Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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Today, we're going to talk about giving of your best to the master.
how many of us this morning could honestly say That we give God our best.
I'm not just talking about sometime.
That's not what he's asking when he asked us to give him our best.
It's not just when we feel like it.
Giving him our basses giving him our best.
All the time.
Are we going to be perfect about that?
No, we're not, we're not perfect.
And that is not an excuse for us to say well because I'm not perfect.
I don't have to give him my best.
The idea for us is to strive to do the best we can for the Lord.
There's a song that was written many years ago.
Give of your best to the master.
The older generation, probably probably remembers it but it says it's give of your best to the master give of the strength of your youth.
Well, as we get older, it's harder to do, isn't it the strength of our youth has gone, but here's what he say throw your souls fresh blowing our door into the Battle For Truth.
Jesus has set.
The example.
Dauntless was he young and brave.
Give him your loyal devotion.
Give him the best that you have different refrains has to give your best to the master.
Give her the strength of your youth, clad in Salvation.
Join in the Battle For Truth.
Two other verses that go along with that and we're going to talk about that this morning giving of our best.
To the master.
I want us to think about all the things that God has done for us all the blessings that he has bestowed upon his prior to Salvation.
But especially after salvation.
Sometimes when we don't have a relationship with God, the way that we should, we don't see the blessings that he bestows upon as they.
We just expect a lot of those things.
We expect those things to happen.
Expect every morning to wake up in to continue on with our day.
We expect life to go the way.
We want it to go.
Life doesn't always go the way we want to go in the back to Romans 12:1 that verse that, we memorize many times.
I'm sure.
I says, I beseech you therefore Brothers by the mercies of God, that you present, your bodies, a Living Sacrifice.
Holy and acceptable unto God.
Which is your reasonable service?
Have you presented your body a Living Sacrifice requires when we are giving to him?
It's not that we're giving him.
The leftovers is not that we're giving him something that is defective.
It's that he's asking us to give him our best.
And our best means to give him our best.
Who would ask that when you would to give give a Little Lamb on a ramp that you don't give one that's blemished.
You don't give one that has a broken leg.
You give that prize-winning lamb, that prize-winning Ram to God.
Living in.
Farming communities in the Fairs around as we understand what those ribbons.
And what what that Prestige May mean to somebody to have that best cow or that that best year, that best lamb or that best chicken, or that best rabbit, whatever it might be.
The guy says, if that's the best that you have, that's what I'm asking for you to give give of your best.
Not your second best, not something that didn't cost you anything that somebody else gave you.
So you because they gave it to you, you can give it away and and move out on as what God has blessed you with it.
And yes, maybe God has blessed you with that.
What scripture says, why should I give to God? Something that cost me?
Nothing and I think many times in life.
That's where we look at things around us.
Give of your best.
To the master.
Give him.
The strength of your youth, that was one of the tags in that song.
One of the verses give up the strength of your youth.
How many remember the strength of your youth?
Yeah, you remember that?
It comes and goes.
And I share this many times, y'all Psalm 90 talks about, if we live to be 70 years of age or eighty years of age or are BOCES is working labor and pain and sorrow but then it talks about remembering our days that we live our lives as a sigh our years go by quickly.
And you've heard me share this.
Illustration waking up in the morning up here, thinking that I'm 18 years of age and then all of a sudden you decide to move and you realize you're not 18 anymore cuz this is popping back in the place.
And this snapping back.
If you don't have that youthful, 18 years of age, as we used to have, he says to us in that song, give him the strength.
Of your youth.
An ecclesiastical is chapter 12.
In verse 1 says, remember now by Creator in the days of thy youth.
While the evil days come not snore, the ears drawn, I, when I say, I have no pleasure in them.
Remember what life was like when you were younger?
You had no worries.
You had no real concerns.
You had no real pairs.
Because of mom and dad took care of everything.
Somebody else would prove, I eating everything you needed your, your food was provided.
Your clothes was provided housing.
Everything was it?
You needed to go somewhere.
You just would ask Mom and Dad and they would take you.
Now, I know there's a generation hear that was where will not in my day.
I had to walk uphill both ways.
We've heard those stories.
He says, remember now like creator. in the days that I, you What worries did you have?
Who did you put your faith in your trust in when you were younger?
Who were, you were looking to, for guidance for directions?
Most of us was able to yet is Mom.
It was dead.
It was those who were taking care of us, that would provide forest and somewhere along the line.
We realized the need.
The trust God, more than anything else or anyone else.
The days of value.
The older I get the more I begin to remember.
Those younger years, you look at photographs.
You look at pictures at take you back to those moments.
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