God's veiw of singleness-your purpose
We have discussed over the last two bible studies in our God's view of singleness series
Your uniqueness: Who you are
· made in His image-exact reflection
· have His attributes- intelligence,morals,creativity
· without peer
· special, whole and complete
· God does not have a problem with singleness but being alone- make friends
We have discussed your value: Accept who you are
· because God made us He has given us value-worth and importance
· He rates us highly
· Since He values us-Name inscribed on His hands
· He is mindful of us-takes thought about us
· we must value ourselves
· not to be used or thrown away, treated any old type of way
· must value ourselves-not participate in behavior that decreases the value God has placed on us
And now we will discuss the 3rd part of our 4 part series your Purpose: Why are you here!
Have you ever wondered why something was made or what is the reason for its existence?
What is the purpose for an appendix?
What is the purpose of a tonsil?
Why is the sunflower so big?
Why was it so important to wear clean underwear in case you get hit by a car?
We can think of many things and ask; what is the reason for its existence?
It is a question that I often ask those around me,
· I usually find in response that many never give it much thought
· I usually find that many have no clue
· I usually find that those who claim they know give generalities
- Be a good Christian
- be successful on the job
- love everybody
- live a good life
God did not make us in His image; ascribe great value to us for nothing!
There is a general as well as a specific purpose God has determined for your life and it is when you are single that you must take advantage of the
· freedom
· liberty
· & time
To find it!
In order to search out purpose we must define what it is!
2372 זָמַם (zamam): v.; ≡ Str 2161; TWOT 556—1. LN 30.56-30.74 (qal) plan, plot, intend, i.e., to think with the purpose of planning or deciding a course of action (Ge 11:6; Dt 19:19; Ps 31:14[EB 13]; 37:12; Pr 30:32; Jer 51:12; La 2:17+); 2. LN 30.75-30.85 (qal) resolve, decide, choose, determine, i.e., come to a conclusion about an object or event, implying a course of action (Ps 17:3; Jer 4:28; Zec 1:6; 8:14, 15+); 3. LN 30.39-30.52 (qal) consider, look at, i.e., think about the quality of an object, implying an informed decision will be made (Pr 31:16+)[1]
[2]Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains : Hebrew (Old Testament) (electronic ed.) (HGK2372). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
30.56 βούλομαιb; βουλεύομαιa: to think, with the purpose of planning or deciding on a course of action—‘to purpose, to plan, to intend.’[3]
· Rational and conscious desire- thought out
· different from a wish- which is impulsive and unconscious desire
[4]Louw, J. P., & Nida, E. A. (1996, c1989). Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament : Based on semantic domains (electronic ed. of the 2nd edition.) (Vol. 1, Page 356). New York: United Bible societies.
· A deliberate intention
· having a assigned function
· meaningful
In other words you are here for a reason according to a plan that was well thought out!
And because we are children of God we understand that God is the source of our purpose!
Let’s go to the scriptures:
· Isaiah 14:24
1. 24 God-of-the-Angel-Armies speaks:
“Exactly as I planned,
It will happen.
Following my blueprints,
It will take shape.
[5]Peterson, E. H. (2003). The Message : The Bible in contemporary language (Is 14:24). Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress.
- God has a plan-He used Assyria to punish Israel and now He will punish Assyria
· Gen 3:15
- God had a plan for us
- a plan for the enemy
· Ps 139:16
1. 16 Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
All the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
Before I’d even lived one day.
[7]Peterson, E. H. (2003). The Message : The Bible in contemporary language (Ps 139:16). Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress.
- David’s frame means his skeleton and his unformed body is his embryo. Moreover, God prerecorded all the days of the psalmist before he was even born. This statement may mean that God determined how long he would live, but in view of verses 1-4, it more likely refers to everyday details. God marvelously planned out his life.[8]
[9]Walvoord, J. F., Zuck, R. B., & Dallas Theological Seminary. (1983-c1985). The Bible knowledge commentary : An exposition of the scriptures. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
As the scriptures attest we serve a God who
· plan
· devises strategy
· and ordains purpose
Our source of purpose is God!
And His general purpose for His children is found in
· Jer 29:11
- 11 I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.[10]
[11]Peterson, E. H. (2003). The Message : The Bible in contemporary language (Je 29:11). Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress.
- God's intent is to bless us
- care for us
- give us a future and a hope
· Eph 2:10
- 10 No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.[12]
[13]Peterson, E. H. (2003). The Message : The Bible in contemporary language (Eph 2:10). Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress.
- He saved us for a reason
- workmanship- His masterpeice
- walk and do good works
- be like Him
· Ecc 3:10
- 10 I have seen the business that God has given to everyone to be busy with. [14]
[15]The Holy Bible : New Revised Standard Version. 1996, c1989 (Ec 3:10). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
- Business,travail,burden-occupation,heavy responsibity
- God did not leave us here for nothing, he left us with a responsibility
· Rom 8:28
1. 28 That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
29 God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him.
[17]Peterson, E. H. (2003). The Message : The Bible in contemporary language (Ro 8:28-29). Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress.
· God is sovereign
· We trust that even the negatives God will work for our good
· He has a plan and purpose for us that will be to our good
· His purpose for us will never be stopped
· He is always looking after our Good
It is obvious to see that God has a general plan for all His children
- Give us hope
- Save us
- To be like Him(Christ likeness)
- To be busy with what He has us to do
We as Christians can all claim that our purpose is to be
- like him
- obey Him
- please Him
But what specifically does He want you to do, why are you here!
- preach the good news to the gentiles
- establish churches and train leaders
- Write almost half the N.T.
- God knew Him before He formed him to be a prophet
- Delivered his people from famine
- 50/20 principle-Gen 50:20
- 20 As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil. He brought me to the high position I have today so I could save the lives of many people. [18] New Living Trans.
As God has a specific plan for them He has a specific purpose for you!
- Exodus 25:9,40, 26:30
God was specific in how He wanted the tabernacle set up and He is specific in His purpose for you life
And when you know it:
- No time limit
- age is nothing but a number
- you don’t grow out of purpose you die out of purpose
- God designed you just the way you are to accomplish His plan from the womb to the tomb
- Increases your attractiveness
- No one wants to be around anyone who does not know why they are here
- They don’t know where they are going
- Or who are lost
- People want to be around people of purpose and people of vision
- Focuses your decisions
- If I know what God wants me to do, I can base my decisions around it
- Who to marry
Ill: you and Val testimony
- What job to take
- Education to pursue
- State to live
- Not aimless-like a ship without a rudder
- Helps you to be undeterred from your obstacles
- When I know God ordain this purpose for me I can’t or won’t quit
- I am unconquerable
- It is not a matter of if, but when
- I can’t be stopped
- Fulfillment
- Only God’s purpose for your life will fulfill you
- Give you peace
- When you are not walking in your purpose you are always searching for something greater, something better, something with meaning in your life. Life is alive and vibrant and not decaying and dying
- Ordinary is not a feeling you want, frustration is not one you want, mundane and the routine is not what YOU WANT
- Prosperity
- You will prosper in your purpose
- Not work in your purpose-can do it for free
- What do you love most
- What do you hate most
- What are you gifted in-God has given us gifts which will help direct you to His purpose
- What drives you-your passion
- Purpose-what to do, personality and gifts-how you do it, passion-where you do it at
- Pleases God
- Chief end of man is to glorify God and obey His commands
- You glorify Him when you walk in the steps He has created you to walk in
- You can’t please Him when you are walking contrary to His plan
- Don’t let fear, doubt and unbelief deter you from your purpose
- Ties you into vision
- Myles Monroe says:
Purpose is when you know and understand what you are Born to accomplish
Vision is when you can see it in your mind by faith and begin to imagine it
- Your vision has it source in your purpose, and your purpose has its source in God
- You become useful in the Master’s hand
Purpose in Life
Many years before Abraham Lincoln was elected president, he was a store-keeper in Salem, Illinois. Abe had a rifle displayed in his store that was one of the most beautiful rifles ever made. The barrel was made from the finest steel, the stock from the best walnut wood; and a world-famous gunsmith had assembled the gun. The price was extremely reasonable. Displayed next to this attractive gun was a rack of ordinary Kentucky squirrel rifles. These long-barrel rifles were made from ordinary gun steel, and plain wooden stocks. Yet, the price was higher.
A customer entered the store looking for a new rifle. He was impressed by the fine-looking gun, but was confused as to why it was priced much lower than the less attractive rifles. Abe explained that the good-looking rifle was for show, while the others were for shooting. The pioneer bought the Kentucky squirrel rifle.
A little while later, a rich farmer was decorating a room in his country mansion. He wanted to place a gun over the fireplace mantle with his big game trophies. Abe’s fancy gun was exactly what he needed. The fact that it would not shoot was irrelevant. The purpose of the gun had changed.
God has given each of us a purpose, too. We can choose to work for God’s glory and make disciples for Christ, or we can choose to be decorations in the church. What purpose are you serving in your relationship with Christ?
Pastor Don Holliday, The Scocaster, September 27, 1998
If you want God’s purpose for your life:
- Ask Him
- Be patient
- Stay in His word
- Accept it when He gives it to you
- Be accountable-do your part to walk in it
- Serve- serving helps you search out and confirm your purpose
Let us Pray!
[18]Holy Bible : New Living Translation. 1997 (Ge 50:19). Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House.
[19]Galaxie Software. (2002; 2002). 10,000 Sermon Illustrations. Biblical Studies Press.