Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The great divide.
That is what the rest of Genesis 4 is going to highlight for us.
This chapter provides us with some interesting and disheartening information regarding life after sin had entered this world.
We spoke of the emotions that RESULTED from the initial sin of Adam and Eve.
We spoke of the emotions that LED to the sin of Cain… the sin of murdering his brother, Abel, out of jealousy and anger.
And tonight, we are going to look at something very interesting… something I am going to refer to as the great divide.
Now, we know that sin separates us from fellowship with the Father.
Light and dark cannot mix.
Quick note: NOTHING can separate us from the love of the Father.
But sin does create a fellowship gap between God and humankind.
That gap could be seen physically throughout the OT as God’s presence was found only within the Holy of Holies.
What was significant about that space?
That gap was bridged when Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
What significant event took place that alerts us of this truth?
The veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom.
God’s presence was no longer housed in this room, but was now available to all who believed in the Lord.
Sin separates us from God. Sin is chosen rebellion.
Sin is rejecting the ways of the Lord.
Sin carries a heavy consequence.
And we see that consequence play out in front of us in Scripture.
This separation… this divide… is not the divide I am talking about this evening.
It certainly plays into what we are talking about… but Genesis 4 shows us something we need to take note of.
At this point in history… all people are feeling the weight of sin upon their shoulders.
Adam and Eve are the only two people that knew what life was like without sin.
Everyone else had only know what life looked like in sin.
And what we are going to see this evening is a divide… in how the weight of that sin is handled.
What we are going to see is the presentation of two directions a person might go in response to their sin.
One - a choice to take responsibility of sinful action, and turn to God for His help.
Two - a choice to shrug off responsibility of sinful action, and turn even further away from God.
I’ll sum it up with these two words: Either repent, or rebel.
Either be humbled or become arrogant.
Thus… a divide is created between these two choices.
After Cain murdered his brother, we see a world immersed in sin, and divided in response to their sin.
And it is interesting to see how quickly things spiral out of control.
Sin is something that has to be DEALT WITH.
A person can either be FORGIVEN or FORSAKEN.
Knowing Jesus is the difference maker.
Jesus was forsaken so we could be forgiven.
Jesus took on our sin… and His righteousness is applied to those who place their faith in Him.
While dying on the cross… Jesus felt the full weight of the sins of this world.
He cried out to God saying...
This word forsaken means abandoned or deserted.
Again… sin separates us from God - from His presence.
Sin takes us out of fellowship with God.
Jesus felt that separation… and He cried out in response.
Here’s the deal… EVERY PERSON ON THIS PLANET has felt this separation.
God did not create us to live in this separation… he did not create us for sin.
And I’m thankful He has made a way for us to move from forsaken to forgiven… but we must make the choice to make the move!
Genesis 4 shows these two options in full swing.
And that is what we are going to look at tonight.
Choice One: I Don’t Need GOD.
We see this laid out in Scripture in Genesis 4:16-24
Verse 16 reveals the choice… and the rest reveals the result.
Cain WENT OUT FROM the Lord’s presence...
Cain was now feeling the weight of his sin.
He knew that as he wandered… he would be away from God’s presence.
Cain was experiencing the consequence of his actions.
God tried to warn him of the sin that was crouching at his door… yet Cain decided to stay in that sin… to stay in that anger and jealousy.
Therefore… Cain was forsaken.
Cain ABANDONED the ways of the Lord… and when the weight of sin was realized… what did Cain do?
Did he repent?
Or did he do something else?
Cain started… whining.
“My punishment is more than I can bear” he said in verse 13.
Cain’s abandoning God’s Word had now led to his alienation from God’s presence.
Cain settled in a land away from his family… and alienated from God… by his choice.
What do we see Cain do in this now alienated state?
How does Cain “cope” with his new reality?
First, Cain started a family.
Scripture tells of a son named Enoch.
And we will look deeper into Cain’s family tree in a moment.
Second, Cain starts to build a what?
A city.
Now what is significant about this statement in verse 17?
Cain and his descendants were pioneers of HUMAN civilization that lived as STRANGERS to God.
Humanistic societies imitate this kind of existence even to this day!
What do these societies look like?
They determine their own values.
They determine their own standards.
They set up their own morals.
They ignore the existence of God and refute His Word.
Here are some other interesting thoughts to consider.
They try to overcome the curse on their own.
They try to find pleasure in the things of this world.
They try to find meaning and significance outside of God.
They try to regain “paradise” by their own hand.
In essence… this system of the world is trying to save itself by its own efforts rather than with God’s help.
Now, go back to Cain’s family tree for a moment.
Scripture lays out Cain’s family and it gives some background to what they do.
Enoch - Cain’s son.
This name means to inaugurate or train - to begin or introduce something new.
(This is also the name given to the city that Cain builds.)
Irad - Enoch’s son.
Irad means fugitive.
Mehujael - is the son of Irad.
His name means destroyed of God or smitten by God.
Anyone seeing a pattern here?
Methushael - the son of Mehujael.
His name means man of God - although there still appears to be some question on this.
It could also mean “I am mortal, where is God?”
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