30 years that change the world

Acts  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Three crucial decades in world history. That is all it took. In the years between AD 33 and 64 a new movement was born. In those thirty years it got sufficient growth and credibility to become the largest religion the world has ever seen and to change the lives of hundreds of millions of people. It has spread into every corner of the globe and has more than two billion putative adherents. It has indelible impact on civiliation, on culture, on education, on medicine, on freedom and on lives of countless people. And the seedbed for all this, the time when it took decisive root, was in these three decades, it all began with a dozen men and a few women: and then the Spirit came. And these three decades, there is only one connected account of this astonishing, volcanic erruption of the Christian faith and that is contained in the Acts of the Apostle.
The last two years has not been the most easy, but maybe in the midst of all that, it pushes us to answer much more fundamental questions about ourselves. What are we doing each week that we’re doing? What are the essentials of our faith ? What is the main purpose of church anyway? It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit would blow away the dead leaves of our church, and as we look at the white-hot eruption of Christians into soceity, I praying that future 30 years of our church, that by the grace of God and power of Holy Spirit, we would be faithful to the task God has given us. God is still engaged in brining salavation to the world, He has not give up on his mission. That is why the study of Acts remains so important. If those first Christians could accomplish so much in so short a space of time with such skiumpy resources, what might we commplish if it was prepared for the vision, the faith and dedication they exhibited. Let’s pray.
What is the hardest thing you have been asked to do? Did you back out or did you take on? If the latter, were successful, and why?
Jesus is about to ascend and given the hardest task for their apostle, let’s see how God helped them in achieving.


Acts is a book of God, a book about how the trinity is working through the lives of apostles to change the world. Luke details this new movement rooted in old, idvinely made promises, that slasvation is for all because Jesus is Lord of all from 33 to 62 AD. As a church, we would like to rediscover our original mission, to strengthen our trust, weaken our pride, widen our vision and revitalize our memory. We would use 4 weeks for each section of Acts, it could be seperated into 3 sections, the church starts, the church scatters, the church sends. Or from the key verse 1:8 the gospel is going to Jerusalem, Samaria and ends of the earth. And to understand more the background, how about let’s just dive into the first 5 verses of the Acts as it gives us a very clear idea of the book, and also it gives us the first theme of today. Remember. Rembmer what? The gospel of Jesus. Remember the gospel of Jesus.
Read Luke 1:1-4 and Acts 1: 1-3
In what ways are the books of Luke and Acts similar? In what ways are they different?

Remember (v1-5)

阿非羅阿、我已經作了前書、論到耶穌 開頭一切所行所教訓的、 2 直到他藉著聖靈 、吩咐所揀選的使徒、以後被接上升的日子為止。 3 他受害之後、用許多的憑據、將自己活活的顯給使徒看、四十天之久向他們顯現、講說 神國的事。 4 耶穌 和他們聚集的時候、囑咐他們說、不要離開耶路撒冷 、要等候父所應許的、就是你們聽見我說過的。 5 約翰 是用水施洗.但不多幾日、你們要受聖靈 的洗。
In what ways did Jesus prepare and equip his apostles to continue his ministry and life on earth?
How is your hope and confidence in Jesus affected by what you learn of him in the passage?
3. What are some of the experience in the pass two years that have gave you assurance in God?
Luke not only has written the gospel of Luke, he also has written the Acts of the Apostles. And his immediate purpose in writing them was to help a man named Theophilus see the truth about what Jesus did and taught and how the church spread throughout the Roman world. It may help to see this first-hand. In Luke 1:3-4
Luke 1:3–4 ESV
it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.
Thophilus is probably some kind of Roman official, and Luke’s aim is to give him and maybe many more others a faithful account of what Jesus did and said and then of the progress of the church. And the key word here is “begain”. We are to remember this beginning. What Jesus did on the earth in his compassionate, loving, healing deeds and what he said is truthful comforting was only the beginning of his deed and teaching. The implication is clear that now - that he is not finished. He is alive and he is present. And this gives purpose to the book fo Acts. The books of Acts is not just the acts of the apostles, it is acts of the risen living, enthroned Jesus. He not only ascended but he goes on building his church, and we are part of that continue story.
Jesus is today still building a chuch, and to continue that story the apsotels are to rembmer, they are first to remember that he is alive and triumphant over death. The thing is that the death and resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of knowing that he is the saviour, he is the promised messiah all these years along, he is the mediator for us to God. And until the apostles are profundly persuaded that Jesus had broken the power of death and sin, therefore could never be defeated and his cause unstoppable, the apostles were ready to go back to their everyday lives, to fish. But for forty days Jesus appeared to them again and again. And the postles were beyond doubt. And the resurrection, that new life could happen in the darkest place, became the main theme of Acts, the main message of all the preaching in Acts. Not only his death and resurrection, but also instruction about the kingdom of God. The apostles had been so slow of heart to understand and believe during the ministry of Jesus on the earth, they need to understand what does Jesus life means, and so Jesus explained, right from the beggining of the Bible Luke 24:25-27
Luke 24:25–27 ESV
And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.
Not only to remember the resurrection of Jesus and his teaching, but they needed to remember the promise of Holy Spirit. Right from the start of Jesus ministry, Jesus promised he would baptised people by the holy spirit and fire. But maybe a lot of people ask, what is this baptism of holy spirit, is it the same as water baptisim, where we start our spiritual rebirth and union of God? It is a good question, and different traditions in church has different answers. For example the Pentacost believe in two baptism, and the baptism of holy Spirit would bring you into a higher spiritual plane. While we might not set this as a secondary baptism, some are clear, that being baptized with the holy Spirit is hwen a believe in Jesus receive extraoridnary power for Christ-exalting ministry, for mission. While the rest of this series would give us more detail, baptized with the Spirit is very similar to saying filled with Spirit, and is nearly always for mission, if you look at Luke 24:49 “And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” With this baptism they will have power, to being bold to witness to the ends of the earth.
Illustrate: And so, as we today prepare to start understanding Acts, let’s remember Luke. Let’s remember the power of resurrection and the Holy Spirit. Let’s prepare our next year’s journey through remembing. Last month I finally was able to get a holiday, and as a drive along the eastcoast, and as I look back on the last two years, I realize how much goodness in God. In the midst of media, bad news, epedemic I forgot that. All the sea and mountain shout to worship our GOd, but not only that, when looking at new waves, new trees, new fruits, I remember the miracle of resurrection, the power to save death and sin. And I believe some of those experience resonante with you too. And so let’s remember. But not only remembering, we listen.

Listen (v6-11)

6 他們聚集的時候、問耶穌 說、主阿、你復興以色列 國、就在這時候嗎。 7 耶穌 對他們說、父憑著自己的權柄、所定的時候日期、不是你們可以知道的。 8 但聖靈 降臨在你們身上、你們就必得著能力.並要在耶路撒冷 、 猶太 全地、和撒瑪利亞 、直到地極、作我的見證
9 說了這話、他們正看的時候、他就被取上升、有一朵雲彩把他接去、便看不見他了。 10 當他往上去、他們定睛望天的時候、忽然有兩個人、身穿白衣、站在旁邊、說、 11 加利利 人哪、你們為甚麼站著望天呢.這離開你們被接升天的耶穌 、你們見他怎樣往天上去、他還要怎樣來
4. When Jesus is answering the disciples questions, how does it show some of the misconception of the disciples about God’s salvation plan?
5. Put yourself in the shoes of the apsotles. How would you feel if you were first to be given the task described in verse 8?
6. Did you tend to seek to obey Christ without relying on the Spirit’s power, but rather on your own? Or do you tend to shrink back from witnessing about Christ because you feel powerless to do so? How does this passage encourage and challenge you?
7. In his commentary on Acts, Blaiklock comments: “To press outward from the fringe is always sound policy, provided it is done with vigour and devotion.” Discuss this as a response to Acts 1:8. Where is our fringe now?
8. Reflect on what it means for you to be Jesus’s witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. Where is your Jerusalem, your Samaria, your ends of the earth? What is one thing in 2022 you would do after Jesus’s last words?
After the introduction of Acts, remembering all that Jesus has donem they were gathered onto Mount of Olive. The disciples asked a questions, when is Israel restored. This is not actually a bad question. They were immersed in the Old Testament, and Ezekiel 39:2 ““Therefore thus says the Lord God: Now I will restore the fortunes of Jacob and have mercy on the whole house of Israel, and I will be jealous for my holy name.” And so when Jesus said you will baptized by the spirit, don’t they know that that Old Testament is about to fulfill. It’s a good question, so Jesus did not rebuke them, but tenderly answer them.
Here, verse 8 is so important for us Christian that I would like to expand a bit. While Matthew 28:19,20 gave us the great commission, here is exapnds on it. and that Jesus last words as last year we said, should be our first priority. That the kingdom is now in a way, that we will receive the power of Holy Spirit, but it is not yet. It is done yet, We are called to be a witness . TIn a way that we are not eye-witness of Jesus, we are witness of his resurrection power, and we are to witness him come in to flesh, died to pay for our sins and resurrected, and call to believe in him so receive forgivensss of sins. And it requires us to use words, logos our life and deeds, ethos, and passion, pathoes.It requires our whole lives dedication. The message is simple, but the deamand of the messagners is serious. For effective witness, there must be the Word, the inner reality, the passion. Our honour exceeds that of any wordly abassdor, Christ last words to us is our first priotiy. you will be my witness.
And while we are not born in Jerusalem and Samaria, the command talks about the extend of the mission. When the disciples are just thinking the Israel restoration, Jesus is talking about people Israel’s half breed, the end of the worlds to Gentiles. The kingdom is also not national, only tied to Israel. the kingdom is to be not limited to Jersusalem, or even samaria, but to the ends of the world. The words are shock in those days, they are spiritually, socially, ethnically unheard of. And we know exactly this is the story of Acts, Jerusalem was filled with the preaching of gospel, later Philip broke the taboos of Judea and corssed over into Samria. Many commentators said it is not only about geography, but also alluded to Isaiah 49:6
Isaiah 49:6 ESV
he says: “It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved of Israel; I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”
And so Acts 1:8 is not only geographic but theopoligical. The Isainic New Exodus signifies the arriaval of a new era, 1. The dawn of salvation upon Jersualem, Judea and Samaria the reconstitution and reunification of Israel, and finally the inclusion of all Gentiles within the people of God. And while Acts stops at Roman, which many believe to be the the end of the earth, the Acts doesn’t stop there, because today we are witness as well, today we are to bring the gospel to the whole world.
And when Jesus gave his last word, words that we must continue to obey, he was ascended. And as he ascended, two angels, talk to them why are they looking up. As Jesus ascended, so he will come back again, to judge and bring salvation to the whole world. In the meantime, go. You have a job to do.
And it is so easy, so easy for us church to forget this, here Jesus gave us command to obey, the priority for the church until Jesus returns, a mission of which the community must never lose sight, is to witness to Jesus to the end of the earth. The church exists, born here, is to extend the apostolic witness to Jesus everywhere. In fact, the church does not have a mission, it is mission. The mission have a church.
And so after 2 years, after covid-19, what is our church focus? What would 2022 be? Some say, church should care about church members who are discouraged or in fear, yes I know there are those who needs encouragement, needs love, felt far from God, of course we should do this, of course our life groups need to gather these people, of course church leaders need to care them. And let do this together, let’s show that we are a church by our love. Some say, we need to improve our ministry qualities. We need to make better online worship, better safety, better kids ministry, better sermons etc which is great. We would like the give the best to our ministries. But in 2022, we would also like to come back to Jesus’s great commmandment, to be his mission, however small step it is for us. We’re living in a world that needs hope, that needs the love of Jesus even more, especially under the epidemic.
Will we in some way reach out to those nearest to us, in our home and neighbours, in our family and friends, in our work. Will we just walk across the cubiciale, will we be faithful in our Christian living at home? Will we spend some time to talk to somebody who is open to Jesus?
But will we reach out more, there may be this couple, this person coming from HK or China, we need to welcome them. We need to include them as our friends, we need to tell them gospel?
Or even more, we will be involved in multicultural ministry in our church, to cross barriers to bring people of different nationality into God’s family. It may start with prayer, start with community engagement programs like children play group, it may start with a chat with your non-Chinese friend?
You say Pastor, this is so hard, by my strenght it is so difficult. And so let’s look at the last three verse:

Prepare (v12-14)

12 有一座山名叫橄欖山、離耶路撒冷 不遠、約有安息日可走的路程.當下門徒從那裡回耶路撒冷 去。 13 進了城、就上了所住的一間樓房.在那裡有彼得 、約翰 、雅各 、安得烈 、腓力 、多馬 、巴多羅買 、 馬太 、亞勒腓的兒子雅各 、奮銳黨 的西門 、和雅各 的兒子猶大 。 14 這些人、同著幾個婦人、和耶穌 的母親馬利亞 、並耶穌 的弟兄、都同心合意的恆切禱告。
9. After Jesus ascended back to heaven, what did the angel most wanted his followers to know? What difference could it make to us to remember that ?
10. What is the first thing the apsotles did after Jesus ascended? Why is that important?
11. How is your prayer life? As a life group, how do we improve our prayer lives together for the sake of the gospel?
After Jesus’s Ascension, Luke tells us how they occupied the next ten days before Pentecost. In his gospel he says they satyed continually at the temple, praising God, and in the acts that in the room where they were lodging, they all joined together constantly in prayer. And there are two characteristics of their prayer. First, their prayer was united. There was a variety of people here, men and women, apostles and ordinary people. There could be division right here, as Jesus was just recently crucifield and they could go on blaming each other, or blaming each other . But no, they pray with one accord. There was among these believers a wonderful unity that bound them together in Christ, the unity that we need today. As we prepare a new year of mission, to these 120 people they have faith in one another when given the solemn responsibility of bearing witness to a list world, and none could do the job alone.
And they also prayed in persistent. As we continue to look at acts, we see prayer is nearly the pre-requiste of all holy spirit activity. We learn, God’s promise do not render prayer superflouous. On the contrary, it is only his promises which give us the warrant to pray and the confidence that he will hear and answer. And as they prayed, and prepared, we woul see how God would send them spirit, and give them power to witness. If the Holy Spirit is the divine gift which empowers the church, the human attitude towards God is prayer. It is as the church prays that it receiveds the Spirit.
Apply: And so, as we embark another year of God’s commission, let’s pray, let’s pray individually for the church, let’s pray in the life group, and let’s pray as a church. While we continue pray for each other, we particularly for our church, multicultural ministry and missionaries. It is because only relying on God’s spirit, that we have the power to be his witness. And so in this new year, let’s remember, obey, and prepare.
I will end with a story.William Carey was born in 1761, people called him father of modern mission. He grew up and became a showemaker, in his life he has a lot of struggle. He became a Christian and pastor in his 20s. He has been praying to God in revivals, and responding to God’s calling, he would like to bring gospel to many new places. But all changes, all outreachings comes with opposition, one elder said, “Sit down young man, you’re an ethuaist. God will do his will without you and me.” But he perserved and prayed and cotinue to remember God’s command.He tried to set up missionary centre, but without financial support. But always he put God’s commision at the front of his life. Many many attacks and trategy happen in his life, but by grace and Holy Spirit, he followed through. At the end of his life, he with his team translate bible into 40 language, planted 126 churches, and started the missional movement.
While God uses different people differently, he also is using our church, a new chapter of our church, to all nations. Will we remember, will we obey and will we prepare? Let’s pray.
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