Feb 13, 2022 Sunday Worship Service (Steve)
Few sentences memorized. It thought I'd get up there, like, Dad would do, dad would get up there. Like, Roy I did get up there and lead a prayer. No notes. Just go ahead and give to God what's in his heart? That's what I was going to do. So I got up here in the pulpit and I'm getting ready to leave the prayer in the back of my head. And I said, dear father.
Andrew blank. I said dear father one more time thinking that I'd get it. Then nothing came to me so I can feel the heat just coming up out of the pulpit, you know, and you feel because you just burning red and you're nervous and you hear the Snickers out in the audience and it's your first prayer and it just failed. And so I called to remind something real quick and I said dear father. Thank you for the building. We worship in. Amen.
The next time I was called to ask her to Toledo of a five-minute discussion, talk. So I asked I worked on that thing all week long And I memorized it all and I got it down to about 4 minutes and 55 seconds. I mean perfect. And I got up there and I went in 10 seconds.
That's what happens in your first, right? You just mess up all the time, but you'll learn and you grow and you get better, and you learn to deal with mistakes and you learn to deal with all of that. And it's just a great great opportunity when you were young, man. Food to come to the pulpit, delete prayers and to serve the congregation. And, you know, it's not edited mistakes because you're human, and I'm human. And we make mistakes because we are here. And so, I love it when we can make a mistake and we're doing it before God, but it's a mistake that comes from the heart. Right? That's not concerned with performance. He's concerned with your heart and soul were thankful for that. So I actually think about this first recorded sermon you think about what's happened so far along the way. It's always find that Christ Fame is spreading among the people. Now, we have the birth of Christ. We had, he was baptized by John Jesus called Disciples. There's the wedding at Cana where he performed his first miracle. His first signed, John said this was the first of his son. So this is where it all began. And now the, the temple confrontation of the tables of the money-changers and he and he makes a whip. Now it took a whip and he put cords on the whip. What you think about this for just a second. Do you want to? They got these these thieves chords and then on the cords put little shark nuggets. Right sharp little nuggets on those cords and it says that he whipped. Both man and Beast.
It was not exactly a pacifist.
He whipped both man and Beast. And you don't had those little nuggets. For no reason at all. Those little nuggets to the cord, you know what they do. They inflict more pain. That's what Jesus did. And Jesus love them people and Jesus loves you. Sometimes God's punishment. And discipline is painful. And we learn that and that particular scenario, that we know where he is. He confronts Nicodemus to preach the gospel. And he tells him that he must be born again of water, and of the spirit, many travels through Samaria. And there he needs the woman at the well, and we talked about that this morning in Bible class. And then, of course, he goes into the Wilderness Temptation and, and that's where Luke picks up in chapter 4, pretty chronological order. Luke says, I'm not going to deal with that John's already done that. So I'm just going to pick up or I think it's best course. So stop with the Wilderness Temptation. And now he begins his first sermon that is his first recorded servant or up, not as first reported that Luke record. Preaching, right. But this is the first sermon at loop recorder and he does. So, for particular reason, and the reason he does so is because, well, his his famous spreading and so he's got to show the people who is, who is this Jesus, who can do all these things. And so, here are the Miracles and healings of Christ, that follow the official son at Cana. he up the the drawing out of the Demons. From the demoniac, the heels Peter's mother-in-law had a fever touched her on the hand, and the fever left heals, the leper and a pair of living. And then we coming to Luke chapter 4 in the Bible, tells us that his fan as been spreading. And we look at particular Luke 4:14. It says that Jesus returned in the power of the spirit. Now, you remember that when he was baptized by John, when he came up out of the water that there was a, the Holy Spirit descended upon him as in the form of a. Do you remember that Helen and John 3:34 and tells us that God set his seal upon his son for the testimony testimony. I saw Jesus returns to Galilee and in particular Nazareth his hometown, but he returned in the power of the spirit to Galilee and Nazareth and went out through all the surrounding region. All because of what we just read, all the Miracles that he was doing the teaching in the preaching that he's been doing. Some of the people were saying, we never heard such a preacher. We never heard anyone talk like this and then you throw in his miracles. I never seen anybody do that feeling all kinds of people and so his Fame was spreading me. Know, that's how it says, any taught in their synagogues taught in their synagogues. So the synagogue focused as a temple where they worship, but when they went into captivity, then again meeting in small places in Babylon, but when it came back to the city of Jerusalem, while the city was being rebuilt and while the temple was being rebuilt, they had synagogues. And they were just all over the place in Jerusalem. You can find is that they found, I don't know over 300 ruins, Justin city of City, proper of Jerusalem of synagogues and often. They would build another synagogue on top of that. And I do use that as the foundation. And so it says being glorified by, also, he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up. And I was just custom. Was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read and we think about this. He's the hometown boy. Is now preaching in the synagogue. And a synagogue was controlled by one who was in charge of the president, if you will of the synagogue and often that would just ask somebody anybody, if they wanted to preach MSR lesson and Jesus was one of those guys today. Now, in the synagogue Worship, in the synagogue worship. There was prayer. There was singing there was scripture reading. And they would read the law. The prophets. and then, the writings Write so someone we picked to do the reading of the law. And then that person would expand would preach teach from the law. And then someone would come along up and be given the task of reading from the prophets. And this is where Jesus enters because they hand him. The scroll that is turn to the book of Isaiah. So it was up to Jesus to preach from anywhere. He wanted to from the book of Isaiah.
And he knew where he wanted to go with that. And it's so it says it was his custom to go into the synagogue. What you think about that? You have Jesus Christ, the son of God sent in the world to save mankind.
Every Saturday, he was in the temple worshipping and 12. Every Saturday. Now if that was important for Jesus to go and worship the father. On a weekly basis. Doesn't it mean that's important for you and me to worship? Not only the father but Jesus, the son, Our Savior every first day of the week to come and do what they did in the synagogue. Because what I just told you about is similar to what we do here, we sing songs and we pray and we give and we read scripture and we preach from scripture. Now they might do it for a long time. We tired trying to get it done in an hour. But then we get upset, if we go for an hour and 5 minutes.
Or in this case, maybe an hour and a half. Now. I'm not hopefully not. But that was disgusting. In fact the word their means tradition is tradition. And so he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath and stood up to read and he was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah and when he had opened the book you found the place where was written. The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal, the brokenhearted to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, just shut up Liberty, those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, then he closed the book and he gave it back to the attendance at down. In the eyes of all who are in the synagogue were fixed on him and he began to say to them today. This scripture is fulfilled in your hair. So I'll bore witness to him and marveled at the gracious Words which preceded out of his mouth and they said is not is this not Joseph's son. Panda, look at this sermon. It's not a very long sermon, in fact, the it's not even all the sermon that's recorded. The language there says basically Jesus began to preach saying many other words. So there's more to this than what we just read. But this is what Luke wants us to focus upon. This is what the Holy Spirit wants us to focus. Upon the fact that he was talking about. The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. And so again, he makes mention of the holy spirit that this first came in the power of the spirit. And now he's making mention of the fact that he is Anointed with the Holy Spirit. I'm so his audience would have understood what he was talking about. They understood Isaiah was a prophet of God and that this reading was coming from the great prophet himself. I saw, they also knew that I was talking about the Son of God, the coming Messiah being anointed by the Holy Spirit prophecy a prophecy about the Messiah. And it's so Jesus is telling them, this is what Isaiah said about me.
I remember, he goes on to priest and then he closes up to scroll, and he has a back to the attendant and he sat down. Now, you just think about that for just a second. Someone comes up, open jump the Bible. talks about some prophecy closes it and then says, This has been fulfilled today in your hearing.
Meaning it's about me. How would you feel if someone did that? How would you feel? Well, they didn't take it lightly and they didn't really take it kindly as we'll see you in just a moment. But as he quotes from the book of Isaiah in several different places particular in chapter 61 and also in chapter 49, He talks about proclaiming the acceptable year of the Lord. Now. It's interesting because he stops he stopped short because there's more to the text then just wear it what he read. He said to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and what follows is, which he did not read and the day of the Vengeance of our God.
What are you saying is? What has been fulfilled today, is that, this is the acceptable year of the Lord? And he's calling from Isaiah and Isaiah is talking about Jubilee. And if you don't know what you believe is, it was always on the 50th year for the Jews. And so if you were a Slave or if you load people money. It was in that year, the 50th year where all your debts were canceled when you were set free from being a Slave. And Jesus comes and he says today, is that day. I'm going to set you free. And that amazing. The Bible tells us in John chapter 8 beginning verse 34. He says, if the son makes you free, you will be free indeed. Truly free. And the sun makes us free and we have this Freedom. Can you, can you a picture that movie with Mel Gibson talk to you about the what was the name of that movie?
He's getting ready to get in that battle and he's getting those guys ready to fight and he says it's about Freedom. That's exactly what this is about. And Jesus is proclaiming piece of rain hard today. He's bringing your Nazi freedom to mankind. And it's interesting as you read the words within the context, so I know she's going through this Galilean Ministry.
Now, in gallery, there's about 200 4260 towns and Villages. So there's a lot of people he's going to talk to right now. He's done that and he's come into Nazareth. Nazareth, and he's in the synagogue. Now, when they built the synagogues, they always built the synagogue facing Jerusalem where the temple is. So, if you were in the North in Nazareth. The rabbi or whoever would be speaking from the pulpit would be looking out the door toward Jerusalem. Now, if you were in the South the southern part of Judea and you were in a synagogue, they are you and be looking North toward the temple or if you are on the west and he she got back and looking in to Jerusalem. And so this is what is going on and he proclaiming this freedom from all aspects around the gallery and around. Judea. Remember, there's only two places where Jesus goes in his ministry. Galilee to the north and Judea to the South. And so,
It goes back down and you did. It goes back to get, only one is around a little bit of the, the 10 cities that The Metropolis, the ten cities were Gentiles lit and then he shot back down there and he kept doing this back and forth, back and forth. And that was the way that he went about teaching and this ministry, so has these preaching and that he has come Heal the brokenhearted. Right to preach the gospel to the poor. Now. He's not talking about those who are literally poor. He's talking about those who are poor in spirit. No, The Sermon on the Mount. Blessed are those who are poor in spirit? Inspirit, they're downcast. They're sad or hurt their trouble. They're hurting. There's a lot of people in this community and in this country and in this world who are hurting Not physically. Emotionally summer, emotionally scarred. Something caused them to hurt inside. A technical term would be post-traumatic stress disorder, write something. Traumatic happened on an emotional basis and it has played them and it is hurt them to the point.
I can't function. Jesus says that come to preach the gospel to them. To offer them freedom. And then he says, I've also come to heal the brokenhearted to set at Liberty, the captives. The captives.
Captives are those who are in sin? Remember what Paul said? Any minutes sins is a slave to sin. And Jesus said the same thing. And John chapter 8, again of verse 34, anyone who sins is a slave to sin, but if the son of man comes and set you free, you will be free, indeed. Slaves to sin and you look at the condition of the world.
And we did a picture of it just from the prayers that have been offered today. We pray for our leaders. We pray for our country's people at citizens. And look what's going on. There's division. There's fighting, there's anger. There's all this stuff going on. And Jesus said, I came to remedy that I came to remedy that brother. Let me tell you this politics are important, but Christ is importanter. Christ is more important than politics. And so when Jesus says you love everybody, what you show? Kindness to everybody. That means everybody, Democrats. You need to show that love to Republicans. Republican. You need to show that love to the Democrats. We need to be kind to one another. We need to demonstrate the attitude that Christ had price could have just said
He showed Mercy. He showed kindness. He showed compassion and he says you do the same. You do the same. We're not, we're not exempt from that. We need to, if we're not doing those things. We need to change our ways, change our thinking that's repentance. Change our hearts and to do those things. And just think about if everyone would, if it was a two-way street where everybody was doing that, just think about the condition of this country. This community. Amazing would be totally different fall because of Jesus. So as we close out here. You think about this one little sermon? And notice what Jesus says, this is interesting, the verses 23 24. He says, you will surely say this proverb to me, physician heal thyself, and a lot of Truth to that. I kind of use that expression from time to time with somebody. You ever have. Somebody look you. And they go, you you did this and you did that. But you know what, the same person that's where I can that thing or in front of you, they done the same thing and probably are continuing to do the same thing. I saw you say to them physician heal thyself. And this is what these people had in mind. Where Jesus saying. I know this is what I told you and you're going to respond to do you think you are? You're so much better than us. Is that what you're saying? What physician heal thyself? So he says, this is what's going to happen. Whatever we have heard him. Do also here. In your country, then he said it sure that I sent you. No Prophet is accepted in his own country. In Mark chapter 6. He says the same thing. He says no Prophet is without honor except in his own country. And then he says among his own people and then he closed it out by saying in his own household.
So this kind of offended the people, let's go back to what he said, what they say. It says so he bore witness to him in Marvel. Did they Marvel at the gracious Words, which he said? That's one thing? And then they said, is this not Joseph son?
You know, the Pharisees called Joseph.
Center. And I called. Jesus, a sinner. Because Mary Had A Child, whose name was Jesus, who was from another father. From another father. So everybody thought that this was an illegitimate child, this Jesus. And Mary was a sinful mother. And when they started casting, these aspersions, especially the Pharisees, they would say that he was of Satan. Because of that.
So they said is this not Joseph's, son? I know you might think well, maybe maybe this is a kind statement, but let's look at what happens. Converse 2830 says, so all those going to synagogue when they heard, these things were filled with rap. And Rose up and flushed them out of the city. And they let him to the brow of the hill on which the city was built that, they might throw him down over the cliff, then passing through the Mists of a me. When is way then, that's something he just prophesied. What was going to happen? And surely sure enough. It happened in his own town and so humongous on family stand, that's his brothers and sisters thought he was out of his mind. Crazy. And here, they want to kill him and throw him out over the mountain. I'm so here. We find how people reject Christ. Jesus comes in offers a remedy of Hope and freedom and people rejected and brothers and sisters. This is where our hope and freedom lie. This is it. We dare not go beyond it with. You're not fall short of it. This is where it all lies. Hey, so when people don't know, the hope that's here for the remedy that's here, or the freedom that's here. Play Speak Out. And then reject Jesus. They speak out because they don't know what's here. The truth. The truth of the matter, but Jesus has provided a remedy. Jesus has provided hope, and he has provided freedom. And there's one verse, and all the Bible that captures it. He that believes and is baptized shall be saved. There's you Freedom saved from sin, save from hell. Safe, from Darkness, not safe, from physical death, but saved from spiritual death saved. And so those are the words of Jesus and he invites you this morning. He says come take hold of the freedom that I offer you believe in me believing what I say be baptized for the remission of your sins. And that's exactly why we were baptized because we enter into the death of Christ. We enter into the blood of Christ and it's the blood that cleanses us from all sin, but you can't get to the blood until you obey God by being baptized in water. Perhaps you've done that but you've rejected Jesus along the way and yes rejection comes from unbelief. That is Disobedience. Perhaps he's been in that situation in Jesus says come on home come back. There is freedom here for you waiting. Take that freedom today. Well, together we stand and see.