.
"And weepeth" - the broken heart in soul winning.
"Bearing precious seed" - the Word of God in soul winning.
"Shall doubtless come again . . . bringing his sheaves with him" - the certainty of results with God's method.
"Rejoicing . . . bringing his sheaves with him" - the joy of the reapers, or a soul-winner's reward.
The "Go" in Soul Winning
God's Word puts going as the first requirement in soul winning. How like the Great Commission, when Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world" (Mark 16:15), and again, "Go ye therefore" (Matt. 28:19). The main reason Christians do not win souls is that they simply do not get at it.
The one who wins souls is the one who tries to win souls, the one who talks to sinners, the one who makes it his business.
Many have the impression that the best man or woman is the best soul winner - that the Christian, who has the highest moral standards, pays his debts, avoids worldliness, attends church, tithes, etc., will automatically be the best soul winner; but that is not true.
If it were true, then every Pharisee would have been a wonderful soul winner, but they were not.
And many a Christian today prays, reads his Bible, attends church and carefully watches his daily life, yet never wins a soul.
That is tragic, but true.
The fact is, their living a godly life does not win sinners to Christ. That is not the way God has appointed to get sinners saved.
Living a godly life is important, vitally important, for the one who would be a soul winner, but the first condition of soul winning, divinely appointed, is this - get up and go after sinners!
Soul winners ought to know the Bible, but the best Bible students are often not the best soul winners.
Do not get the idea that soul winning is a matter of talent.
People do not win souls because they are educated,
because they are peculiarly fitted by nature for it,
because of a magnetic personality, or for any such reason.
Those Christians who win the most souls are those who most persistently and with the greatest abandon go after sinners.
We must realize that soul winning is not done in human power and human wisdom. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to convict and to convert a sinner.
But remember that Jesus said, "Go… and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world" (Matt. 28:19, 20).
The obedient heart who sets about the Master's business, obeying His plain command to win souls, is far more likely to have the power of the Holy Spirit upon him, soul-winning power.
Article "God's Way in Soul Winning" excerpted from "The Soul Winners Fire". Article written by John R. Rice. “This article may not be written by an Apostolic author, but it contains many excellent principles and concepts that can be adapted to most churches. As the old saying goes, “Eat the meat. Throw away the bones.”

2. Materials and Resources

3. Choosing the Study

4. Getting Home Bible Studies

5. Preparing to Teach a Bible Study

6. Effective Teaching Methods

7. Handling Questions/Controversies


By: J. E. Yonts


Take a lot of love (study & pray).
A couple should go together to teach a couple.
A man to teach a man.
The most dedicated Christians should be teaching. (like begats like)
Take a miniature chart (if possible) let them write scriptures and notes on it.
Always open and close in prayer.
Be prepared.
At beginning of each session ask a few questions about last week's lesson (review).
Recommend helpful books - creation, church history, biographies of great Christians.
Try to continue the study until completion even if they disagree.
Send a "Thank you" note at end of completed study.
Follow up.
a. Make spot calls
b. Involve them in social life with you


Not more than two (2) studies per week. (You must not neglect the people you teach)
Don't try to read all the scriptures in the lesson.
Don't take too long (45 minutes). If not through, quit and take it up next week.
Don't make it heavy (in depth). Keep it simple. (The objective is to get them saved)
Don't allow yourself to answer judgment questions.
Don't run down their church.
Don't run down any church (be positive).
Don't poke fun at churches.
Don't push YOUR CHURCH DOCTRINE (present Bible truths and allow God to do the rest).
Don't push your church attendance. (You can relate exciting happenings)
Don't answer questions that will be answered in subsequent lessons. (ruins the punch)
Don't argue (absolutely none).
Don't allow interruptive questions.
Don't be too authoritative (leave that to the ministry).
15. Don't lose your temper.
16. Don't be sarcastic.
17. Don`t teach baptism at tabernacle study unless you are sure they are ready.
18. Don't be afraid to admit YOU DON'T KNOW. (Tell them you will bring the answer back next week)
19. Don`t carry the day's trouble into your lesson.
20. Don't let your faith weaken when it looks like they are not responding.
(The original source and/or publisher of the above material is unknown.)
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