Sermon Tone Analysis

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< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Week 3 of Redeeming Your Time.
We are told to make the best use of our time so that we can do the Will of the Lord.
How do we make the best use of out time?
We have been learning from the lIfe of Jesus … looking at his life and to how his example will help us to Make the best use of our time.
Even though life in the 1st century was drastically different from today, Jesus did have to deal with human limitations of time and place.
He had people pulling him in hundreds of different directions so he had to figure out what was most important to his mission just like we do.
So far we have looked at three different principles from Jesus life for managing our time.
Begin with the Word of God.
Keep Your Commitments
Silence the Kingdom of noise.
This week we will look at the fact that no one in Jerusalem had more things competing for their attention than Jesus did, and yet he always seemed to be able to figure out the essential from the noise.
Think about it.
how could he say not to the multitudes who came to him for healing ad deliverance?
He had the power to heal them all… to restore creation to it’s original state.
How did Jesus decide what was most important?
After driving out some evils spirits, Jesus healed Peter’s mother in law, who then fixed them some dinner, and then he healed a bunch of neighbors.
It’s understandable that the town wanted him to keep on doing what he was doing, but Jesus said no. Why?
Because he had already committed his time to a “bigger” yes.
Listen to vs 38
Jesus knew why he was here and what he had to do.
Understanding his purpose allowed Jesus to prioritize the things he could do and things he wasn’t going to do.
His purpose was to complete the work of his father.
Once Jesus prioritized his work, he focused relentlessly.
So how does that relate to us today?
So many of us get paralyzed with trying to decide where to spend our time and energy.
We are inundated with options, many of which are good things.
Someone once said,
The people on this planet who end up doing nothing are those who never realize they cannot do everything.
As people, we know
We have been created for… a purpose
For a relationship with God - worship
2. To be part of a spiritual family… church fellowship
3. Grow more and more like Jesus in our character and values - Discipleship
4. To serve God by serving others - Ministry
5. To spread God’s love to other people - mission
For us as a church we want people to
Our Purpose as a Church
1. Know God
2. Find freedom
3. Discover their purpose
4. Make a difference
When you know what your purpose is, you can organize your life around that purpose or purposes.
Jesus example leads us to the 4th principle of Making the Best Use of our Time…
4. Prioritize your yeses.
To make the best use of your time like Jesus did, we all have to decide what matters the most and allow those choices to prioritize our commitments.
Just like Jesus recognized, not every good work is equal.
Not everything on your “to-do” list carries the same weight.
How can we be more like Jesus and do the work that really matters most and ignore everything else?
As we saw last week, we have to make room in our schedule for reflection and evaluation.
But solitude and reflection are not enough.
We have to understand the truth that you and I have the power to choose what matters most, rather than allowing others to choose for us.
Big Rock discussion
We all know that most of us operate under the assumption that we can’t control our priorities.
Most people are reactive and not proactive in their priorities.
You may be thinking what does prioritizing my to do list have to do with following Jesus, but when you read the Gospels, it is obvious that Jesus was crystal clear on which work was the most important, and because of that, he was able to prioritize his short time here on earth.
When you are clear on your purpose, you can prioritize your work
So why did Jesus have to prioritize?
He was God after all, couldn’t he have just made it happen like he wanted to?
5. Accept your limitation to time and space.
When Jesus was born and became a man, he laid aside his omnipresence and was limited to a time and place just like we are.
As God, Jesus is every where at the same time.
When Jesus became human, he became like us in that he was limited to time and place.
He could not be in two places at one time.
Jesus had to deal with a lot of the same stuff we have to deal with and he had to deal with them just like we have to.
He had to prioritize his time, deal with frequent distractions that competed for his attention.
Remember these...
Some times Jesus welcomed distractions.
But other times, Jesus made a significant effort to eliminate the distractions and cultivate depth in relationships.
Here is an example in Matt 12:46-50
Picture this.
Jesus is doing what the Father sent him to do… preaching, teaching, and healing people.
All of a sudden his family shows up, but he doesn’t stop preaching and tell the folks he has to go, he keeps doing what he came to do.
When it was announced that they were here he continued because in that moment, he was called to do the work of the father and he remained focused on the task at hand.
Now, when he was with his family and friends, he was fully focused on them.
After a hard days’ work,
When he was done preaching and healing, he was focused on pouring into his disciples.
Here is what we have learned so far.
Start with the Word
Keep your commitments
Silence the Kingdom of noise
Prioritize your yeses
Accept your time and place limitations.
This is simple, but not easy.
It is hard to prioritize and focus on what’s important when we have so many things coming at us from all different directions.
And that’s why I want to leave you with this.
Jesus offers us peace before we do anything.
We don’t have to do any of these to be completely and perfectly loved and accepted by the Lord.
But it’s because of his love for us, and our love for him that we want to make the best use of our time so we can do what he wants us to do… the will of the Lord.
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