Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
have you ever had this feeling that i am not good enough for God
i have not done enough for God?
i have not prayed enough
may be that sickness or accident is because i had done that one sin when i was in my teens and now i have to repay it.
do you feel God is distant?
stay tuned.
does in or by your conscience, treat you well?
does your conscious condem you?
810 “He Is Alive To Me”
A follower of Pythagoras once bought a pair of shoes from a cobbler, promising to pay him on a future day.
That day came, and he took the money.
But finding the cobbler passed away, he secretly rejoiced that he could retain the money and get a pair of shoes for nothing.
But his conscience would allow him no rest.
And taking the money, he went back to the cobbler’s shop, cast in the money, and said: “Go thy way; for, though he is dead to all the world, yet he is alive to me.”
for some people the conscious itself has become dead or callous
(CBS/AP)  NEW YORK - In an interview on Australian television this week, Kim Kardashian said "intuition" led her to end her 72 day marriage.
"I think when you know so deep in your heart that you just have to listen to your intuition, and follow your heart," Kardashian said.
"There's no right or wrong thing to do."
This is the same intuition that led Ms. Kardashian's to say "yes to the dress," as well as to Kris Humphries.
Intuition is fickle at best, and downright self-serving at worst.
When we crown ourselves as lords over our own lives, the truth becomes whatever we want it to be in the moment.
But when we crown Jesus Christ Lord of our hearts, we are led to say "yes" to righteousness and truth.
"In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes" (Judges 17:6).
we saw last week on the one sin that can keep you out of Heaven and that is the sin of unbelief.
Belief on Jesus is the key to get you into heaven.
all other sins that you have done going to do and will do in the future are taken care of.
its paid for and you will not be condemned.
so you don't continue in sin, but live more like jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit.
that will ensure the great reward that we are going to have in eternity.
so don't reach heave broke.
let every work that we do be tested by fire and be refined as Gold.
so today's topic is a continuation of last week topic on how we continue to live a sin free life.
have you ever just before going to bed prayed like this: father forgive me for this sin that i did and that sin that i did and finally said also for the sins that i don't remember.
we often feel that there might be sins that we have done for which we need to ask for forgiveness.
our conscious keeps condemning us.
or may be its an old sin that keeps coming up
one of my previous companies where i worked, the managment was involved in a robery of company funds.
many were caught and judged as per the law.
however one of the staff escaped and fled the country.
lated this person came to know that Interpol was contaced for his extridition.
when he came to know, this guy went in hiding and never came out. he got so afraid that he started dringking just to forget his misery.
all the money that he stole went to drink and to hide.
until after say about 10 years we came to know that he dies of liver scirosis.
before i go further, i really advise you all to go to Andrew Wommack ministries and hear the teaching on ‘Who told you that you are Naked’.
he goes into in dept teaching on this topic and many others.
so please listen to it.
i have only summery it in my words in these 40 min.
so there is this evil conscious that is taken care off
so lets study that a bit as to how it came about and hopefully this will give you a freedom.
what is conscious and how did it come about?
what is conscious?
syneidēsis, conscience
① awareness of information about someth.
② the inward faculty of distinguishing right and wrong
Refers to a person’s internal witness to their own behavior, the guilt over wrongdoing and the satisfaction of choosing right over wrong.
lets go to the garden of eden.
if you look are the meaning of conscious and the name of the tree that you are not allowed to eat, you will see that there is a resemblance.
both means the same.
so i will call that in the
Garden of Eden (Gen 2:9)
Tree of Life
Tree of Conscious
however as the world progressed, and as sin progressed, there was no way to differentiate between the good and the bad
so there was no right or wrong.
so if Cain killed Abel, it was not a sin
Cain was not condemned.
in fact we see in the scriptures, God protected Cain.
so God had to give the Law to show what is good and what is bad.
the law amplified / strengthen SIN
Jesus tested the conscious of the people who brought the adulterous women
so Jesus had to made their conscious do something that was correct.
our conscious influences us to do various things
so our conscious and thoughts accuse us or excuse us.
that is the knowledge of good and evil
which we were not supposed to have.
and we ill be judged by it
so how can we live in such a way that on that judgment day, all will be ok
Paul had to try and ensure that you have a good conscious
there were efforts
was all the Paul did good?
no not at all.
he was a murder.
he took the lives of innocent men, women and kids.
Clear your Conscience
the fact that he killed always would have haunted him
but he had to remind himself taht his sins are taken care off.
Abraham had to reassure himself
Purify your Conscious
David had to encourage himself in the Lord
Reassure our hearts
i no more pray as ‘Please God’
but my statement is that ‘I PLEASE GOD’
The way we pray, Direction, to whom,
2. Sabath
3. Access to God - God our Father
4. Power of God in us
5. Friend of God
5. Forgiveness of Sin
Righteous stand
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9