Sunday Feb 13 2022
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you. Jesus. How do you come on? Just a few more moments? Give me worship Him. Hallelujah, hallelujah.
Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord.
Almost. Jesus. Jesus Jesus, hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. Jesus. Hallelujah, hallelujah.
Something about being in the presence of Jesus.
Hallelujah. Thank you. Lord.
Carl Lewis. Hallelujah.
I need you to be staying with me today. The day Your Story, one, or two. Series. On the door. I had a few reach out to me and tell me that. All the statistics were great and all the numbers were great. For those that don't like numbers on license vistix. It was rough to follow. I apologize for that. But I believe we must understand every aspect. On the topic. From number to statistics to do what is going on around us? And I hope to do better for you.
Thank you for the Steve. The rest of you. I'll pray for you. I pray that God will move in your heart.
Man. 3 years is part two of the door, the subtitle the subtopic if you will, would be love. What four souls?
What is the door to the church?
What is ask your neighbor? What is the door to the church?
And wait for a response to see if they know what the answer is.
If you don't know, the answer, allow me to tell you today, that the door to the church is your home. That is the door to the church. Our whole. Is the door to get people into the church? Last week, we talked about God, forgiving us and not being true disciples. According to the, to the, the Bible, into the time of Jesus. We, we went into, we went into asking Lord, forgive us to make us better disciplers. And I hope you went looking last week for somebody to disciple. Because this this is not an assembly for us to come together to self maintain, what we ordered and directed make disciples. That's why we're actually here. We are ordered by heaven to do so. Goodwin go as far as an assumed that perhaps we are sitting if we don't.
That is a great question. Pastor that breaks my heart.
But today, when I talked a few moments to you about love for so hopefully I can shed light into a story that we've heard for years. A scripture that I've even read last week. I hope to bring some light to it for those that don't like the biology portion of it. I hope he can bear with me towards the end. For those that are bialigy. Sharpened. I hope you forgive me. If I British pronounce.
I'll give you two Greek words today. What the scripture actually meant for 2:34, and they're going to jump over the John 21:15 through 17.
I wish I wait for you to turn there today, but many year, you were staring at the screen waiting for them to go there. So that's Luke chapter 22. Verse 31 to 34.
If your neighbor and tell him I am over this cold.
I am ready for it to be warm.
Luke chapter, 22 verses 31 through 34. In the Lord said, Simon Simon behold. Sweet happiness, diary to have you. That he may sift, you as wheat, but I'm praying for the you that diaper sale Knox. And when that were converted strengthen thy Brethren and he said unto him. Lord, am I ready? I am ready to go with the boats into prison and to death. And he said, I'd still be Peter. The caulk coming up Crow this day before that scalp Thrice deny that down, knowest me.
Quickly turn off the John 21. John 21:15, 16 and 17.
So, when they had denied Jesus, I'm sorry. So when they had died Jesus, they threw son and Peter Simon. Son of Jonah in love with, tell me more than these.
He saith unto him. Ye the Lord thou knowest. That I love thee. We talked about the scripture last week. He said him, my Lance Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me. He said unto him. Ye Lord. Even though. It's the idol of me. He said, let him feed my sheet. He said third time. 1/3 time. Simon son of Jonas lovest, thou me.
No, I don't know about you. If someone referred to me on a third time, do you love me? Might get a little frustrated, but perhaps if you really look in the description, would you become even more agitated when they referred you not by your name, but by who you came from?
Are the only one there?
Steve you, do you love me.
See, son of Steve.
Peter was greedy, cuz he said in him the third time, let us down me and he's sending him Lord. That knoweth all things that don't know what that I love thee. Jesus said unto him, feed my sheep. You close your Bible today and got your head, Heavenly Father, know what my lips to speak today. Lord, Let My Words Be a direct reflection of heaven. And I pray that you touch them. Mine the horse and the ears of your people to receive what heaven has for them today. But we thank you and give you all the praise that go in on her and will the church shout. Amen. Amen. And say the love.
Jesus spoke to Peter. Is was ready him for the triplets times ahead. And when Jesus would be crucified in the any would attack the disciples. Jesus, main concern was that Peter be there to strengthen the brother? But Peter missed that entire emphasis. It only heard Jesus speak a Peter failing. Now, most of us got kids in hearing. We can relate to this, you tell him something about something. Great. And and but the only thing they focus on is the negative. And when they become teenagers, it appears to get worse.
Freeport, Florida. Peter self-centeredness was so strong that he did not hear anything else that Jesus said Jesus told Peter, but I have prayed for thee. But by faith fail not and when thou art, converted strengthen thy brother. An order for Jesus to tell Peter that when he would be converted, he must strengthen the brother. A new that Jesus implied. Peter was stray away from following him. Another Greek word translates, as converted is defined as turning back or get back on track.
The Peter was going to get off track. He was going away from what he was doing. He was walking away from the current path that he was on with God. They would be today. Peter rose up and told the Lord that in no way. Would he turn away from Christ? And no way when I turn from you. In fact, if we read another gospel that Peter stated his that dedication to the Lord, be more than the other disciples that to 2633 Peter rancid and send it to him. Know, old man shall be offended because of these yet. Will I never be offended? Now, that takes some serious arrogance, in my opinion. To say I love you more than this guy. Lord. I love you. More than Steve. Does. He doesn't love you very much. I love you a whole lot more.
Yo, Gotti really can't depend on Steve but you can depend on me, God.
But we do find that painter. Inspect did turn from the Lord and denied him three different times. And after Christ rose from the dead, Jesus appeared to disciples three different time. During the third time to disciples were waiting for him in Galilee. Has he had instructed them to do so during their weight, they went fishing and what it say, Amen. I'm ready to go fishing. Thank you, Hunter. Christ appeared at the seaside and they left to see him. But Jesus gave them fish to eat. He has Pedro question, Simon, son of Jonas, Steve, some Steve love us. Now, me more than these. Who owns Beats? Recall that Peter said that he would not forsake the Lord though. All others would Peter Phelps, he would love the Lord more than the other disciples would. He was quite self-centered and self-absorbed hit if you will.
Did Jesus ask Peter after Peter, did stray from him and did deny him three times. Proving Peter was wrong in his self assessment. If in fact he did love the Lord more than the other disciples. Did Jesus was putting Peter if you will in his place and his have been got checked, but somebody with a few words and at a time, you didn't realize that when you walked away when you thought about it, you're up. There were quite a few of the words. I really got put in place there.
I've had some layers take off my hide before.
I see more than once. Converse be honest.
But he was actually softly, mocking Peter. To bring forth appointed him, a misdemeanor point that Jesus was trying to give to him concerning. Strengthening. The brother Peter was so self concerned that he paid. No heed to Jesus words, concerning the brother, whom he would have no minister or he would have to minister and no word love it. But Jesus she was just speaking to Peter. What's the Greek word agape?
Agape is a word denoting Choice. Love. And a love of the will. It is the kind of love that someone simply makes up one's mind to exert. We have heard of God's agape, love expecting anything in return and that is a very blessed love he has for us, but there is another angle that we are seeing it in this kind of love when it comes to Peter and his situation. Peter was so self-involved that he made up his mind that he would love Jesus.
Sorry, lost my place. He would like Jesus more than all the others would love Jesus. It. Was that a real love. And a choice of body was based upon self acceleration, and being better than other people to Jesus. Aztec, ask Peter, do you still willfully to to love me more than these other disciples? In the word heater, use it in response is not a guy paid when he says no doubt know what I loved it. Use that completely different, Greek word. That word is Tulio. This word implies it more personal love. But no real love or a choice, love it is more affectionate and it is more personal subpoena responded by saying no Lord. I don't simply will to love you more than other foot. You know, that my love is deeper and more personal. I have a great personal affection for you. Jesus said to you, I got paid me more than these. And Peter says I play you. You. Nothing was said by Peter about his love, is compared to the other disciples love for Jesus as Jesus Christ. Tina was Katie's. The self acceleration was gone. He was truly humbled at this point than Jesus in feed. My Lambs, getting paid up back to the main points. That Peter missed it again. He's out with during that Jesus warning him to, to warning him about strange, but the getting back on track to where he should be and start my feeling my Lambs. Feeding his Lambs are strengthening the brothers of Luke chapter 22. Once again, Jesus at the same question. We should note also that Jesus refer to Peter as Simon the son of Jonah
Peter. Peter means Rock. Peter was not acting much like a rock. Unless if you were referring to his intelligence. So smart, couldn't teach a rock to sit still?
When he self.
When he began to self denied Christ, so as to the risk his neck, he was worried that he would not be able to keep his head. He will not be able to keep what he has. He was, if you will be selfish and prideful and self-centered, but Gina said a second time. Simon, some donuts, tell me more than these. He can use the word Agape. He was drilling Peter with this thought that he was making sure Peter saw his heir. And once again. Part using the word filioque and not agape. And his response to Peter statement. Kia filia feeling. Well. The Leo loves Jesus this time. She just said feed keeps, I'm going somewhere today. I know this is a lot, but I promise I'm going somewhere from Lambs to sheet from young to old Peter must replace his concern for himself. A cat's Jesus burden to minister today young, and to the old. He had to replace his self-centeredness. With the love that Jesus had for The Souls of souls are sold about the young and old, and Jesus wants to catch his parents. He wants to catch a hole. What he's at. He wants to catch his stuff and that is for people and not for ourselves. Agreed that we shot it in.
Something is is very interesting that the third times you just have Peter. This question. He replaced the word Agape with phileo and he said Simon, cinnamon donuts for the kids love me more than these. It was as though he was saying, okay to do claims. You did not agape love me. More than other. This type of you say, feel your love me. But let me ask you this video. Phileo love me more than the other disciples. You say it is a personal affection that you have for me. That's fine. But as there still any grading of stuff to acceleration and stuff focus on that will cause you to miss my point. I'm feeling a soul that's around you. Do you feel your love me more than the others? You were so proud and so something, so sad that you missed the whole point. That's that day when I told you the straight to do, you do not miss that point this time.
And then we read you this Peter was greedy cuz he sending him the third time cuz love, is it down on me?
He was agreeing that the third time. Jesus asked him if he loved him and he use the word, filio. Peter was suffering. Rebuke from Christ. Can you imagine being rebuked rebuke from the king of kings and Lord of lords, do you imagine that rebuke?
Dare, I say today that as a pastor. Sometimes it is hard to rebuke because you're wondering if they will receive.
As a pastor, you getting to speak in the lives of those around you. You see the danger that are taking place and we begin to help them and guide them and you say to them. You know that I love you right yet. So okay, but you got to Steven wanting to this. I would have cautioned you of this. Only for them to look at you and take you don't know what you're talkin about. But can you imagine? Quite himself review. Can you? It was so uncomfortable. But it was necessary.
It was very uncomfortable to be embarrassed. If you will, it's one of the other disciples that I couldn't imagine. I don't like to be embarrassed. And I do my very best not to embarrass anybody else.
But you can only talk to somebody so many times before you have to bring it out in public for them to understand.
Some theologians may disagree with that, but it, that's my personal opinion.
Play Peter, did I got play love Jesus more than the others but still loves him. It could be that there is still some better than no attitude in him and perhaps Peter thinks that's a filial love Jesus more than the rest. Responding Sandlot down knowest. All things. Peter was confessing at this very moment.
Hey, what size do he said, Lord? You know me better than I know myself. You can see the right inside of my heart that you were right. I was so self-centered, but I really am. Hey, it's because I really do. Love you.
It is interesting that Jesus called Peter Simon son of Jonas. Perhaps, Peter had a father named Jonas. But we also see that spiritual note, the prophet Jonah was also quite self-centered.
The reason Jonah ran away from his commission to preach to Nineveh is discovered in Jonah chapter 4. Afternoon about her Jonah's preaching. And repented we read Jonah. Speaking these words of God In Jonah 4 + 2. And he prayed unto the Lord and said, I pray, the Lord was not this, my saying, when I was yet in my country. Butterfly study for unto us. That's why I know that you are gracious, God and merciful, and slow to anger, and I'm great. Kindness and repentance D of the evil and other Jonah wants God to destroy Nineveh.
He knew that none of my wouldn't be panting and that God would forgive them and not destroy them going to head out a lack of love for sold as much as Peter did. He's talkin. None of us deserve Destruction for their own wickedness. He's taught that there was no forgiveness for them that he took it upon himself to thank God. I took off the face of the earth. I don't know. Value to me. They have nothing for me. I have no love for them.
And even after he spoke these words that God we read and Jonah 4 and 5. So Jonah went out of the city and set on the east side of the city and they're made him a boots and set under it in the shadows until he might see what would become of the city. He sat on the east side of the city where they forgot to wipe it out.
Dare, I say today that some of you has been so angry with the people around you that you sat back and waited for God to destroy their lives.
When God was offering forgiveness, if we go over something great, except that you proclaimed for them to be wiped off in your yard a lot coming along for them.
He went to see what would become of the city. He felt that God would heed his words and and once again choose to destroy Nineveh, although he forgave them when they repented.
The god set out to do a lesson.
Some of you may forgive me, this offends you today, but some of you has done what you think the work of God and then you'll stand aside, waiting for the destruction to take place, and you're waiting up to the side, waiting for Hellfire, and brimstone the fall down on top of their head, when you forgot the white come. Now, if that's what you waiting for the earth to open up and swallow them up.
You Preach crazy preacher. Mercy, they repent of their sins but yet you are still compelled us. You are still awaiting. Its it, and you're sitting there next inside yourself cuz you can't get over yourself. The lack of love for the soul. And your life begins to prove itself because the only thing you can see that's God removing them off the face of the Earth. You're self-centered. All right? Sister doesn't know. How do you de-seed they've been repeated? I've been forgiven that God has set them free. But the only thing you can make your mind up on Facebook. It's probably them and everything that they have.
Got you playing God you blame everybody else around you when you're sitting and waiting because the word you spoke to you believes that has merited has a weight and you believe that this is going to take place. If you're sitting in anticipation, only to find yourself in a hot seat. Does it start when he went to the east side? He set up there to wait in the Lord. God prepared, ate a gourd, and John for 6 to 8 and made it to come up over Jonah. A plant grew up with Jonah and Shadow him. Who delivered him from the Greeks, that Jonah was exceedingly, glad that God has made a plant to shade him. He thinks he's in line with God. He thinks he has got the mindset of Heaven. He thinks that his heart is, right, because God has now seeing him.
But then. Begin to turn up the heat.
the next morning, when you Rose, Play it. Just withered up, it died or gone. Nothing when the sun did rise, God prepared a behemoth Eastwind in the Sun Beat upon the head of Jonah and he fainted.
And wished is himself to die. We have set ourselves up for failure so many time because I lack of Love. Help me and find herself. A big and God just had take us out.
He says it is better for me to die than to live. God prepared three things for Jonah. Remind me that Jesus spoke three times at the same basic question to Peter, be prepared at Gordon and a warm at 8 and a Hardee's win the gold protector. Jonah from the Heat and then the warm just told the court, Jonah was in desperate heat again. Eternal more Garcinia hot wind, to make Jonah suffer even more. Then God spoke to Jonah again and Jonah for 9 to 11 and go to the judge and dust down, well, to be angry for the board. And he said, I do well to be angry. Even unto death has been said, the Lord, I have had a pity on the ground for which now has not labored. Neither. Madison Grove switch came off in a night at Sand. Perry shift in a night. It should not. I start Nineveh. That great City. Where are you? No, more than six cards per thousand person that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand and also much cattle Jonah for his painful attitudes for his lack of love and having more compassion for a plant that he did for 120,000 people. Can you imagine having more love for a plant that's been for a human being?
Imagine sitting in sitting there in love with something that has no life. I'm trying to could have compassion on a little plant did not God have compassion on these heathens and then about who did not even know the right from the wrong. This shows that God have compassion on the heathens.
Even the time of your life when you thought you was right, but yet you was wrong. Heck, I'm passion on you. So, where is the love for the souls around us like a pack of dogs?
This shows that God has compassion, when everybody around this only heathens on the Liars. The Steelers are not the Squealers of Pennsylvania, but it was at a steel. None of it did not simply rise in one night like like a dog or did it was a great city of 120,000 people.
It took time.
Don't have to share that. Jonah was a prophet. Jonah had compassion for told we may not have 120,000 people in this city of Troy. We've got around 28,000 people. If we could just find that compassion for just one, so we could Chase iLive surround us getting back to the troll poppy gets on top it off.
Peter sign of Jonah, the words that follow Jesus, three questions are very enlightening but considering psers past misbehavior.
Recall that when Peter denied the Lord, it was because Peter did not want to risk his own neck.
He was so full of self that some self concerns that caused him to declare his love for Christ, was greater than the other disciples was that stuff concern that car tends to want to save his own neck. When confronted by those who questioned his association with Jesus. Now, this issue of a risking his neck arises again. Peanut must preach the word and feed the sheep of God knowing that he will have to die for it.
Remember this? Remember what Peter said in Luke 22 and 33. He said a Time. Lord. I'm ready to go with the boat into prison and it's your dad said he would follow Jesus and die for Jesus, but he felt even follow Jesus. When danger approaches him. Words are cheap. We say that will go to the ends of the Earth for we run the house in a shout. If and when we run across this place, if it's saying that God, I would die for you. I'm going to prison for you, but yet we don't know how for the neighbor next to us. Free. So don't suppose that all work comes to be shut down to those for you, but we have for him.
1st Peter 2 and 2 as newborn babes desire, the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow. Thereby 1st Peter, wrote in his own words, concerning his ministry of feeding the Lambs, the young with the milk of the word. He was so changed. As far as being suffix, Dalton do not risk his neck and being stuff concerned. So as to not care about feeding the sheep, that we also read in his own a pistol, under, determination, to preach the word, and the feet, the space, knowing he must die for it.
We got to get you a place in her life. The love that God have four souls. Are those inside of us that we'd be getting a change of heart and mind away from the roads. Are you positive Jonah? Then for the love of those that are around us? Yes, they are sinners. Yes. They are all messed up yesterday. Bring problems that situation. But that's what I told about. We serve a God that the Healer and watch them. That's the way we serve a God that can raise them from where they are, but we have to church.
Staying with you today. If you just got his point to the Peter, finally, he's finally got his point across, Peter did gain the compassion for Souls at that Jesus Endeavor to give to him. But perhaps,
Peter had to break the generational curse.
Give me today. If you hear anything else hear this. Perhaps Peter had a break, a generational curse from Jonas.
Perhaps he had a break a curse. And Learn to Love.
When the going got tough. Peter crumble, he didn't show the love and compassion. We must break a curse. That's been plaguing. The apostolic movement for years. And that is the law of four people.
Peter had a curse that stopped him from loving people.
If you love people, they will follow you to the ends of the Earth. Peter love Jesus so much. He followed him all the way into the going. Got tough, and then everything fell apart. But in the end, he finally realize, yes, I will die for this.
If you love somebody enough. They will do everything that you do.
I heard a preacher, tell my father one time many, many, many years ago. I believed I was 10 or 11 years old. Brother Morton think it was but my father if you love the people know they'll get baptized in your name. He was referring to as a little gym getting baptized your name, but he was telling them that you must love people unconditional East. You must love them to the point. That don't go where you go. Don't come to church with you. Still raised their hands with you so fast with you not going on a journey with you. We chatted for you and we might do it at all.
I thought your heart was always said, he'd rather have a messy stalled and it clean stalls. People, bring problems. There's nothing to be had, but we must have something messy.
I know why you didn't get that. People's lives are a mess, all around us.
But there is love. As a parent are kids messed up their kids. They do ignore things. If you will. My love does not change for them. What love does not get altered because her room is dirty. But no, I take an opportunity to teach the training to enlighten. What is right? What is wrong? Why they cost that is love. We must love people enough to feed them milk.
Perhaps, you're not understanding it. Understanding is here at baby drinks milk. As I said last week, you not, you cannot give it a one year older or 10 month old or a six-month-old a steak.
Ruth Chris.
Body cannot digest, it. It will reject it. But milk is the only thing that it can consume. When a New Baden Christ comes in. You cannot dump the theological studies done on them, but you must feed them milk. He must cuddle them. You must carry them. You must help them. They're going to fall. What's the temperature in the wall? Fake fall over, they get what we paired call, boo-boos. They going to have pains, but it's not something that you called. You could be there to pick some up. Don't care about what you can't stand aside. As the word said, you must do this and you messed up from it. We can't stop this down the front of your people should not but we must be loving and compassionate to know that. All right.
Pictures of dogs in a turkey. The product Teresa compassion for people who like to Jesus did. That's the choice. We must understand the main point and what is all about and that is love. Nothing knows our next to let me know that you're in contact with him.
Give milk with milk as needed, giving meet with meat as needed. And we do this by how I shall be loved by giving love living through love, feeding through love, and compassion having the like heart attack. That was loving soul. Really close that we had about today.
We must break the curse and change how we love people. We must break the toast. It change how we love people.
Love by Coming. Love. Love by coming compassion.
Live through love.
Do you love him? Do you love Jesus?
Fitted sheet. Do you love him?
Peter G.
Touch each and every one of us here today. Papa's supposed to break the curse that shot of the churches of Asia.
Peppa Scottish show. Love. We love people God but it's hard for us to show the love because either because we don't know how they'll respond to us. We have no other way except the love that you have supposed to change your brakes and motors to do what you want, or what you have for us gone, along with the weight loss of compassion. Show love.
Laura biscotti.
New York, Lotto post.