A Witness for Hope

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We need hope. (Story: Fish and glass)
Hope is air in the lungs and fuel for the soul. It calms the mind, steadies the nerves, gives energy, strength and perseverance even in the darkest of circumstances. Hope is life-giving.
The Christian message is a message of Hope; and not just as a psychological hack but is real, true hope that transcends even death.
That’s why Paul was on Trial, and that’s the point he portrays to his hearers as he’s brought before Herod Agrippa.
Read Acts 25:23-26:32
Christian hope is...

Hope in God’s Promises

hope \ˈhōp\ verb
to desire with expectation of obtainment
to expect with confidence: TRUST synonym see EXPECT
Inc Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. (Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Inc., 2003).
Bro. Pelkey - Biblical hope is confident expectation, coupled with joyful anticipation
What is Paul’s hope? In the promises of God.
Paul says His crime is believing that God is fulfilling His promises!
Throughout the scriptures God has made promises to His people
Ex. Covenant’s with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, etc.
Promises to preserve, to deliver, to establish a King and a Kingdom forever
Throughout time the faithful of God have confidently expected the fulfillment of such promises
Ex. Mordecai in Esther 4:14
Esther 4:14 NASB95
14 “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?”
Ex. Simeon and Anna in Luke 2:25-26, 36-38
Jesus is the deliverance promised. He is the long-awaited Messiah and Eternal Davidic King. All of this is proven and sealed in that He was risen from the dead! (Acts 26:8)
We have reason to Hope! God is faithful to do what He says! Jesus is the Promises of God fulfilled!
Many non-Christians see Christian hope as a crutch, sometimes with disdain. But we all need hope, and it just so happens that our hope is true. Jesus did come, did perform miracles, did die on the cross for our sins and did rise from the dead. We must never feel ashamed for our Hope, and we must never stop expecting and anticipating God’s faithfulness.
Christian, do you struggle with despair? Are you lacking hope? Worry, prayerlessness, and fear are signs of a lack of hope. Remember His promises, remember His mercies and love, remember His sacrifice and grace in Jesus. Keep trusting, Keep waiting, Keep depending on Him in prayer. He has shown His faithfulness and will do so again.
We can hope in God’s promises. Not only that, but we can...

Hope in God’s Plan

Paul continues by showing how he zealously opposed the name of Jesus of Nazareth, and how God had other plans (v. 9-19)
Paul was part of God’s redemptive plan.
“kick against the pricks/goads” - much has been made of how all that Paul was doing must have stung his conscience and caused a war in his soul. But this proverb in Greek literature refers to “struggling against one’s destiny” (Acts: An Introduction and Commentary (h. Paul Appears before Festus and Agrippa (25:13–26:32))
Paul was running one way, but His destiny - God’s sovereign plan - was that He do a complete 180 - He must embrace the call of Jesus on His life!
Paul was shown God’s plan, and commissioned as His witness of Jesus, a witness of Hope.
You are part of God’s redemptive plan.
It’s one thing for us to stand back and consider that God has a plan. Like a sight-seer, pulling off the side of the road and gazing across the landscape we often wonder at what it may be. What if His plan is closer. What if you need not pull over and look away to see it, but instead simply look around. What if It involves you, right now, in your current circumstance and condition?
God often uses circumstances that we don't understand to bring us to awe and wonder. He often removes our illusions of control that we may begin to awaken to the reality of this God who is over all and on whom we depend. That;s what He did to Paul and may be what He’s doing in your life today.
Some of the worst roads lead to the most beautiful destinations - so it was with the Cross of Christ that brings salvation to all who believe. Jesus's trust in God's plan secured His place as Savior and our place as redeemed.
I believe God has a plan for GCC-Dixon. I believe He's doing a work in us and through us and even these past two years are preparing us for what is to come. We will not be unscathed, and will be forever changed - but not altogether for the worst. God's plan involves redemption and grace. What part are we willing to play?
This is certain: We can hope in God’s plan.

Hope for True Spiritual Change

v.18, 19-21
In the commission to Paul, Christ shows that His work brings true hope through change - conversion and repentance.
We need hope for change. Change in our state before God and our own state of being. The Christian message brings that hope.
Paul is called to a work of conversion (v.18)
blindness to sight
darkness to light
Satan’s dominion to God
forgiveness of sin
inheritance as a sanctified son
Not that Paul can do this work for people, but He is a messenger of the work that Jesus has already done!
Paul’s message is also a call for action (v. 20)
Repentance is turning - a change of direction (mind, heart and will)
What does it look like? (Deeds appropriate to repenence)
It means you stop doing the wrong thing, and start doing something better.
If you steal, you no longer steal but give
If you are violent or given to lash out towards others you hold your tongue, practice gentleness and patience and apologize for your behaviors
True change shows up in actions.
We have hope, because change is possible - Jesus is our Hope for Change
Jesus didn't need to change, but in perfect obedience and honor, fulfilled all righteousness and sacrificially provided for our eyes to be opened, that we could turn to light and God. His shed blood has provided forgiveness of sins for all who become sons and daughters of the King by faith. We have hope for change, not because of what we can do, but because of what He Himself has done for us!
Because of Him, we don't have to be who we were. Because of Him, we don't have to stay where we are. In Him, for the believer, all things become new.
There is hope for change because Christ can change us.
Too often the church gets away from preaching conversion. Too often the church neglects to preach repentance. Both are integral aspects of the gospel call and apart from them, noone is truly saved. What would it profit a man to gain health, wealth and self-esteem, or psychological benefit, or a community, or social status, or a sense of moral adherence - and lose his own soul?
Christ can change you, but you must be warned of the need for change!
We are called to act, knowing that our action is enabled and supported by God's working in us. It is His grace that opens the eyes, that grants repentance. Yet, we must turn. There is no repenting, apart from conversion, and there is no conversion apart from that turning/change of heart and mind. We must, because in Jesus we can.
He enables us to do what He calls us to do.
(Time permitting) - This is the model for ministry in our society.
We need to support the change we call people to.
The need for change is evident, but so is the dignity and agency of being a person made in God's image. There is a call to change. A call to act. There is responsibility to own your current circumstance and your contribution to it (confession). Such truthfulness, self-examination and responsibility coupled with the opportunity for aid in Jesus is exactly the kind of thing we need for society. We can call people to change, but give them support to do so.
Things don’t have to be how they are, because people can change. Jesus can change them.
Like Paul, our part is to share the news of hope for such change.

Hope for All

There is no one outside of the reach of the gospel. None too low. None too high. Ours is an equal opportunity endeavor.
v.22, 26-29
Paul witnessed this hope to both small and great, Jew and Greek, even Kings
Why? Because all are in the same boat before God. Sin levels the playing field.
Romans 2:11–12 NASB95
11 For there is no partiality with God. 12 For all who have sinned without the Law will also perish without the Law, and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged by the Law;
If Jesus died for all types of people, then we should be very careful about how we categorize ourselves and others. It is so easy to come up with words and phrases to set ourselves apart from those around us. Christ didn't do that. He came to us. He bridged the distance. Maybe the only labels we need are "know Christ and His forgiveness" and "desperately need to know Christ and His forgiveness." That seemed to be how Paul operated.
God is truly, no respecter of persons (no partiality). Neither should we be. In small towns it is easy to be cliqueish, to pay attention to last names or social groups, to pride in being here, because at least you're not one of "them". The Gospel hope calls us to care about all, and to see all the way God does - equally made in God's image, equally in need of His truth and love - and to act accordingly on His behalf.
So how can we, as a church engage "all" with the good news of Hope in Jesus? Let us consider both the "high" and "lowly" in our efforts to share this hope. We should think about reach and not presume upon who will hear and who will not. That is not our place. Our place is to share the message. (prisoners, and city council, court night and cow days, children and adults, school teachers and drug addicts). God is calling us to share this hope. What is your part?
What we hope in matters!
You may be hoping in many things; your work, your reputation, your family, your material things - but if your hope is not in the One who died for you, who was buried and rose from the dead for you, then all those things will perish with you. Only in Jesus is there hope beyond the grave!
Pray for Grace to minister the hope of forgiveness, deliverance, and new life in Jesus to all within our reach.
Pray for grace to trust God more, remembering His promises and His sacrifice for us.
Pray for grace to accept and work for God’s plan in our lives, to believe that true change is at work among us, and is available to all!
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