Equip: CRT

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Intro: 3 stories collide
Story #1 Government tags Parents who challenge school boards as Domestic Terrorists
Back in October Attorney General Merrick Garland sent a memo to the FBI to use its authority against parents who threaten violence
He did not clarify what he meant by violence
This followed a letter from the National School Board Association asked Garland to get involved with the “Immediate threat” faced by boards and educators from Parents
The board said they were equivalent to domestic terrorism and hate crimes
There was immediate push back from both political parties
At first Garland denied sending the memo but the FOIA act proved that wrong
Then it was found out that the board of the NSBA didn’t authorize the letter but two executives did it at the request of the Biden Administration
Once again the FOIA act showed that emails were sent from the department of Education asking the NSBA to send the email to the Attorney General
What was all the fuss about? CRT
Parents for the last year have been protesting at school boards over the teaching of CRT
Story #2 School Board allows boy to rape 2 girls
On that letter that the NSBA sent to Garland was a list of parents
One of the names was Scott Smith
Smith went to a board meeting because his daughter had been raped in a school bathroom by a boy in a skirt
The school had covered it up and at the board meeting an activist parent confronted him and his wife
When he told her to stop he was grabbed by a police officer from behind and arrested
Turns out the school attempted to cover up the charges and never sent it to the police
They subsequently transferred the student to another school where he did the same thing
It became national news and led to the democratic governor candidate who had a commanding lead in the polls to lose the election
These stories bring up interesting cases against world belief of Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory

What is it?
How does it function?
How do you respond to it?


First, they don’t want to be defined
Second, they will tell you it’s not a real thing
All of societal life is structured along racial power dynamics. Race is a “social construct,” it is not biologically based and exists only in our imagination. Race is America’s original lie that has led to America’s original sin: racism
CRT is correct to note that we do not live in a color-blind or post-racial society, that racial disparities still are enormous, and that racism is still a real problem.
It manifests itself in 3 areas of focus
Systemic Racism

Other Important Terms

Wokeism: “the act of being very pretentious about how much you care about a social issue”
White Privilege: a set of unearned advantages that whites experience relative to non-whites, by virtue of their skin color
Equity: refers to fairness and justice and is distinguished from equality: Whereas equality means providing the same to all, equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances.

History of CRT

3 stages

Early 1990’s Critical Race Theory

The early CRTs were legal scholars working in the field of Critical Legal Studies, which argued that supposedly “neutral” and “objective” legal standards were really mechanisms by which the ruling class concealed its self-interest
Major players in the movement
Ibram Kendi Professor at Boston and author of how to be an Antiracist
Robin DiAngelo author of White Fragility

1950’s Critical Theory

Modern critical theory views reality through the lens of power.
Each individual is seen either as oppressed or as an oppressor, depending on their race, class, gender, sexuality, and a number of other categories.
Oppressed groups are subjugated not by physical force or even overt discrimination, but through the exercise of hegemonic power—the ability of dominant groups to impose their norms, values, and expectations on society as a whole, relegating other groups to subordinate positions.
Also goes as cultural marxism

1850’s Marxism

Karl Marx wrote in Communist Manifesto that there were two categories of people: Oppressed and Oppressors

3 Areas of Focus

Systemic Racism

discrimination or unequal treatment on the basis of membership in a particular ethnic group (typically one that is a minority or marginalized), arising from systems, structures, or expectations that have become established within society or an institution
Can only be addressed through political and economic means
DiAngelo: The “regular American” is worse than the cross-burning Klan member. America is worse today that in the days of Jim Crow, and “white fragility” and all it disguises are to blame.
The true villain is ordinary men and women who live quiet lives
White people commit “microaggressions”, voicing subtle and unintended stereotypes that negatively imply power over ethnic minorities
Think “I don’t see color.”
The only solution is antiracism


A commitment to actively dismantling systems and institutions that produce racism
Because antiracists see racism primarily as a system of racial dominance rather than as personal racial prejudice, they believe that personal rejection of racial prejudice is insufficient to combat racism.
Ibram Kendi: “The most threatening racist movement is not the alt right’s unlikely drive for a white ethnostate but the regular American’s drive for a “race neutral” one.”


This term comes from the image of a intersection of two or more roads
It feeds off of the thought that all of these marginalized groups and minorities come together
On the surface, it argues that social oppression does not simply apply to single categories of identity — such as race, gender, sexual orientation, class, etc. — but to all of them in an interlocking system of hierarchy and power.

7 Tenets of CRT

Racism is a normal part of American life, often lacking the ability to be distinctively recognized
Ideas like liberalism, neutrality, objectivity, colorblindness, and meritocracy… camouflage [how] racial advantage propels the self-interests, power, and privileges of the dominant group.
CRT gives voice to the unique perspectives and lived experiences of people of color
CRT recognizes interest-convergence, the process whereby the white power structure ‘will tolerate or encourage racial advances for Blacks only when they also promote white self-interests’.
Revisionist History is another tenet of CRT [which] suggests that American history be closely scrutinized and reinterpreted as opposed to being accepted at face value and truth.
CRT also relies on Racial Realists, or individuals who not only recognize race as a social construct, but also realize that ‘racism is a means by which society allocates privilege and status.’
CRT critiques claims that: (a) [colorblindness] will eliminate racism; (b) racism is a matter of individuals, not systems; and (c) one can fight racism without paying attention to sexism, homophobia, economic exploitation, and other forms of oppression or injustice

It’s Application

1619 project
The ”1619 Project” was an effort to reframe Americans history and the founding of the United States away from the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to the arrival of the first slave ship on U.S. shores in 1619.
Criticized by History professors at Princeton, Brown, and New York U
Coca-cola telling employees to be less white
Fastest growing position is Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
God is a Black Woman by Christena Cleveland
She was at once a rising scholar is Christian academia
She now rejects what she calls the Whitemalegod for the Sacred Black Feminine
The liberation of all Black women requires the dismantling of all systems of oppression–white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and more
“more than anything, we must eradicate the transphobia within ourselves and our communities. For if God is a Black woman, then She’s a Black trans woman. Obviously.”

CRT Functions as a World View

It answers our most basic questions:
Who are we?
What is our fundamental problem?
What is the solution to that problem?
What is our primary moral duty?
How should we live?

Compare Biblical Worldviews

Who we are:

According to Christianity:
We are made in the image of a holy, loving, and just God
According to CRT:
Our identity is not found in who we are created to be, but how we relate with other groups as defined by our class, gender, sexual preference, etc

What is wrong with the world?

According to Christianity
Sin against a holy God
According to CRT
Oppression is what is wrong

How can this problem be fixed?

Sin is fixed by Jesus taking the punishment for our sins upon Himself, dying the death we deserve, so we could be reconciled to God

How can this problem be fixed?

Oppression is fixed by activism, raised awareness, and the overthrow of oppressive systems and their power

What is the meaning of life?

To glorify God
To free groups from oppression

How can you engage the culture on this issue?

Watch your language
We need to recognize that the local church is a witness to God’s kingdom.
In a world saturated with evil and divided by enmity, it’s no wonder that critical theory’s promises of justice and inclusion are attractive.
When a church demonstrates true neighbor-love and fellowship across lines of race, class, and gender, it undermines the idea that critical theory is the only path to human flourishing and gives credibility to the charge that critical theory fails to deliver on its promises.
Do Your Research
You fix what you don’t understand


Fault Lines by Vodie Bauchman
Neil Shenvi Apologetics www.shenviapologetics.com
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