Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
1st John chapter 3 verse, John 3:16 Vice you to follow along with me as I start reading first.
Number 11, 1st, John 3:10 a 11 going to read through verse 17.
The Bible says, for this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that you should love one another, not as Cain, who was of that, Wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore sluhi him because his own works for evil and his brothers righteous Marvel, not my brethren.
If the world hate you.
We know that we have passed from Death unto life because we love the Brethren.
He that loveth, not his brother, a b as in death.
Whosoever hateth, his brother is a murderer and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us.
And we ought to lay down our lives for the Brethren were 17, but whoso hath, this world's good and see if his brother have need and shut up his bowels of compassion from him.
How do well if the love of God in him?
So tonight I like to preach a message that I've been titled.
Simple question.
Where is your birthmark?
Where is your birthmark?
It seems like an odd question to ask.
Where is your birthmark if you think about it?
Well, maybe not whenever I think about it birthmark assassinating.
Their interesting people.
They have all kinds of different birthmarks.
Some you can see some, you can't.
But the most obvious birthmarks of the ones you see on people's faces.
They can't hide it, just right there on their face and some people, they're comfortable with how they look.
This is who I am.
This is a part of me.
I'm okay with that.
This is how God made me, no big deal and they just go about life just like any other normal person would Others.
However, become self-conscious about how they look and will either try to hide their birthmark by covering it up, or are we using makeup to hide it?
Or even going so far as to have it removed altogether, they get really self-conscious about how it looks.
Did you know that Christians have birthmarks?
Did you know, a Christian had a birthmark?
Raise your hands.
Not if you knew as a Christian, you had a birthmark.
Yeah, I know hands.
See this is why it's exciting.
You have a birthmark.
If you're born again, it's called love for one another.
That's the birthmark of a Christian love for one.
Another most Christians are comfortable with their birthmark and have no problem at all.
This playing it.
It's just natural.
This is who I am is who God made me to be love for one another, no problem, but for some reason other seem ashamed of their birthmark and they try to hide it or they go to Great Lengths to squash it down, never seen angry Christian.
I just got a Bitter Earth Market.
Want to hide it.
They don't want you to see love for one another John.
He said that those who know Christ as your lord and savior are to exude love for one.
It is out of you, kind of like you, your love is touching me.
It's just it's not a common flow out of you.
That's how much and you should be like a birthmark on the face.
It should be something that cannot be hid.
Love for one another.
In fact, we love others in response to the great love that has been shown to us.
Loving one.
Another is the Christian's response to the love.
They have received from God. Look with me getting a verse number 11.
He says for this is the message that he heard from the beginning that we should love one another.
The foundation of the Christian faith is love.
That's what is built.
It's built on, God's love for us.
The love of God.
The foundation is both the love that God has shown to us, but also the love that we show to others.
But take a closer.
Look at what John is saying here?
He is saying that the message that has been preached from the very beginning was that we should love one another from the very beginning.
This is only made possible because God first loved us.
We can only love really because God first loved us.
But the message is clear that you can judge whether or not, someone is a Christian by their display of Love towards others.
It sounds kind of scary to say, but if you think about it, Christians ought to be known by their love for others.
Because what motivates somebody who's not a Christian, somebody was not born again.
Somebody who doesn't know the Lord as their personal savior.
What motivates someone like that to show love and their own life towards others.
What is their motivation?
Is it not some kind of personal gain?
Are they not looking to get something out of that love and return?
The game could be Financial.
Perhaps by showing someone love.
They can somehow and enrich themselves, financially, or that love could be an emotional type of gain that, feeling good about themselves, because they were kind of someone else.
Like, you know, what?
I was extra nice to that person over there, and that makes me feel good as a person like they're, they're trying to get that emotional gain or or it could be selfish knowing that showing love towards another would make their own life easier or better.
You know, what if I show my boss love and respect like that.
He won't ride my back so hard, it'll make my job easier.
If I'm nice to the boss, even though deep down.
I can't stand him.
He gets on my nerves, can't stand.
That guy is always just all about this real about that.
I just want to do my own thing my own way, but Who the boss doesn't like that, but if I'm nice to him, hey, that's like greasing the wheels.
He leaves me alone.
I get to do what I want to do.
There's always a personal gain of some kind in the end.
If you boil it down.
As the reason the motivation, that's someone who doesn't know.
The Lord shows love towards others is because they're getting something, whether it's emotional or material.
So that's how someone who doesn't know the Lord why they show love, but what motivates a Christian to show love towards others.
If I were to ask you tonight, like what is it that motivates you as a Christian to show love toward someone else.
What would you say the answer?
Hopefully would be.
Well, the answer is love.
I love others because I was, I am loved.
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