Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
How would you define reconciliation?
In scripture it means the end of the void between God and man due to sin.
Where are some places you see a need for reconciliation or have experienced reconciliation?
There are times we need to reconciled with a friend, a workmate, a family member.
There are lots of instances where we can see the need for this.
Anyone who has accepted the gift of salvation is a new creation.
Through the sacrifice which was offered by Christ, we are reconciled with God.
We are to be active participants in the ministry of reconciling other to Christ.
We need to realize the gospel message we share with people around us is an event which actually happened.
We need to make sure people realize it isn’t just a prayer, it isn’t just a testimony.
It is an actual event which happened in history.
Why do you believe that Jesus actually died and rose again?
What evidence could you share with someone who asked?
The gospel is the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.
These are actual events which took place.
It is the reason why Paul used a past tense in 2 cor 5:18.
Christ has already reconciled believers through what took place.
While we can share our personal experiences with Christ through our testimonies, they will never take the place of the events of the Gospel message.
How is sharing the gospel of Jesus different than sharing your own testimony?
While our own experience shows the relevance of Christ in our lives, it can never replace the actual work of the Gospel.
Why are both important?
We need both so people can see the importance of the gospel message in our live and the way we allow God to work through our lives.
We need to be able to show the personal relationship we have with God and how He continues to work with us in our lives.
The gospel makes reconciliation possible for us because of what Christ did on the cross.
His sacrifice was paid the penalty for our sin.
All have sinned, not some, all.
God offered a way of salvation for us through the gift of His Son’s death and resurrection.
How have we been reconciled to God through Christ?
What impact does this have on our love for Him?
Because of sin, our relationship with God was broken.
The only way it was fixed was through the gift of Christ.
The gospel breaches the gap which was created by the sin we committed.
Instead of being saved from sin, Paul says that you have been reconciled to God.
How does this affect your understanding of salvation?
The gospel goes so far just being forgiven of our sin.
It also has to do with the restoration of the relationship which was first established between man and God in the Garden of Eden.
Jesus completed the work of reconciliation when He died on the cross and rose from the grave.
We have now been given the ministry of reconciliation.
We are to proclaim the gospel to reconcile as many to God as they can.
But, we are also supposed to seek reconciliation with each other whether we have wronged someone or the have wronged us.
Other than evangelism, what might you do to engage in the ministry of reconciliation today?
I think we all need to realize we may do things which may hurt those around us.
We need to be ready to ask forgiveness when this happens.
I think we also need to be ready to let people know when something has really hurt us.
Please don’t take this as a message to wear your feelings on your sleeves.
How are you participating in Christ’s reconciling ministry today?
How does our love for God motivate us to participate in this effort?
Last week we considered how the doctrine of the Trinity helps us to understand God’s love.
How is the entire Trinity involved in salvation?
Questions to think about this week:
What is one act of love you can perform this week for someone out of the love God has for you?
Consider how might God be calling you to reconcile with another person this week.
Take action based on these convictions.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
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> .9