“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Famous verse
The scope of God’s love
The nature of God’s love
The purpose of God’s love
The response to God’s love
The Scope of God’s love
The world
The world organised in its rebellion
The world in desperate need of God’s saving grace
The Nature of God’s love
‘So’ loved
The gift
Fox & wool/fur image
The Purpose of God’s love
Eternal life
Present, not just future
Life The life of the age to come
Nicodemus ‘must be born again’ ie born from above
The Response to God’s love
Belief in Jesus
Trust - reliance
Hot air balloon illustration
Pointless to flap arms
Nothing in my hand I bring/Simply to thy cross I cling/Naked come to thee for dress/Helpless look to thee for grace/Foul, I to the fountain fly/Wash me, Saviour, or I die