Easter 2000 - Rise and Shine
Reading: Matthew 28:1-10, 16:20
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20b (NIV)
I. Beyond Expectations
A. They go at first Light
1. Jesus died late Friday afternoon
a. They had to hurry to burry him before the Sabbath started (at sundown)
b. There wasn’t time to prepare him properly for burial
2. This was their first opportunity to go to him in daylight.
a. They could have gone 'Saturday' night, but who wants to go to a cemetery after dark?!
b. Their burial duties would take a while
3. The day is just dawning as they approach.
a. They go at first light assuming that this would be their first Sunday without Jesus.
b. That day never dawned!
c. The earth shook with the changes!
B. An Angel is Waiting for them
1. Jesus isn’t even there!
a. He is not here, He woke up!
b. Jesus doesn’t wait for them to show up!
2. Angels announced his birth and now his resurrection.
a. Jesus: now the first-born from the dead
b. Angels are sent to tell humans what these things mean.
3. The angel sits on the stone he rolled away.
a. The moved stone is part of his message
b. The stone is rolled so we can see!
II. Go and tell my Brothers
A. He is not Here!
1. No one witnessed the resurrection itself.
a. Now, wouldn’t it be more convincing if there were actual witnesses?!
b. These two great events aren’t attended by news crews or even crowds.
2. “I know what you’re here for.”
a. Don’t be afraid–for all those who seek God. 365 times in the Bible: Fear Not
b. The angel has a message for them
c. Who: Jesus who was crucified – not Jesus the man, teacher, or Master
3. Don’t look for the living among the dead!
a. Jesus gets up from among the dead.
b. This isn’t a place to find the one who gives us Life!
B. They are filled with Fear and Joy
1. What a strange combination!
a. Have you ever had those two together?
b. What a wonderfully human description!
c. They were both shaken and excited!
2. Fear of what? The angel? The resurrection?
a. We fear what we don’t understand
b. They heard, maybe believed, but didn’t understand – this just doesn’t happen!
3. Joy: that what Jesus said had happened!
a. Believing this unbelievable truth for the first time – can you imagine!!
b. This is the joy of dashed hopes raised!
c. The story’s sad ending has a new twist!
C. Go and tell My Brothers
1. Jesus meets them
a. On the way to tell the news
b. He says “Joy!” – a common greeting
c. They fall down at his feet in worship
2. The same message as the angel:
a. They came to attend the dead, they are sent to give a message to the living.
b. A woman once brought a great lie to a man, now these women bring the truth of the resurrection to these men.
3. Though they had abandoned him, He still calls them “my brothers!”
a. Not one of them stuck by him – though John showed up later.
b. Peter even denied him 3 times.
c. Go to the disciples – tell them to go to meet me in Galilee; home turf.
III. Go and make Disciples
A. Jesus now has all Authority
1. The Father rewards Jesus’ obedience by giving him the name above all names
And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:8-11 (NIV)
2. Jesus has now defeated the power of sin and death!
a. This isn’t just another miracle
b. It breaks of the power/wages of sin!
c. This breaks the power of death!
3. Because He has the authority we can go.
a. He didn’t just say death isn’t final!
b. His resurrection shows His message has real authority.
c. Resurrection’s message: sin’s debt is paid so we can get right with God again
B. Make disciples of All nations
1. There’s a direct connection between the resurrection and evangelizing
a. All 4 Gospels include the call to mission with the resurrection account.
b. Without Easter, good Friday isn’t good!
c. The resurrection makes it Good News!
2. We are not to loiter at the tomb in worship, but to go and tell the news!
a. The point is not to be wowed!
b. Though we prefer being wowed!
c. The point is being given a message!
3. We are not to merely enjoy the light but to let it shine through us!
a. It is not for us to simply be delighted!
b. Jesus makes us “the light of the world”
C. I am with you Always
1. We aren’t alone in our assigned task.
a. It’s never just up to us–Jesus is with us!
b. We don’t do this for Him but with Him
c. Not in our, but in resurrection power!
2. We aren’t alone ever.
a. The resurrection means we’re never alone–The living Jesus is always near
The Bottom Line:
Go and tell the world: Jesus has Defeated the power of Sin and Death! |
Blue #364 The Day of Resurrection v.1