Abide in Christ

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1 John 2:18–27 ESV
18 Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. 20 But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all have knowledge. 21 I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth. 22 Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also. 24 Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then you too will abide in the Son and in the Father. 25 And this is the promise that he made to us—eternal life. 26 I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you. 27 But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.

Who is real?

In the 1950s, Bob Stewart created the TV show, "To Tell the Truth". Three people claimed to be one person, but only one person told the truth. The other two made up lies to convince four guests that they were the real person. The game ended when the host asked, "Will the real person please stand up?". John gave the believers tests to evaluate those who were causing problems in the church. Earlier, he gave them tests to consider their actions, and now he focuses on incorrect teaching concerning Jesus. John’s words are still essential for us today, for we too experience the influence of people and movements that reject and reduce the primacy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May we know the truth of God and who is telling it.

Concern for the Children of God

The “children” of God that John mentions are those who have come to faith, repentance, and obedience to God through Jesus Christ. The church community is made up of those who have come into the new relationship. They were formerly separated from God, but through Christ, they are now part of the family of God.
As we learned, John addresses a serious situation within the church, to whom he is writing. False teaching caused division within their community. This group believed differently from the gospel. They saw no need to live differently from the world (life lived apart from obedience to God). They did not see the need to admit their sin and sinful desires. They lived in open hate toward others in the church. They believed they had superior knowledge and insight beyond the fundamental teaching of the gospel. They endeavored to entice others toward their special knowledge. John saw this and sought to warn the “children of God” and prepare them to discern truth from error.

The Last Hour

John encourages the believers to recognize the time. They are living in the last hour. This is not so much a chronological characteristic but a theological one. We are living in a new age that God had promised in the Old Testament. This new age is a reality because of Jesus Christ. We are in the final stage of God's plan for the world. Although we are in the last days/hours, we still await the fulfillment of God's plan to renew all things. Until then, we are in the last hour.
One of the characteristics of the last hour is the presence and influence of the antichrist. To understand antichrist, we should clearly understand the term, Christ. Unfortunately, in English, the term Jesus Christ does not carry the same impact as in Hebrew or Greek. The term Christ is the Greek translation of the Hebrew term that means "anointed". In the Old Testament, only a small group of people were anointed with oil. This anointing was both symbolic and spiritual in identifying God's call to serve in a particular capacity within God's plans. Prophets, priests, and kings were often anointed to serve in their calling. Anointing was physically accomplished by pouring oil upon the head of the person. But anointing was spiritually accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Old Testament foretold someone who would come and fulfill a special role as an Anointed One. Isaiah 61:1, Daniel 9:26. Jesus claimed for himself the words of Isaiah 61, declaring himself as anointed. And the New Testament emphasizes that as the Anointed One, Jesus is the solution for our sin and separation from God. He is the one who unites us to God, cures the problem of sin, and is exalted as God.


John gives us a clear and simple definition of what he means by "antichrist". It is anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ or Messiah (Anointed One) of God. Rejecting Jesus carries serious consequence. John declares that if you reject Jesus, you also reject God the Father. This is the fundamental teaching of Christianity, namely that only have access to God through Jesus. If we reject Jesus, then we will never have a relationship with God as Father.
John's focus is on a group that denies the nature and ministry of Jesus Christ. Since the arrival of Christ, this last stage of history will have a continual line of people who act as antichrists. And there will be a specific individual who ultimately embodies the role of antichrist, a man of lawlessness, and a person who is called the Beast in Revelation, who will oppose the truth and lead others under the influence of Satan.
Identifying Jesus as Christ is the fundamental difference between world religions. Some would rather unite different faiths or reduce them to simply the same goal with different paths. But this is an incorrect and naïve assumption. Islam rejects Jesus as God and is limited to only another prophet. Mormonism states that Jesus is a spirit child of God along with Satan. Jehovah's witness list Jesus as one of the smaller gods alongside God. They may recognize the importance of Jesus, but they are not willing to give Him the rightful position he holds as God, Creator, Savior, and Lord. Nearly every deviant view begins with a misunderstanding of Jesus.
Jesus warned that this would occur. Matthew 24:5
Matthew 24:5 ESV
5 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.
We need to hold to this essential truth and never negotiate for other alternatives. When we confess (agree, declare, and hold to) the truth that Jesus is the Christ, we are on the path of truth that leads us to God. All other variances or directions will never lead to God.

Abiding in the truth

John focused on errant actions, beliefs, and teaching from others. He considers them all expressions of antichrist (against, opposed, or rejecting Christ). So what does he encourage them to do when confronted with this? John has given us tests to check people, leaders, and movements. Do they:
deny the reality of sin and separation from God?
deny the need to recognize and repent from our sin?
see Jesus as the only solution for sin?
emphasize a love of the world?
live in hate toward other believers?
deny that Jesus is the Christ?
If they fail to pass the test, then you better be on guard.
How does one stay on guard? John gives us the following things to consider. In verse 20, John uses a play on words (making a connection of ideas based on words that are similar or sound alike). John reminds the people that they have an anointing from Christ (the Anointed One). What does this mean? It essentially points to the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Unfortunately, some believers have made the "anointing" to be something that can be acquired through intense teaching or activity. While the anointing is very special, it is also very common for those who are in Christ. In the Old Testament, a small group of were anointed people and had Holy Spirit working in and through them. But Jesus taught that He would send the Holy Spirit to all believers. In John 14:25-26, Jesus encouraged the disciples about His departure by promising the presence of the Holy Spirit which fulfilled God’s promise in Joel 2:28 and realized in Acts 2.
In the context, the Holy Spirit will do the following:
The Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit) will be with the believers and dwell within them.
The Holy Spirit will teach believers and be present to help the believer grow in the knowledge of the truth and teachings of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit will bear witness (affirm and confirm) the truth of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit will convict the world (all people) concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment.
John has emphasized the promise of the Gospel concerning the Holy Spirit. Because they received the truth, they are already on the only true and right path. There is no need to pause, reconsider, or make a detour. The only option John gives is the option that Jesus gave to his disciples, "Abide in me and my words." John 8:31, John 15:7. Abide (remain in and settle into) the truth already given at the beginning of one's faith in Christ.
How applicable is this warning for us today? As a pastor, I have experienced numerous opportunities to "check out" various groups that claim to represent Christ, Christianity, and the Gospel. Not all of them have passed the test, and I had to make it clear that I cannot participate or fellowship with them.


This was the most recent encounter. I have had two people contact me and invite me to learn more about this movement and church. Unfortunately, my research led me to discover that this is far from Christian.
How did I go about determining this? Gotquestions.org is a reputable resource for getting basic information about many things. But I continued to try to find other collaborating resources. As I looked for official documents and publications to discover what I confirm what I read at Gotquestions.org, I could not find any. This confirmed what others had discovered. The movement invites people who are familiar with Christianity and makes them study with them for a year before teaching them some of their fundamental teachings. This approach is similar to Scientology.
They reject the Trinity. They also place a strong emphasis on the book of Revelations. They declare that their leader Lee Man Hee is the fulfillment of the promised Messenger, Pastor, and Advocate of Revelation 22:6.What surprised me the most was their approach, especially the website named The Word of Life Theology school. It seems legit Christian but is used as a means to bring people into Shincheonji. This movement fails the test because it denies the Trinity. If Jesus is Christ, then He is perfect, holy, Creator, and is deity (The One True God)
Let me close with this illustration. When I was younger, I learned to shop for food. At first, I bought things that I had seen at home, but later I learned to read labels. I realized that some food items had simple ingredients while others had unpronounceable ingredients. (pyridoxine hydrochloride or disodium guanylate) Some items had natural or artificial ingredients. (Blue 1, Yellow 5). Often these ingredients are added to improve appearance or shelf life. Our bodies however do better with natural ingredients rather than complicated or artificial. But ingredient labels aren't the only healthy thing do observe. Advertisements are not always to inform us but to sell more products. Some water bottle products have markings that label it as “gluten free” and “vegan”. Candy can be “sugar free” but it doesn’t mean it has a variation of a sweetener. So, we must be careful with what is presented to us. If something includes something you don’t know, investigate it. As you do this, it will help you know what is potentially good or harmful to your health. In the same way that we recognize labels, may we apply this to the truth about Christ so that we may abide in it and distinguish truth from error.
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