Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
We have been focusing on a series called - LOVE, we have talked about the good in loving our spouses unconditionally and developing friendships with an unconditional love.
What happens if there is something we SHOULD NOT LOVE!
A love that distracts us from loving God, loving family and even loving friends!
There is something on this earth that causes marriages to fail, sin to occur, friendships to break and keeps people from having true relationship that is meaningful and complete with the Lord ---
It is the LOVE of Money!
Not money itself - but LOVING IT!
Literally, Paul writes to Timothy and says that some have loved craved money so much that they wander from their faith in God.
The pursuit of that money robs their time with God, time with family, they place their treasure in the things of earth rather than what is important to the Jesus!
It also robs us of the blessings and wisdom that belonged to us in our faithfulness...
INTERVIEW --- Jon and Kimberly Cuzner
At what age did you begin to tithe?
Were you always consistent?
When you stopped tithing, why? (to invest to gain wealth or have more to spend)
What was the result when you tithed and when you didn’t?
They fail to remember Christ words,
In a proper interpretation of Scripture, we must consider the culture to which Jesus spoke or the writers wrote.
Commonly known to the audience of Christ was the principle required of the Jew in the law of tithing.
(Remember that tithing began with Abraham prior to the law being given, and Jesus reinforced the importance of tithing in his own teaching…)
Jesus never abolished the principle of tithing, but reinforced it and took an approach to liberality and generosity in giving as did Paul.
To the Jew in these passages, not much had to be said about tithing as it was a commonly known and expected behavior - what Jesus did do was extract the motivation of why one tithed and sought like all other commands
Do not commit adultery - don’t look at another with lust
Do not murder - do not be angry
Tithe - be liberal - store up treasure in heaven, give and it will be given...
This morning, I want to look at what exactly is tithing, and why it was given.
1. WHY Are We asked to Tithe?
Because God knew that man in his sinful heart would fall in love with money and possessions.
That man’s love for money would lead to sin and destruction.
(just look at the plot of a majority of movies, and even the justification for crime in the reality and journalistic reporting - money is at the root over half the time)
So, the Lord gave a practice to His people - his cherished Israel - of which we have SPIRITUALLY BECOME as CHRISTIANS ---
to tithe - so we can remember that...
2. What is a tithe?
***Notice the Lord says - I do not change before this WORD comes forth!
A tithe is simply 10% of our increase.
In the day of an agrarian culture, that might mean tithing off of grain and livestock… means of profit and income...
Material wealth!
It is bringing 10% to the Lord for a very specific purpose...
The ministry of the priests and maintenance of the House of Worship (temple or tabernacle)
Prior to the law, Abraham paid a tithe of spoils from battle to Melchizedek - a High Priest - actually appearance for Christ in the OT.
The tithe of the OT was not given to the priest, it was given to the Lord and the Temple.
You could not tithe 5% - that is an offering, nor can you tithe 20% - that is a tithe and an offering - the term tithe simply means 10%.
The Lord did this so we would:
1. remember all we have comes from him,
2. TRUST HIM with what He has given to us and show our faith in Him as provider
Not allow our hearts to love money more than the Lord
INTERVIEW --- Judy and Marge
When did you begin to tithe?
What had been a deterrent to tithing before you began?
(credit debt and financial need)
What was the motivation to begin trusting God with money?
What was the result of your trusting God?
Where does the tithe go?
Much has been interpreted about the storehouse
Some say it was for national purposes, other say for religious purposes, Israel as a nation was a THEOCRACY - so the Lord was intended to be KING and the Temple the place of storage.
The temple had a treasury and a storehouse so if offerings and tithes were brought in grains or monetary means they could both be housed.
It was from here that the needs of the Spiritual leaders in the land were met, the Temple was maintained and the needs of the people and those in need were also taken care of.
The tithe was not a tax, but a means the Lord used to ensure all would be taken care of.
If you recall in the OT, the Levitical tribe did not receive a portion of land to raise crops, livestock and make a living - therefore their share of the inheritance was taken by the tithes and offerings of the people.
Malachi says to bring the tithe to the storehouse that there will be enough food in my Temple...
Still today, a minister who gives himself full time to the ministry is not able to gain a living, perhaps an even greater living in the workplace, therefore those same gifts are used to support the minister and the family.
Likewise, the same funding was used to meet the maintenance and sustain the Temple.
To the audience of the day, the tithe was to sustain where their spiritual ministry and relationship to the Lord was maintained.
The storehouse - r OTZA was the temple.
It does not take a rocket scientist to see the modern application to this is the same, where your ministry and spiritual needs are being met is your storehouse.
A TV preacher or online service states away will not come to visit and pray, be available for counsel, or be the place to attend when in person, so the storehouse easily translates to the local church that is there to meet your spiritual needs.
A missionary or evangelist is not the storehouse either.
4. What Promises Accompany the tithe?
The Lord says in one place in Scripture to test Him, it is here
A Promise to pour blessings that will overflow, much like Jesus promise that when you give it will be given to you running over...
The Lord encourages us to test him in this!
He promises to pour out blessings...
Not always actual monetary, but that included...
Blessings of wisdom
Blessings of provision
Blessings of treasure
Blessings of health
Blessings of salvation in your home
INTERVIEW --- James Doanes
When did you begin to tithe and why?
Was there a season you can contrast giving and tithing, and giving beyond?
What are some of the blessings you have received?
Jesus clearly does not want us to be enslaved by, addicted to, or in love with money!
Therefore both the OT and NT set aside principles of giving to assist us on our paths to remaining free!
Both OT and NT come with promises of blessing and overflow when we HONOR God with this area of our lives.
I close with the same promise I have made in the past.
Tithe the minimum 10% for 90 days and if you have not seen the blessings of God begin to flow in your life, than bring your paystubs and we will check the giving records and return all your monies back to you.
What have you got to lose?
What have you got to gain?
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9