Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
How many off you get friends request on your social media?
how many friend do you have on your social media.
so what is a friend?
for the gen Z anyone can be a friend
but that was not the case and definitely not what is in the scripture.
so today i want to talk about what the scriptures talk about friends
how are we the friends of God.
what does being a friend of God mean.
we are going to see 5 ‘c’ about friends
many of us are still living in the OT period.
in our prayers we call Almighty master, which means we are his slave or servant.
but that is not what Jesus taught and established on the Cross.
so we are in the series on what exactly is the difference between the OT and NT.
what did Christ establish for us on and after the cross.
Part 1 - Direction of Prayer - Jesus lives in our Hearts - Any Direction is OK
Direction of prayer - no direction in the garden, no direction after the fall, direction after the law (temple), no direction after the cross.
but now people are creating direction.
no need of direction as we’ll be in the New Jerusalem
so if we are turning to a particular direction, we are still living in the OT.
Part 2 - Sabbath - Relax, ull reach there.
Through Jesus we have entered the rest.
We live out from rest.
sabbath means stopping of work
Sabbath - in sabbath of God in the garden, no stop after the fall, sabbath after the law, in partial sabbath after the cross, completely no work at the New Jerusalem
we saw that sabbath was a sign
to reflect Gods Creation
2. God sanctifies us
so if we don't have rest of mind, we are still living in the OT
Part 3 - Access to God - God r u there?
Through Jesus we have access to God the Father.
in the OT they used to call almighty as God, but in the NT we call him ABBA.
we saw that Jesus does not have a split personality but rather all what we read about Jesus and understand his nature was all about the father and the real jesus is scary so much that the closest disciple when he saw the real Jesus in his vision falls down dead.
the OT had God as Father, but t was only in a shadow format.
it was hazy and not clear.
but after the Cross Jesus introduced us to my father and your father or rather OUR father.
so if you call the almighty as God in your prayer, you are still in the OT.
Part 4 - Power of God in us
OT prophets did certain kind of miracles, but in the NT Jesus performed all of those types / shadows and today we can do greater that these in Christ.
we saw what it means to ask in Jesus name - to ask in a body of believers.
that is if 2 or 3 people together is the state of in Jesus name.
individually we embody the Holy Spirit
corporately as a church we embody Jesus Christ.
today i’m excited about the special word that the Holy Spirit is going to implant in you.
its not something new, but with a new revelation.
What do friends do?
what does the scriptures say about the relationship with friends?
Friends are close
Friends are close
friends are loyal / commited
connection of soul is the mark of friendship
Friends are close
friends are commited
friends are connected in the Soul
Life of David & Jonathan
the knit of your soul to another persons soul is the sign of true freindship
rea˓ (רֵעַ, 7453), “friend; companion.”
This noun is also represented in Akkadian, Ugaritic, and Aramaic.
Rea˓ appears 187 times in the Hebrew Old Testament, and it has an extensive range of meaning.
The basic meaning of rea˓ is in the narrow usage of the word.
A rea˓ is a “personal friend” with whom one shares confidences and to whom one feels very close: “And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend
a person you know well and regard with affection and trust
① pert.
to having a special interest in someone
② subst., one who is on intimate terms or in close association
φίλος (philos).
n. masc.
A person with whom one has a close bond or friendship or to whom one is under a basic obligation.
The word philos is related to the verb φιλέω (phileō, “to love).
It is the most common noun for “friend” in the NT.
It occurs as many times in Luke as in the rest of the NT combined, and it does not appear at all in the letters of Paul.
Matthew 11:19 and Luke 7:34 state that Jesus’ opponents criticized him for being “a friend (philos) of tax collectors and sinners.”
Luke 23:12 includes the editorial comment that Herod and Pilate became friends (philos) after their separate questioning of Jesus and their ruling that he was innocent.
In John’s Gospel, Jesus connects love (ἀγάπη, agapē) with self-sacrifice for one’s friends (philos; John 15:13).
Jesus goes on to say that he calls his disciples friends (philos) rather than servants, because he has disclosed to them what the Father has revealed to him.
Third John 15 uses “the friends (philos)” as a term for Christians.
The use of this word certainly conveys a closeness that goes deeper than mere association or acquaintance.
Acts 10:23 specifies that Cornelius gathered together his close (ἀναγκαῖος, anankaios) friends (philos) to hear Peter’s message; the word anankaios literally means “necessary,” but can mean “intimate” when applied to relationships.
Jesus in his parables referes to Freinds who rejoice together
Friends are close
friends are commited
friends are connected
Friends celebrate together
so here is the meat part
Our friendship was restored with God almighty through Jesus
but its the Holy Spirit, the spirit of God, that enables that through his fellowship
the friendly relation ship between God and Moses
relent here does not mean God did a mistake
it means that God calmed down
i cant imagine that God in his normal state of love cant be seen, its too powerful
then imagine how much more furious he’ll be when God is angry?
and Moses to calm God down.
now that is a perfect friend relationship
this does not show that God made a mistake, but it shows the relationship that we can have with God.
we can influence the mind of God.
think about that
this is the beauty of Gods mercy
remember that whenever God says something, it need not mean that its an order.
perhaps God is trying to see if you are a leader, if God can trust you.
Foreknowledge of God does not mean predestination.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
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> .9