The Sent Ones

Sermon Tone Analysis
Do any of you like to see the upcoming movie trailers they play before the main attraction? For me they do two things. One, they give me more time to get in to the theater and get a good seat before the main attraction starts. And two, they give me a look at the new movies that are coming out that I might like to see.
Have you ever watched those around you after the trailers are played? They are either not impressed or they are excited about the upcoming film. Brenley and I went to see the new movie Uncharted this past Monday. As the previews started to play we would watch each trailer and then let each other know if that was a movie we wanted to see when it came out.
If this in mind, think of it this way. We the church, if we do our job well, people will look at us and say, “I want to see the world they come from.”
As believers, we have a job to do. That job is to point people to Jesus. We are to alert others to God’s reign and rule. God’s rule, the Kingdom of Heaven, the coming New Creation, is the main feature. It is like the massive block buster movie. The greatest show of all time. Our lives should be like trailers, giving people a taste of the full thing.
Theologian Lesslie Newbigin put it this way,
“the church exists for the sake of those who are not members, as sign, instrument, and foretaste of God’s redeeming grace for the whole life of society.”
If you have your bibles with you this morning, go with me to the book of Matthew. I want to read four verses from chapter 5 beginning at verse 13.
13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
In our text today, Jesus is using two metaphors to describe believers that He is sending out to the world to preach the Gospel. He uses Salt and He uses Light.
Salt is one of the most common substances on the earth and it cannot be destroyed by fire or time. Ancient societies used it as a valuable social and economic commodity. Salt has also served as a significant figurative symbol. Sharing salt was a symbol of friendship and hospitality, and ancient conflicts concluded with a meal consisting of bread and salt as a symbol of friendship. If someone violated the eating of salt they were considered a traitor. Salt was also viewed as a divine gift.
Light is an agent which shines and makes visibility possible. Light is the brightness which enables human beings to see. Jesus is described as light in the New Testament on several occasions. Light is also used as a metaphor for order and truth.
As you can see, both of these were significant things during Jesus’ time. Both salt and light were important to everyone. The people understood the usefulness of both salt and light.
Just as salt seasons and flavors food, Christians should enhance and favorably influence the people and society around them. Just as Salt is a preservative, Christians and the church should resist moral corruption and decay. Salt has healing properties, just as Christ’s followers must help bring healing to people who are hurting physically, emotionally and spiritually. Salt also creates thirst just as Christians, through their good example should create spiritual thirst and desire in others to know more about God.
During Jesus’ time, people used small clay lamps that burned olive oil drawn up by a wick. As Christians, we should be like these simple lamps, providing light in the spiritually dark conditions of this present world. Our lives should stand out from other people in society in a positive and spiritually enlightening way. Genuine faith in Christ cannot be hidden, but will be evident to those around us, many of whom are looking for direction and hope in their lives.
Just like salt losing its saltiness and no longer being effective, if we do not know God’s Word then we cannot be effective.
Just like if light goes out, it is no longer effective. If our light goes out, we cannot be effective for God’s Kingdom.
As believers, we are the trailer to the main attraction. God coming and establishing His Kingdom is the main attraction. You and I are to point people to Him. We are to be the salt and the light to this world.
Jesus gives us a job description in Matthew 10. Look at what it says.
7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’
8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.
The full context surrounding this passage makes it clear that the preaching of the kingdom is to be accompanied by evidence of God’s might and power against the forces of Satan. It is Christ’s desire that the kingdom of heaven and its power be brought “near” to people so that they can receive the salvation, help and healing they need from God. When we do not see the evidence of God working among His people, it is time to examine our lives. Then we can remove or release anything that is unpleasing to God.
Do you remember the three words that I told you Lesslie Newbigin used to describe what the church was to be to those that were not yet members of God’s Kingdom. Let’s look at those again.
1. Sign
1. Sign
The church is a sign, pointing people to a reality that is right around the corner—the kingship of Jesus and his imminent return.
How many of you when you are driving down the road, you see a sign that tells you there is a curve coming up, you slow down to make sure you make the curve without losing control?
If that sign wasn’t there you would probably lose control of your automobile and wreck.
As Christians, we are to be a sign to unbelievers, letting them know that God is coming to establish His kingdom on earth. We are to point people to Jesus. We are to live our life as an example for them to follow. When we are asked why we live the way we do we are to tell them it is because of Jesus.
2. Foretaste
2. Foretaste
Like the movie trailer the church is where people can get a taste of the future in the present. When the church is a foretaste we demonstrate what life is like when men and women live under the rule and reign in the power of the Spirit.
In here, you should get a taste of what Heaven will be like. I want our church to have people of all nationalities because that is what Heaven will be like.
In here, I want people to love one another. I want a place for even our enemies to feel welcomed, because that is what Heaven will be like.
In here, I want a place where people can go and find healing because that is what Heaven will be like.
In here, I want a place where people can find peace and rest and joy and comfort because that is what Heaven will be like.
This is the trailer to what God’s Kingdom, the main attraction will be like and as believers we need to give the world a foretaste of what Heaven will be like.
3. Instrument
3. Instrument
The church is not just a sign and foretaste, but also an instrument. Like a tool in the hands of God we are used to help shape God’s preferred future for this planet.
How hard is it to plow the garden if you don’t have the right instrument to use to plow it?
How hard is it to sew a button on if you didn’t have the right instrument to sew it on?
How bad would a trumpet player sound if we tried to play the trumpet part with a snare drum?
How hard is it to build something without the right instruments?
Does God have to have us? No. He’s God. He can do what He wants and it will be perfect. But God prefers to use us and He has sent us to go and do the work that He has called us to do.
We Christians are the “sent ones” and we have been sent into our worlds—our workplaces, our neighborhoods, our communities—to alert others to the reign of God. It’s our role as instruments in God’s hands to bring tastes of wholeness, justice, beauty and reconciliation, and to let others know these will fully flower in the return of Christ.
Over the last few weeks we have looked at practical ways that you and I can surprise our world by living a surprising life that will lead unbelievers to ask the questions that all of us want people to ask us. Why? Why do you do the things that you do? Why do you serve in your community? Why do you attend church every Sunday? Why do you give a portion of your income to missions? Why do you give up personal time to read a book and base your belief system on a man?
The answer is easy. It’s because of Jesus. It’s because of Jesus is what I want to tell them. He died for me because He loved me and He is send me to you to let you know that He did the same for you.