The Seven Trumpets of God’s Wrath
Sermon Tone Analysis
October 31, 2021
Reformation Party Today
Join us today after worship service in the Fellowship Hall for a Reformation
Celebration from 12-2pm! This event is geared for kids, but adults are
welcome to join in the fun! Our reformer this year is John Calvin. Joel
Adeney will give a brief talk on him and then we will play some games,
do a craft, and enjoy some Swiss-themed food!
Men’s Equipping
Men, do you desire to go deeper in your faith? Men's Equipping may be for
you! Men's Equipping is a study led by the elders to equip men within the
church and to prepare those who might serve as future leaders. Join us the first
Tuesday of each month from 6:00-7:15 pm in the Parlor for a discussion of
our reading, AND meatball subs. This year we’ll work through the book
"Rediscover Church" (available in the foyer). Our first meeting is this
Tuesday, November 2 at 6 pm, covering chapter one in the book.
Chili Cook-off
Are you ready to show off your chili cooking skills? It’s time to get your
recipes perfected and mark your calendars for Sunday, November 21. Please
note the date is later than originally listed in the church bulletin. The Patel
guys are ready to defend their title!
Job Opening
Valley Bible Church is seeking a Coordinator of Childcare Volunteers to
complete the administrative tasks of our weekly childcare ministry. The
candidate should be a regular participant in the life of VBC with a desire to
support our childcare ministry. Though the weekly workload will vary, we
anticipate that this position will require an average of 10 hours per month, at
an hourly rate of $16.50. You may submit a letter of intent or resume via
email to the office at
This Week
Sun 10/31
9:15 am
10:30 am
2:30 pm
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Mon 11/1
Tue 11/2
Sunday School for all ages
Worship Service
HS Riverview Farm trip, activities
HS Student Bible Study (12 Estabrook Circle, W. Leb.)
6:00 pm Women’s Bible Study (Kessler Room, Zoom)
6:15 am
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:15 pm
Men’s Bible Study (Parlor)
Men’s Equipping (Parlor, Zoom)
Women’s Bible Study (Kessler Room)
Elders’ Meeting
Wed 11/3
6:30 am Philippians 2-4 Men's Fellowship (Kessler)
Thu 11/4
8:00 am
9:00 am
4:00 pm
6:30 pm
Sun 11/7
Weekly Prayer Meeting (Zoom)
Women’s Bible Study (Kessler Room)
Women’s Bible Study (Kessler Room)
Men’s Bible Study (Parlor)
9:15 am Sunday School for all ages
10:30 am Worship Service
Upcoming Dates and Events
November 21: Chili Cook-off
VBC Office
Phone: 802-295-5000 Email:
Office Hours: Tuesday – Thursday 10am – 2pm
Prayer Request Email List
To submit a prayer request, or to join others committed to praying for
those requests, email:
Financial Report (as of September 30, 2021)
We fulfill our mission for God’s glory through the faithful giving of his people.
Actual Budget Need
September Giving
$ 56,336 $ 40,000
Fiscal Year-to-Date Giving $133,971 $120,000
Compassion: Funds Received: $498
Assistance Given: $1,500