Shed a Little Light on It!
Shed a Little Light on It!
Mat. 5.14
· Illustr: Construction light on I-20
· Jn. 8.12 I am the light of the world
· Seven I Am Statements:
1) I am the bread of life. 2) I am the good shepherd. 3) I am the door. 4) I am the resurrection and the life. 5) I am the way, the truth, and the life. 6) I am the true vine. 7) I am the light of the world.
· Mt. 5.14 You are the light of the world
· Influence. What kind of influence do we have on the people around us/the world?
1. Light is not so much what we have; it’s what we are
· Explain—Jesus didn’t say “You’ve got the light!” But rather, “You are the light of the world.”
· Cf: Acts 1.8
· Illustr: Joe Hansen—servant
2. Light, by definition, shines
· V. 16—le t your light shine--λάμπω
· Illustr: Flashlight
· Explain. Electromagnetic spectrum. Light is photons. Waves/particles. Travels @ 186,000 mps/300,000 kps. Light shines!
· We are lights—to not shine would be . . .
3. There’s really no such thing as artificial light
· Explain—many counterfeits—much said about spirituality—but there is one gospel—one Lord!
· Ro 1:25, NIV25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. NOT ASHAMED
· Illustr: Fog lights on my truck
4. Light shining in the middle of a bright place not the best use of light
· Illustr: Using a flashlight in Wal-Mart parking lot in the middle of the day.
· Explain—we all shine in here. What about out there?
5. The brighter light shines in the dark, the better
· Illustr: Spook movies—using a Zippo lighter in a dark cave
· Illustr: Comparing flashlights
· Explain—the world is a dark place.
6. A little light is better than no light at all
· Explain. We’re not all aggressive in our shining. Some just simply shine in bolder ways.
· Illustr: Evans on the elevator
· Illustr: Carlsbad Caverns
7. Light should never be taken lightly
· Explain: concept of Christ in us—we are light is a big deal. But I’m afraid we simply take it for granted.
· World is a very dark place—needs light—needs us!!
· You are the light of the world! Go out there and SHINE!