Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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We realize that there is a war taking place between good and evil and there is a test that we are facing and Lord these tests that we face.
Will either pull us away from you or like George said, in his, what was red?
It will bring us forth as gold Lord.
We pray that every test will bring a testimony.
Every trial will lead us to be triumphant through your name.
And so it's in your name that we pray tonight and we prayed in Jesus name.
I invite you to turn your Bibles with me.
To Joe chapter 23.
And as we return there, the title of my topic tonight is When when You Face your test, how can you face a successfully?
When my faith is tested?
How can I make it?
I just want you to know that there will be times in your life when your faith will be tested.
And it's easy to have faith in to speak faith and to feel confident on a Christian campus Because we all believe that we have the same Faith, but what do you do?
When your faith is tested during spring break?
What do you do?
When your faith is tested?
When You Face a circumstance that you didn't expect?
One thing is certain is that our faith will be tested.
And in fact, in jerk chapter.
23 verse 10.
It says this.
But he knows the way that I Take God knows exactly the road that you're taking.
He knows what's ahead in your journey, but then he says this, when he has tested me know.
What is this?
The Bible?
Does it say you might be tested.
It doesn't say, you may escape a test that says that you will be tested and when you are tested Johnson is here.
I will come forth as go.
You see we come, come forth as gold until we've gone through the test and some of us want the reward without the trial.
And God is saying that when you go through the test through faith in him, we can come forth as gold but the question is how many of you like tests?
How many of you are looking forward to meet a? Anyone here?
Raise your hand looking forward to test?
All right, this, amen.
Bless you.
Pray for us.
Some of you may have raised your hands.
Many of you didn't not many of us like taking tests.
In fact, I remember when I used to take a test many of us take test in different ways.
Some of you I like I need the pressure to study.
I need I need that time pressure.
So you may be a Crema you just cram a few hours before your test, then you hope you retain it.
And there were times when I've crammed.
And they've been times where the test paper came right before me and I just went blank and forgot.
Have you ever been there?
Where you like?
I just forgot everything because I didn't pass the test because I wasn't prepared for the test.
Some of you maybe make it while you're cramming.
Others of you prepare.
Well in advance for a test.
But not many of us like going through a test and yet, we like things that have been tested.
Why do you pay $800 for an Apple phone or a smartphone?
You're not going to pay that much.
If it breaks down in 3 months, right?
We pay an amount of money because the item or the product has been tested.
How many of you as you're driving, maybe to campus.
So, you're driving to grab some groceries from the store.
How many of you are? Glad that people that are driving on the road have been tested.
That they have pasta test and got their license.
How many of you think that they should be more testing on the road, Do you believe that more people should go through the testing process.
So just a more structured way.
Maybe we should increase the age that people get their tests in a stray at 16 years old that you can get your driving license.
We like things that are tested, how many of you are? Glad that when you catch the plane, someone went through a test.
How many of you are? Glad that if you've ever been on, on, on an operating table, the surgeon successfully passed a test.
We are glad that things are tested, but we are like going through a test.
But the reality is, what is tested, can be trusted.
What is tested, may be trusted.
And the question is, if God is going to entrust blessings into your life, can the test that you go through leads, to you being trusted with him.
In fact, when it came to the Holy Spirit and God said I want those that a that a waiting and praying and that are United and in one Accord.
He said those that are willing to wait for my Holy Spirit.
If they're willing to go through the test.
I'm going to pour it out upon them.
Because even more powerful than atomic bomb is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit in the wrong hands.
Can lead to things, getting damaged can lead to challenges or either God's people of the church.
So God needs to know.
Can I trust you with the power that I want to leave?
You meant?
What's tested can be trusted in life.
And that's what we going to speak about tonight.
Passing out test getting throughout test.
And we going to go to a familiar story in Daniel in Daniel chapter 3, and as you're turning there and looking on the screen, I want you to know that you will go through a test.
In fact, that is a promise.
If you haven't been through a test yet, you will find that you're going through a test because people will test you.
Family will sometimes test you?
All right, there will be test that you go through your bus will test.
You sickness, will test you disappointment, will test you.
You will be put through a test.
And God is saying, when you go through a test, how you going to make it to the other side, will your pass the test?
And so, we find here in Daniel chapter 3. What do you do when your faith is tested?
We going to look at three things that you can do when facing a test, the first one found in Daniel 3:15.
And we're reading 2 verse 16.
Now, when you hear the sound, this is King Nebuchadnezzar.
He set up a golden image and he wants everyone in the nation to worship His Image and there's some prisoners of War bear from From Palestine, from Israel, there from God's people and they're there, and they don't worship idols.
And he the pressure is put on the going through a test and their faith is being tested.
And King.
Nebuchadnezzar says, when you hear the sound of the horn, the flu design for the lie of the Hop, the pipe and all kinds of music.
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