Conspiriacy Therory
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What is it?
Forcing all the pieces together
Malicious planning by secret societies
No one can see it but a select few
Beliefs that can’t be proven wrong to those that believe them.
When someone says they understand something that can’t be absolutely proven or disproven that’s a red flag.
How does the Bible encourage us to think? It makes claims and then it encourages us to verify those claims. Scripture puts a heavy emphasis on listening to the right voice.
Scripture encourages us to take conspiracy theories out into the light and examine them carefully. Look and what they are actually saying and look and the agreements against them.
Example? Epstein was murdered?
Lack of humility
Ask: what would have to happen to show that I’m wrong? What does it change if it’s true or false? Does it change what I’m supposed to be doing as a Christian? Could I be participating in misleading others?
Conspiracy theories require a level of coordination that is never seen in the real world. Governments and organizations that are known for being inept are somehow able to pull levers at just the right time, while keeping it all secret, isn’t reality.
Fulfilled prophecy wasn’t known as such until decades later. The people didn’t know at the time unless Jesus specifically said so.
God gives people discernment to look back on what happened and then acknowledge a fulfillment. Conspiracy theories try to make sense of knowledge in the present.
Matthew 24 wasn’t understood when Jesus first said it. It’s still not completely understood because we some of it still hasn’t been fulfilled.
What is Gnosticism?
It is the belief in a secret knowledge that will open up salvation, or some other form of rescue. Usually it is accompanied by a refusal to test the theory against the real world. Experts are dismissed because “they’re part of the conspiracy.” Friends are dismissed because “they don’t know what’s going on”. There is a genuine lack of humility.
Real understanding takes time. It takes careful study of history, and society, and especially scripture.
What are the consequences of believing conspiracy theories? Diminished witness, wrong focus, people could get hurt
What kind of conspiracy theories are there? moon landing, government takeovers, false prophecies