Born-Again: The New Life of Fred Wallace

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Fred Wallace Funeral Message Born Again: The New Life of Fred Wallace

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TEXT: John 3:1-5
TOPIC: Born Again: The New Life of Fred Wallace
Pastor Bobby Earls, First Baptist Church - Icard, February 11, 2003
I’m reading from the third chapter of John. I want to take just a few more minutes and talk about the New Life of Fred Wallace.
1 There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. 2 This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” 3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 4 Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” 5 Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
The important phrase in this passage is found in verse 2, “this man came to Jesus.”
Nicodemus was a Pharisee. He was a religious man. But more than that, he was a religious leader. Few were regarded with higher favor and respect than a Pharisee. Verse 1 tells us Nicodemus was a “ruler of the Jews.” The KJV says he was a Master in Israel. He had his MI degree.
What do we know about Nicodemus, the man? He was a obviously a good man, a family man, a well-educated man, a respected leader who held a high position in his community. But most importantly, we know he came to Jesus.
Fred Wallace was a good man, there’s no doubt about that. As you’ve heard, he was a devoted husband, dedicated father, and a delightful grandfather and great-grandfather. He was a church member, a respected man in the community, and an honored civil servant. But all of that pales in comparison to the fact that, like Nicodemus, he came to Jesus.
THE LOOK OF THE MAN, “he came to Jesus by night”
Like all men, Nicodemus was looking for something. Near the end of his life, he was still searching, stilling looking for answers to life’s struggles. In verses 2 and 3 we are told that Nicodemus came to Jesus by night and that he shared with Jesus what he knew.
Notice two things:
1) When he came to Jesus, “by night”
2) What he knew about Jesus, “we know you are a teacher come from God”
First, Nicodemus came to Jesus, at nighttime, under the cloak of darkness. Why?
Why not during the light of day? Answers: Considering his reputation, he may have been careful not to be seen by his peers, or perhaps he was so busy that the night was the only occasion for an audience with Jesus, or some other reason. We really do not know why Nicodemus came by night to Jesus, but the important thing is that he came!
“Night,” in the bible often refers to spiritual darkness, or blindness. It is often used as a metaphor for difficult and trying times. Many come to Jesus during just such times.
Fred came to Jesus during such times. The disease that ultimately took away his physical life, in part, also served as a contributing factor that brought him to Jesus. Although the diagnosis came after the fact of his conversion, his dark days of sickness, illness, and agedness, actually served as a stimulus to a greater spiritual awaking in his life.
Next, N knew some things about Jesus. His limited knowledge forced him to search for more truth, and thankfully, brought him to Jesus.
Fred knew about Jesus. He had, like N, been a good man with a faith in God for most of his lifetime. But the turning point, as you have clearly heard, was a dark night in October 2001.
What do you know about Jesus? More importantly, do you know Jesus? Is that knowledge life-changing for you?
THE NEW LIFE OF THE MAN, “born again,” verses 3-5
Jesus told Nicodemus something he did not expect to hear. You must be born again. Jesus was not impressed by what Nicodemus thought nor who he was. He cut to the truth. “Unless you are born again, you will not see Heaven.”
Nicodemus didn’t understand nor do so many others. “How can a man be born a second time?” But Jesus was speaking of a spiritual rebirth. We call it many things, i.e. salvation, conversion, regeneration, being “born again,” even, “getting saved.”
Whatever we call it, we must have it. Someone said, “You are either born twice or you die twice. “Born once, die twice; born twice, die once.”
To be born again means to be born again from above. To be born physically means that we must have been born from a physical seed from a physical, biological father. To be born again spiritually, means we experience a second birth from a spiritual seed and a spiritual Father above.
Fred experienced that second birth and we all witnessed that transformation. We all know people whose lives have been transformed by the presence of the spiritual seed of Jesus Christ coming to live within.
I’m glad that we can stand here today with no questions regarding the spiritual or eternal state of Fred Wallace. But what about you? How’s your life? Have you been born again? Has your life been changed?
I stand here today to say with all the authority of Jesus himself who still says, “Unless you are born again, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Let us pray.
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