Sunday Service
Come down. Give us the word.
Are you guys doing?
So we are back in the Book of Mark. We've been here several weeks. Now, with me is reaching about the The Book of Mark. It's been awesome so far, right? Have you got anything? It's been life-changing for me. I mean, you guys know my story, we were out in the country club in Stockton looking for a house and my pastor Jason from Gravity. Today. I have a vision for you somehow in north Stockton and shortly after that. We start looking for a house in north Stockton and got turned away, got the diagnosis that we all know about and kind of dreams penetration away a year later than it was backed up. And we found a place of chip shop away from here on a good day. Right and done. It's just going to be a part of this church and be a part of the congregation here and I think we've all come to agreement that we are going to have big radical and we are going to follow Jesus, and we're going to do it together. And so, just been awesome. Awesome privilege to have passed the bill and Jerry, and her family. Allow me to come up here and share, and it's actually change my life and not even know how God was going to work in my life. And I'm surprised, it's been awesome because this book this time around Has Changed Me From the Inside Out. I don't know. I've read the hospital a few times and to have to read it, increase about it and share about it is a whole nother, a whole nother level and I'm hoping that some of the things I'm getting here. You guys are getting. It seems like we are on sale. I'm just super, super honored and privileged to be up here and to share about this. And so, we've been through several chapters already talked about meeting with John, the Baptist faith that way through Jesus. And how many Jesus automatically starts preaching in Galilee for casting out demons. He starts healing the paralytic, man, and we talked about how he his piece for gauges sins, first, and how important that was. Like, I didn't turn off the turnip affected that the healing. Yes. It's amazing, but she just made it a priority to make sure the men sins were forgiven. So, that was pretty awesome to me. We we, we studied about him walking on water. We studied about hand-feeding 5000 making red out of nothing. I mean f does amazing stuff. We left off. Last time. We were freezing about this. We left off when Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God when they were at Steph. Curry Abilify and Jesus told him. Yes, you are right? And God gave you that prophecy and buy that talks behind going to build my church. And we kind of all celebrated. At the end of that church service. That was an amazing time and amazing things you to go over. But we must keep continue and this, this, this book supposed to get a little bit more intense, and we are going to jump right back into the scripture here and this is any Mark chapter 9 of 8:31. and, Jesus began to develop venom venom meaning to decide will see talk to you to decide. What was he with the disciples, you know, you forget everybody wanted to see signs and miracles from Jesus. And we talked about the good soil, we talked about when Jesus was after he was out here just a few, you know, we we correlated that to what new day actually. Looks like a to a church in America. How we are a small congregation and we are claiming that good soil here at this church. Amen. And so that's what Jesus was actually starts telling his disciples.
That the son of man must suffer many terrible things and be rejected by the elders and the leading please. And the teachers of the way through this law. He should be killed and but three days later would be okay with that. What do you waste in the day? As he talked about this openly with the disciples? Peter looked at him and took him to a side to the side and begin to left a man in it. Saying for saying such things in Jesus turned to him and looked at his disciples and was recommended Peter get away from me, Satan. You are only seen from the merely human standpoint. Not in God. Then calling you cannot join in. And if you need to eat and the disciples, he told the whole crowd and decide with this, if any one of you who wants to be, my follower must turn from your selfish ways. Take up your cross and follow me. If you try to hang on your life here, if you will lose it, but if you give up your life here, you will gain it.
And for the sake of the good news, you will save it. And what do you going to do? If you gain the whole world but lose your own soul, is anything worth more than your soul. If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these sinful and adulterous. What days does sentimental be ashamed that person when he returned people or flip a boy's father and with the oldie ancient angels and so we're going is going to set this up real quick because Peter just told Jesus that, hey, you were the son of the Living God, you the Messiah, they seen him walk on water. They seen him, kill cast out demons, so many miracles and now they know that they are with the king of the universe and it's time to party, right? I mean it's time for like over bro, about the city and come in. I mean, that's what they thought was going to happen, you know and Jesus lifted on them. This is a crucial point in the gospel is when Jesus goes. It's not going to go down like that. You're looking at it through the eyes of a man could get away from me. Safe. I get behind me either. You're not looking at this the way you knew how many times have we looked at the, what the world says, things are supposed to be in, what a guy actually came through. The son of Jesus in increased about, it's completely different, you know, and how hard this was a jest, but Me I'm not losing half my face, you know, I'm suffering and I'm waiting this done. Like, thank you Lord. I don't want with this world has to offer. If I am going to be a true follower surprised. If I'm going to believe that there is an eternal life after this. If I have to believe that I have to carry my Frost, if I have to believe that it's not all about just healing, you doing this and doing that. Jesus is talking about something completely different, you know, so I just wanted to ask you guys this week. If you go forward to think about the stopping at, maybe you've already been through maybe the stuff in your going to. Now maybe, you know, somebody who is suffering and needs this kind of encouragement. I did, I need, you know, I asked me to preach it because I don't know if I would ever get it this way. If I didn't go through this. I think about before I got my diagnosis. I'm wondering. I will never even make it to the kingdom. With the same mind frame. Might have been my whole goal is to succeed here. Do you know, to get to do, as much as I do at my job to do, as much as I could, in your eyes to make me feel accepted writing and this is complete.
Did you know, it's different? You have to carry your cross. I am not guaranteeing you in a few more. We waited this gospel from this point on. And if you read it over and over, I don't know how one can expect that. We are supposed to just be happy healthy prosperous and just, you know, it's all here and talk, you know, and I'm looking, I'm looking at these famous people on here, and I'm starting to feel bad for him. You know, I'm starting to feel bad for the ones that have no struggle at all. You know, we have to start looking at things. The way that Jesus preached about it. If we are going to call ourselves followers of Christ, you know, we talked about it. He's turning point people out. How many people are around him. The whole city, by this point is around him. I mean, he's doing everything right? But how many people did? He actually? Well. It was only 12000. Put into why because everybody else was there for. You know, this is tough and I had a hard time just struggling with this. How am I going to preach about this? Right? But I'm told. Turn on Bill that I'm going to beat you tomorrow. And this is where we're at, you know, and so there is a lot of Prayer that needs to be done, you know, ask the Holy Spirit to help you with this kind of truth in your life. If this is how we know what's going on right now in the world, who thinks maybe that we might be at that in time already, you know, threats of war the world is in Growing Pains like a labor pains, you know, other things that are going on, what better place to be that new day Church on the Sunday morning, getting this kind of weird right now, you know, I'm not staying like they was just all the sudden you stir up that kind of thought those kind of prayer to ask God to reveal that kind of rude to you. Because I don't believe that dog created us to just live on earth and die on that today, you know, I think that we are made to live forever. Right. That's what I was told was supposed to do and it talks about the Kingdom of Heaven. It talks about another place with streets, paved, with gold. Joy. Hell Happiness, joy, write all this stuff. So if we have to suffer for what he's telling us, that we have to do. They take it then so he did. Jesus tell the disciples to a high mountain is called the Mount of transfiguration now and he starts to change in appearance. He starts to blow up a bleach wipe and he's very standing there with Moses and Elijah in front of his disciples, getting him a glimpse of his glory, you know, and they're like, they're just freaking out, you know, they're like, well, let's just build tennis racket here and let's remember this, you know him but Jesus is like he's on a different level at this point in trying to show his disciples like this is what it looks like the road to glory can be the road to suffering and it is not right now in your life. That's fine. But if it doesn't ever get that point, I want you to remember these, this gospel, go back to it and start to understand that. Hey, you know what? Maybe I'm supposed to be doing. I started thanking God immediately for my diagnosis. And what I'm going through? Do I want to die? And no, do I believe that God can save me still? And he'll me. So I can be here with my family and enjoyed the things that he wants to do yet, but I still thank God for this because I would not be in this point without it and maybe you don't have to wait for this kind of diagnosis to get it. You know, maybe I'm here to let you guys know or at least help us to understand the kind of life in the kind of Parts set in calibration, you need to ask about really, with the kingdom of God is like, you know, but you're not like what these teachers of religious law that ended on the gospels talk about. It's not about getting all the followers. It's not about rain long prayer to start packing, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees and scribes. And we can talk about that too. I mean using Bethany, and All right, if you just wanting getting your Bible after this throughout the week because we're almost done with Mark and just getting your Bible and start meeting about it. And he heals Lazarus of Bethany. He was in his room for days and then peel them right by this time. The whole city is with him. He mounts a donkey on the Mount of Olives, email to document, everybody's feeling their cloaks on the ground. Everybody screaming Hosanna, you know, the whole city is thinking that we are, we are going to go swimming lessons. The name who blessed, is he, who comes in the name of the Lord like like David had prophesied about this is it like we're going to take over And hang out with donkey, right? Let me know. In a worldly. Perspective, you would think you would have gold Chariot and just so you know, he comes in the fashion possible. Just like the way we came to this world and major, right? Me to Melody teaching us that it's not about what this world is saying that this about different. This is completely different was born in a barn and now he's writing to his death on a donkey. And everybody just screaming and he rides into the city. I need to start telling them, you know, Beware of the people who are the leaders of this place because they, they got it. And those people even started to understand. I keep parables are about us. We have to kill this guy because they were scared. It was jealous and no more followers of Jesus, had it all in Jesus. Like no, like I'm going to, I'm going to suffer. I'm in Atlanta, Georgia via ends. And I am in because of that if you take that kind of persecution persecution, if you take that kind of stuff, when you're new and door to the end, your life will be said and that's what I'm really pleased about to do. You know, if it's not your life right now, that's good enjoy. But you know, if you see somebody that is going through something. I know that a couple reveneer falsely accused Ryan have to leave, how we going to do it. When I do it with humility. We're going to pray for those people, right? We're going to pay for those. We're going to be humble and we're going to do the things that she should talk about, right? Because we are going to this is a new day. You know, what I'm looking to do with the right way and this is we're not. I'm sorry. You can't do your ears, but This is what Jesus says, we need to read it, you know, and job. It's just it's just an awesome awesome experience to be able to read something like this just completed what I'm going through. I think that's why. I was like I didn't read this, you know, because I needed it was so different when I first got this, you know, I thought Would be different, you know, this is this is this is a solid food that you can get to eat. Now. Do you know? And this is kind of like a confirmation for any. If you have any loss of a loved one, you know, the things that don't make sense in life. They're starting to make sense to me, you know, some like will hold on. I've got like yes, there's some Gloria, the end of that, I deleted it, you know, so maybe we need to encourage people that are going through, things like that. You know, you try carrying the cross.
We're going to be in Mark, chapter 12 verse 24, this morning that Jesus gives and then we'll stop right there.
Really? Where do I buy guys nowadays? But? I was actually thinking about getting volunteers at Grizzly for me, but we're going to try again. Okay.
The Jesus is just talking about. Pizza.
He's just me up. We need to go back. When you can read, read, read the gospel, need to go back and then try to read about when Jesus was at this stage. But basically, just give me a pair of balls and talking about how disparities in the statues and reliefs and teaches our religious while have it wrong and how you talked about this, this world being so different. And that's pretty much Borat is that there is going to be suffering in our life. There's going to be things that are going to come up, that are going to allow us to practice what we preach and that's what we're going to do here at new day. I'm hoping that you guys are on board with me and are sure to do so and You know, just just know that we tweak we operate on big face, a big prayers Radical Face. We are going to believe everything that happened in the gospel. We believe that Jesus can heal. We believe that you still here alive. That is Holy Spirit lives in us. We believe that we have been circumcised why our heart and we believe that we are now living for his kingdom. We believe that we can have the authority to free. Write, no matter who you are or where you're at. There's going to be somebody in your life that needs to hear from you. And there is enough that we've gone over to know that we can tell him that your sins are forgetting. We can tell them that they can be healed by just believing. I don't know how many times we went over a Verger in March so far. Where Jesus told the people do not be afraid just believe. That's all he wants to do is believe, I mean, are we all in? Do we believe that Jesus can be the Lord of our life in every single area? Mental, physical, spiritual, relational, Financial everywhere, you know, I believe that we are humble at heart. I believe that this church, this small little corner church right here. He's going to move mountains, you know, whether that means my tumors that are gone, whether it be, you know, Jesse and Danielle. Just flipped their life completely around and start pushing themselves, right? What, what is it believed that and I think we all do, right. And so we're going to use this time right now. Just like every Sunday we're going to take communion in remembrance of what Jesus did. He die on the cross for us. So we can bridge that gap between 10 and separation. We have now a savior that allows us to go straight. The father and can't believe in the things that we read about, and that's what we're going to do. You're a new day in all of it.
This world just like Jesus said, back. Then at least send pool adults, Willis ways and of days, you know, this world is going to be gone, you know, and we do that right? That's what we believe. So we're just going to wait to take communion and then you can continue to believe that. Thank you for the timeshare today. I love you each and every one of you guys. Very