Easter 2002 -- More Than Conquerors
Reading: Romans 8:28-39
Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died–more than that, who was raised to life–is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
Romans 8:34 (NIV)
I. Jesus’ Death ensures God’s blessing
A. His death pays the Penalty of our guilt
1. How can we be condemned, if the penalty is already paid?
2. How can we even be prosecuted?
3. How can we even be accused?
B. It shows the Determination of His love
1. How determined was/is he to reconcile us?
2. Though he sweat drops like blood . . .
3. Though it meant being beaten, whipped, mocked, crucified, dying.
C. It shows the Extent of His love for us
1. How far did Jesus show His love for us?
2. Tho despised, rejected, betrayed & denied
3. While we were yet sinners He died for us.
II. His Resurrection ensures God’s blessing
A. His resurrection defeats sin’s Power
1. The power of sin (& its wage) is death
2. Physical death is ultimately defeated
3. Spiritual death is already defeated
B. It sets us Free!
1. We’re helpless without Jesus’ death and resurrection.
2. There is now no condemnation!
3. No matter what happens, we’re still free!
C. It is a Preview of our resurrection
1. Our bodies will also be raised from death
2. There is hope beyond this short existence!
3. Our future in Christ is guaranteed!
III. His Pleading for us ensures God’s blessing
A. He sits at the Right Hand of the Father
1. The right hand is the hand of power/authority
2. Position of greatest influence.
3. He paid the debt, how can we be condemned now?!
B. He’s on Our Side!
1. He’s got the Father’s ear and he’s pulling for us!
2. He understands our weaknesses (Heb.4:15)
3. If He’s for us, what does it matter who’s against us?!
The Bottom Line:
There is No Way to condemn us whom Jesus Loves! |
HoR: R#292 Because He Lives, v.1