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"A Well For You" 2.13.2022  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  19:34
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Together. In the name of Jesus. Oh, well for you, hold on. Hallelujah. Yes, we're coming from the scriptures, Genesis 21, verses eight through 21. Oz skip around with in that section. But and the child grew and was weaned and Abraham made a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned. But Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian from whom she had born to Abraham laughing. So she said to Abraham cast out this slave woman with her son for the son of this slave woman shall not be are with my son, Isaac. Skipping down a few verses to 14. So Abraham Rose early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water, and gave it to Hagar putting it on her shoulder along with the child and sent her away. And she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba. When the water in the skin was gone. She put the child under one of the bushes. Then she went and sat down opposite him. A good way off about the distance of a bullshot for. She said, let me not look on the death of this child. And as she sat opposite of him, she lifted up her voice and went and got her, the voice of the boy and the angel of God Called to Hagar from heaven and said to her what? Troubleshoot Hagar. Fear not for God, has heard the voice of the boy where he is, lift up the boy and hold him fast with your hand. For I will make him into a great nation. Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water.

Thrift shop this morning. The Lord that he has a promise for us. No matter what happens. God going to keep his promises to us. Let me tell you today, that there is a well for you. If you're a little down this morning God is going to lift you up. We serve a God who has a way of inverted expectations type of God Shepherd. Will it take to take the place of a mighty king? A God, who allowed his son to be born in a manger and raise him up?

A God is raising up a people like you to bless you to use you to do Mighty things for him. What's the price for someone who wants to worship him? God wants. Someone who wants to come to church? Don't think that the people that God is raising up will look like or act. Like you expect that person to be expecting people from unexpected piece, unexpected promises to people with evictions. God is raising up people of courage to do God's work people with appointments people, with a purpose. People not only.

Hear God's voice. What are faithful? The gods call. You see Sarah is not the only person that God looks out for and blesses. Got also cleared for Hagar and it's going to bless your day is going to be

but God is also going to bless. Listen here as a slave. A servant to Sarah. Sarah gave Hagar to her husband to have a baby in her place. She was a face. And from what we know, she had been an obedient servant. No, because his heart was Sarah's slave. Sarah didn't have to cook and Sarah, didn't have to clean. Or wash. Hagar did it all.

Sara Gruen, patience.

Waiting on God. She insisted Hagar bear a child, so that Sarah's husband could have an heir.

Change the little bit. She no longer wanted that slave in that slave. Child around anymore Genesis 21 test and she said they were happy to get rid of that slave in her son. That's a woman. And her son will never share the inheritance with my son. See. Sarah didn't want Hagar or Ishmael to be blessed along with her and Isaac Hager.

But just because you are faithful, doesn't mean that you won't be attacked. The devil doesn't like that. You are faithful and just because you are faithful, don't think that everyone will like you and just because you are that everyone will accept you. Don't think that because you are loyal. Everyone will love you. These may be the exact reasons people don't want you around. You see the devil doesn't want you hanging around. The devil doesn't want you price and price and worshipping God. Hagar was a faithful servant. She was still sent the way to the desert. Verse 11 says, and the thing was very displeasing to Abraham on account of his son. But God said to Abraham to not be displeased because the boy because of the boy you because of your slave woman. Whatever Sarah says to do, do what she tells you. 4 through Isaac that your Offspring be named and I will make a nation of the son of the slave woman, also because he is your boss. Hagar was sent into the desert with just a vessel of water and some bread. Abraham didn't give her enough Provisions for the journey. AKA many Christians don't take enough of God with them through their journey in life. AKA Christians. Don't study. The Bible are not many Christians. Don't come to church enough.

But make sure that you taken enough Provisions with you, as you journey through this life. You never know when your journey is going to take you through your desert. We've all been in the desert at one point or another in our life.

In verse 15, when the water in the skin was gone. She put the boy under one of the bushes. The water was gone. The food was gone. Ishmael had to be weak and very sick from the water and no food. So sick, she put them under a bush. The desert is a hard place. And when you are in a spiritual desert, you are in a hard place. It's a place of loneliness. It's a place of desperation. It's a place to It's a place of confusion. This is a place of emptiness and fear.

The desert is a place where the wind of the spirit doesn't seem to blow. The desert is a place where there is no hiding place from the heat of the Sun. The desert is a place. Where the provisions of God seen so hard so far away. And then you just feel like giving up. 416 s. She went off his head down there by about a bowshot of way and has a, a bowhunter 30 40 yards away. Maybe she could see but far enough not to be part of the situation.

For she thought I cannot watch the boy die. And as she sat there nearby, she began to stop. Guitar cable. She thought that her promise was going to die. I am turning you today and saying that God promises promises promises of God, afraid. God has heard the boy crying. Just heard the boy crying from there. And in the desert, God hears. The boys cry. And the angel of the Lord has 10 car, what's wrong?

The Lord is asking the same thing. I've heard your prayers. What's wrong? Time to ask you before. Text you again. What's wrong? I will never leave you.

What's wrong?

And the angel of the Lord told Hagar do not be afraid. The holy spirit is saying the same thing to us this morning, whatever you're going through.

What's wrong? Do not be afraid. There is a well for you. We have run out of food. We are, we can, we are hungry? Do not be afraid. There is a will for you.

Do not be afraid that there is a will for you.

Then God heard the boys cries. And the angel of God called a car from the sky Hagar, what's wrong phrase from the place, where you laid him, who is the boy up and take him, but I will make him into a great nation. Then God. And she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. You see, even in the desert God is with you. In the desert. God has provided a well, there is a well for you people.

Your situation. Doesn't determine whether or not God will bless you, your submission will. The problem doesn't deserve determine whether or not. God will bless you, your prayer and preservation and perseverance will. Your Brokenness. Will not determine whether God. Will bless you. Your belief in God will. Natural face in your life, will not determine whether God will use your obedience will.

We serve a god of resurrection power. So maybe you found yourself. In the desert. The place where it isn't easy to dream, your dream. A place where your vision starts to fade off in the distance. What's just because it isn't easy as possible.

Too often. We let go of the dream. Too often. We let go of the vision to watch The Promise because we do not see how the needs will be met.

We think that's because we don't know the answer cannot be found.

This is the problem with lack of faith.

I didn't see it. It didn't happen. If I didn't hear it, it was not set. If I didn't touch it. It was not felt. If I don't think it possible. It cannot be done. If God gives the vision, he will provide the proficient. Will meet your needs and your Brokenness, you will heal your heartache will bring comfort in this loneliness.

The reason we can trust God's I will. It's because we know that he is The Great. I Am. And what God has promised? God will perform whatsoever. God has declared. He will deliver. Whatever God has begun. He will bring to completion. I am to everyone. Not and I am not. First 19th, and God opened her eyes, and she saw the well of water. So she went and filled his skin with water and caves.

The drink. We refused the well. We refuse to take that leap of faith. We are paralyzed. What if it won't quench my thirst? What if we get thirsty later? What if it doesn't work? What if I can't pay my nuts month?

If we become so afraid.

We would rather sit in the desert and die. Then rise up and accept the provision. God puts before us.

God will walk into the fiery, furnace with you. Oh, God is a way maker prayer of courage and providing us.

A place of safety in the desert. There is a well for you. Will you walk to it? Dear Saints in closing, there is a well for you to drink. Time is coming for the worship. Worship the father.

The time is here for us to take that sicko water from the world's salvation.

There are blessings in your well, there are healings in your well. There are Provisions for that journey in our well. There are joyful experiences in our. Well, I stay at 44th Street and ground. I will pour my spirit upon thy seed and my blessing. Upon thy Offspring Saints.

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