Easter 2001 -- Meeting the Risen Lord 1 -- Mary Magdalene
Reading John 20:1-18
Jesus said to her, “Mary.”
She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (Which means Teacher). John 20:16 (NIV)
I. Her Hope is stolen
A. They Killed Him
1. Just 2 days ago they executed Him (this was the third day).
a. They had hoped He was the Messiah
b. They hoped he give them freedom
c. But they executed Him and their hopes with Him.
2. She goes to attend to His body
a. What else is there to do?
b. This will be her last act of love for Him
3. We also suffer with death and injustice
a. Sometimes we’re victims of what’s beyond our control.
b. Sometimes we respond in anger
c. Sometimes we just give up and take it.
B. They Stole His body
1. Now they took His body!
a. Another injustice: How unfair!!
b. Have they no decency?
2. How could she offer her last loving act?
a. There wasn’t time to prepare his body when they put Him in the tomb.
b. He deserves a proper burial.
c. How could she give it?!
3. We also get kicked when we’re down
a. Bad things multiply on top of each other
b. Just when it seems things are as bad as they can be – they get worse.
c. What do we do then?
C. She tells the Bad news.
1. She’s not the only one who needs to know
a. This doesn’t just affect her.
b. It’s up to her to let them know.
2. Maybe they can or will do something.
a. Maybe they can press the matter.
b. Maybe they can talk to the guards.
c. They look and go back home.
3. How quick we are to spread bad news
a. (She doesn’t investigate much either!)
b. It’s often necessary to spread bad news
c. But are we sure we really know what’s going on?
II. Who are you Looking for?
A. Why do you Weep?
1. Mary looks thru her tears into the tomb
a. Only two? Where are the heavenly hosts?
b. Does she recognize them as angels?
c. She’s not interested in angels, just Jesus
2. Why do you weep?
a. Their question shows concern.
b. Their question raises a challenge.
c. Their question points to an answer.
3. I don’t know where He is.
a. He should be here: dead and buried.
b. If he’s gone, I’ve lost everything
B. She sees, but doesn’t See.
1. Turning from the tomb, she sees a man
a. She can’t bear to see that empty tomb
b. He looks like an ordinary man
c. She’s looking for help, can He?
2. She assumes he is the gardener
a. One who tended the plants there
b. Maybe he knew something?
3. How often do we see Jesus but not see?
a. Mary looked right at Him and didn’t see
b. When the risen Jesus comes to us do we see Him?
C. Who are you looking for?
1. Not “what”
a. What Mary’s looking for isn’t a thing
b. The “who” isn’t gone!
c. Jesus’ question points her to Him.
2. Mary is only looking for a corpse
a. She’s looking for a thing, not a person
b. She’s looking for something dead
c. Is that why she doesn’t see Him?
3. We also are looking for some “thing”
a. The second question is for all of us.
b. Do we seek dead stuff or the living One
III. “Mary” . . . “Rabonni!”
A. Name Calling
1. The Shepherd calls His sheep by name
a. Just one word: “Mary”
b. And all His love in saying it.
c. . . . and they recognize His voice
2. She finally hears! and sees!
a. In an instant, Jesus dashes the limits of her assumptions
b. She hears Him! Sees Him! It’s Him!
c. Rabonni – “my teacher!”
3. Listen: Listen for Him to call your name
a. The Risen Lord calls His sheep by name
b. He calls to you, do you recognize Him?
B. Holding on and Letting go
1. Mary wants to hold Him and never let go
a. She lost Him and now found Him.
b. Jesus has to restrain her!
2. Don’t hold on to me here! There’s more!
a. We can’t stay here. I can’t. You can’t
b. Jesus is going to ascend to His throne!
c. Let go of me here, to have me there!
3. No one can hold onto Him in their power.
a. Nobody is strong enough--big enough--to hold on
b. We can’t keep Jesus in our world.
c. He calls us into His world!
C. Tell the Good News!
1. Go and tell my brothers what’s happened
a. Don’t stay here – go find the brothers.
b. Tell them the poisoned fruit of Eden now has it’s antidote.
c. Give them the fruit of the knowledge of Good defeating evil!
2. Tell them what’s going to happen.
a. That I’m going to the Father
b. That I will ascend
3. And you, who have met the risen Christ . . .
a. What will you do with Him?
b. What will you do with this Good News?
c. Who are the brothers/sisters Jesus sends you to?
The Bottom Line:
Jesus meets Us and Calls to us. Look for Him. Spread the Message! |
R#295 I Know That My Redeemer Lives