When God breaks your trust.

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When we feel like God has broken our trust is because we have not put our trust in God.

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Proverbs 3:5–6 NKJV
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart And lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths straight.
Are you there daddy is your face turned toward me?
He got up and realized that because it was so dark she could not recognize if he was there. She did not understand if his face was toward her.
After she fell asleep the father gets up and goes into the bathroom. He thought about how his daughter said I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY I CANT SEE YOU IF YOU ARE RIGHT In FRONT OF ME. He said Lord this is how I feel. It seems so dark that I can’t see if you are there. Even though I know you are there the father said but are you facing me.
Can I tell you that life can be so hard that it becomes difficult to see God? Have you ever had such a dark moment in your life that you could not see Him? You know who he is, but you just can’t see Him.
Sandy Hook shooting
As I let my daughter out the car, I had to wonder how could God let that happen?
It felt like a trust had been broken. For the first time I did not know if she would be ok.
See it is in those dark moments or in those rough patches that it becomes hard to see God. Nevertheless, we have to understand not only is He still there but He is also facing us.
So, what do we do when it is dark?
What do we do when it is scary?
What do we do when it feels like we cannot take it?
The answer is we still trust Him.
That’s what it is all about. Trust in the Lord during difficult times. Learning how to trust the Lord during challenging times can be a necessary step in living a purpose filled life.
I met Aaron on the day before he married Evelyn. Within five minutes we hit it off. Over the next 13 years we went from friends to cousins to like brothers to brothers. In order to build this relationship, we both had to meet a certain criteria. Isn’t this how normal relationships happen? We set a standard for the people that we can trust. After they meet that standard then they can become part of our inner circle.
But when people do not meet that standard, or they break our standards. Then they are no longer qualified to be your friend or in our inner circle+.
I believe like so many of our other requirements we have put the same human standards on God. What this means is when God does not do the things that we perceive as right for us. We then feel as if he betrayed our trust.
For example
- When we trusted Him with our child and they still did not turn out the right way we then feel like God has betrayed our trust.
- When we gave Him our job issues and still lost that same job or things got worst we feel like He Betrayed us.
-Or When we gave our marriage problems to Him and they are still not fixed He is betraying us.
So, when you feel betrayed then the trust in the Lord has been broken. Those words may never come out of your mouth but what are your actions saying. When my trust is broken with friends, I do not tell them I am not your friend anymore. That is elementary. But I pull back from them. I do not talk to them as much. I do not tell them what is going on in my personal life. And I believe this is what happens to out relationship with God. We pull away from Him. Maybe you do not ask him for help with other things. Maybe you don’t give Him your personal issues anymore. Maybe you don’t feel like praying or opening up your Bible.
By doing this it shows that there is a great confusion about our place with God. Our actions can sometimes say that God is supposed to serve my imperfect will. When actually we have an opportunity to serve His perfect will.
So that brings us to the scripture for today.
Proverbs 3; 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart And lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths straight.
“When God breaks your trust?”
Acknowledge Pastor Edwards.
Proverbs is written by King Solomon the wisest king and believed to be the second wisest person only to Jesus that ever lived. The book of Proverbs contains no plots. There are no stories. There are no characters. There are no prophecies about the second coming. Proverbs has nothing that makes a great story. But it is still considered one of the most quoted books in the Bible. This is because it is deemed the book of wisdom. One of the reasons behind this is it gives advice about money, sex, marriage, raising kids, even the danger of cosigning loans and the proper etiquette for dinner meetings.
Proverbs informs us it is better to sleep on the roof then sleep with a nagging wife.
Proverbs instructs us Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave.
Proverbs advises us to Let another praise you, and not your own mouth, a stranger, and not your own lips.
At the end of the book Proverbs helps us to understand that a noble women’s character is more precious than any jewelry.
Even though Proverbs was written by an older man intended for younger men it is still for everyone.
Leading up to verse 5 Solomon is telling us to keep all these teachings. All the things that they are teaching write them on the heart and we will find favor and respect not only from God but also from people. That brings us to the scripture this morning. Proverbs 3; 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart And lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths straight
How has God ever break your trust?` Before I get into this I will tell you that the only reason God breaks our trust is not because of Him it is because of us.
1. God has broken our trust because we did not trust in His promises. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart And lean not on your own understanding
When we are to trust in the Lord, we are trusting in who He is. So many times, we Hear people saying that they stand on promises even though they don’t know or understand the promises. One example is when we hear that God will give you all the desires of your heart. I never understood why people don’t realize that this is not about giving you whatever you want. It sounds good but it does not work that way. Nevertheless people will stand on it. So when I say I will trust that the Lord will give all the desires of my own heart and then I did not win that billion dollar lottery ticket then he has broken my trust. The Bible actually says delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. That is because when we delight in the Lord our desires become his desires. That is me understanding that it is not my will but His will be done. Its not about what He can do for me it is about what I can do for Him. It is not about how I can use Him it is about how He can use me. It is not about him giving me His all it is about me giving Him my all. By giving God all of me it opens the door for me to have all that He has for me.
There is another myth in Christianity that I often hear people say—maybe you have even said it yourself—and that is, “God will not put more on me than I can bare.” I love this and people stand on it but it is not in the word of God. The word says He will not tempt you more then you can stand. Which means there will always be away to beat your temptations. But lets also look at what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1:8, Paul wrote, “For we do not want you to be unaware, brethren, of our affliction… that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life.” Keep in mind there is no one like Paul. He is not a complainer, but he does keep it real. So what does all this mean. God will put more on you then you can handle. So why do I believe He does that? Because He can handle all things. So when he allows these heavy things to happen to you it is not because He want to crush you it is because He wants you to lean on Him. He is your staff, your cain, your walking stick. As we grow in grace then we learn not just to lean on Him when it is rough but we understand the importance of leaning on Him in all times.
Look what Paul says in the next scripture, “…indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead. He rescued us.
When you trust in Him, He can rescue you. When you rely on Him He can rescue you. When you trust in His true promises He can rescue you.
2. God has broken our trust because we did not acknowledge Him (know Him) In all thy ways acknowledge Him
In Psalm 51:3, David says, “For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against You and You only have I sinned and done this evil in Your sight.”
David, who is also my favorite confessor is confessing Gods total authority in His life. As the Pulpit Commentary puts it, “To acknowledge God is to recognize in all our dealings and undertakings God’s overruling providence, which ‘shapes our ends,”. Through time the word acknowledging has not changed but the western culture has. When we acknowledge someone it means to give a nod or a wave. In other wards we are saying Hi I see you. It is basically like me winning a game and pointing to the sky. It is a nice gesture but not real acknowledgment. The Hebrew word for acknowledge is yada and it means to know.
In the case of Proverbs 3:6, it is to know His ways inside and out and to recognize that He is the ultimate arbiter of our lives.
While most translations use “acknowledge”, theNIV says “in all your ways submit to Him”, while the New Living T says “seek His will in all you do”.
Webster’s dictionary defines “acknowledge” as recognizing the rights, authority, or status of someone or something. If you’re acknowledging someone’s authority, you’re acknowledging that they have power over you.
Acknowledging God is a life-altering change. Again, notice what David said in Psalm 51:3, David says, “For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against You and You only have I sinned and done this evil in Your sight.” David shows that acknowledging God is recognizing His total authority in your life.
Acknowledging God is not something that you only do on Sunday. One person said that is active and not a passive action. It is not enough to wear a cross around your neck. It is not enough to wear a scripture on your t-shirt. It is not even enough to come to church on Sunday. It means in ALL OF YOUR WAYS. Everything I say and everything I do acknowledges Him. My walk, my talk, my essences, everything about me. That means public places or the privacy of your own home. That means studying the scriptures to gain understanding.
Seeking Him not just on major but also minor things in your life. Then living life that truly reflects that you are being directed by Christ.
Just to be straight this does not mean everything will be great. But it means that even when things are at there worst you can pull through. Because you are acknowledging the one whose promises you are standing on.
3. God has broken our trust because We did not trust in His path. and He shall direct your paths straight.
As you trust in Him and acknowledge Him. The Lord will then begin to establish your steps and lead you where He needs you to be.
The girl who dropped out of college to get into ministry.
At that moment faith in that paper may have been stronger than my faith in God what God was doing. I also realize that not only can decide my path but I cant decide what the Lord has for my kids paths. I can’t raise my kids to do what the Lord wants and to follow him until it does not follow my philosophy. We have to teach our kids to do whatever the Lord wants from them.
We may want our kids to be rich and successful to our standards. That may not be what God has for them. We may say we never want them to struggle or strain for anything and we go out our way to make sure that it works that way. But that may be hindering what God wants to do for him or her. By us trusting in God we trust in what he will do with us as well as a kids.
Sumerize Job
Satan says the reason he is so faithful to you is because you have made his life so easy. He says let me at him. And God does not let Satan attack Job because he wanted to harm him but because He trusted Job. Sometimes the things in your life are rough not because what you did wrong but because of what you are doing right. It is because God trust you. When you understand that you start saying things like Job.
15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
So, we should not worry about God breaking our trust. Instead we should be worried about breaking Gods trust in us.
Job said even if He slays me yet will I trust Him.
This is not saying that I trust him as long as I am prosperous.
He does not say I will trust him as long as things go right for me
He does not say as long as my kids turn out the way I want them to
He said though He slay me I yet will I trust Him
HE says Though he allows boils all over my body yet will I trust Him
He says Through He allows my kids to be murdered yet will I trust Him
Through I loss all my money yet will I trust Him
The song I will trust in the Lord into I die
I will stay on my bending knees
I will treat everybody right
I will stay on on the battle field
When it is all done down here no matter what happens I will trust in the Lord
When times get rough Trust in the Lord with all thine heart
Even though it seem confusing when we trust Him we don’t lean on your own understanding.
When you don’t know what to do In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and
And never forget when you trust Him He shall direct your all your paths straight.
In the story the child said I cant see if your facing me. Can I tell you where ever you are whatever you are going through it may be hard but you are not
It may feel like that. But you are not alone
He Is facing you.
Its going to be alright.
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