49 Preaching/Teaching: Ephesians 2:11-22
ETS-Paul reminded the church of it's identity. EOS-Three TRUTHS about the churches identity DDS-Everyone would wrestle with the upper room vision of the church.
Identity Crisis
1. membership is available through the blood of the lamb [Jesus] (2:11-13).
Before Christ!
Separate from Christ-
Excluded from the commonwealth of Israel-
Strangers to the covenants of promise-
These covenants—all pointing to “the promise” of the Messiah and of blessings through Him—assured Israel of a national existence, a land, a King, and spiritual blessings.
Having no hope-
Without God in the world-
After Christ
We have been brought near by the blood of Christ!
2. Loving relationships are the gold standard (14-18).
We can’t say we love God if we don’t love our family
Peace is mentioned 4 times in these verse
This physical difference between Jews and Gentiles affected every area of their lives. A great social and spiritual boundary existed between them.
The structure of the Greek words suggests that the dividing wall describes not a physical barrier, but the spiritual enmity between Jews and Gentiles, which separated them. Since Christ destroyed this enmity (cf. v. 16), Jewish and Gentile believers should have no hostility.
Two purposes in in ending the hostility: (Enmity) 1. to create in Himself one new man out of the two.
This “new man” (Eph. 2:15), or “new humanity,” is also called “this one body” (v. 16), the church. In the church, Gentiles do not become Jews, nor do Jews become Gentiles. Instead believing Jews and Gentiles become Christians, a whole new single entity.
Two purposes in in ending the hostility: (Enmity) 2. to reconcile both Jewish and Gentile believers to himself.
3. it is forward moving: It cannot be stopped (19-22)
We are a part of the greatest story ever told!
“the foundation which consists of the apostles and prophets.”
In ancient building practices “the chief cornerstone” was carefully placed. It was crucial because the entire building was lined up with it. The church’s foundation, that is, the apostles and prophets, needed to be correctly aligned with Christ. All other believers are built on that foundation, measuring their lives with Christ.
But the temple in Ephesians 2:21–22 refers to the Holy Spirit’s corporate “dwelling” (cf. 1 Cor. 3:16; 2 Cor. 6:16), His “temple” composed of all Jewish and Gentile believers.