Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Operating in the Divine
Jesus tells us that with the arrival of the Holy Spirit we will do all the things He has done and more.
It is a marvel to see a church body that is not truly seeing the power of God moving but insists on living the way it has now for decades.
It would be enough if that were the only issue but when we see glimpses of divine power many flock to it without discerning if it is the Holy Spirit that is operating through His people or if it is an imposter who is using demonic power to persuade the people of God.
We must understand that we are called to be vessels of the Living God, and being these vessels we are to operate in His divine power.
In advancing towards maturity we come across this fourth elementary doctrine of Jesus Christ which is the laying on of hands.
It should be noted this is not our power, it is the power of the Living God, wisdom should be exercised in this work, and this power can only be given through the Holy Spirit.
The Laying on of Hands is the Authority and Power of the Kingdom of God Made Manifest.
We examine the doctrines of Jesus Christ, not religion, not man, the very things Jesus taught
The laying on of hands is not for the immature; it is for those who are being transformed by the Holy Spirit
Is the first of two divine actions in which the finite interacts with the infinite God.
Caution Before Engaging
Not a Game
Paul operating in the HS
Diseases were healed
Oppressed were set free
Demons would flee
He was not present that how much anointing was coming from him
Itinerant Jewish Exorcist
Elsewhere noted by the disciples as casting out demons
They traveled from place to place in search of the divinities being performed
Their Lack of Relationship With Christ
they called on the name that Paul preached
They were in it for the wow factor
The Demon mastered them
it knew them
dominated them
beat them
caused them to leave broken, wounded, and ashamed.
Surfaced those who had been practicing the same and notes them as having been practicing MAGIC
Dont be Quick to Lay Hands
Refers to the imposition of hands in general
Caution to not become participant in their sin
Symbolizes Participation
Extending Hands and coming in agreement
Baptism asked to stand united, dedication a symbol of the unification
We commit to be participant in that action
Symbolizes the Giving of a Blessing
There is much to say about what Israel does in the crossing of hands
For now it is enough to see that with the laying on of hands he blesses
Symbolizes an Impartation
The work of commissioning another into service
I do not give giftings or callings these are given by the Lord my role is to affirm in the natural what the divine has already declared
This impartation is an act of agreement and alignment in your calling, and the commissioning into service
Symbolizes the Bestowal of the Holy Spirit
Water baptism had occured
Sealed into the Body Because of the Holy Spirit
Laying on of hands for the infilling of the Holy Spirit which is our commission
For Healing
Yes Healing
Sometimes we say just pray for healing and thats enough
Seeing Jesus take someone lay hands on them and then the person is healed
These five are noted as functions of laying on of hands.
They tell of how in this space we the human vessels truly operate in the divine.
It should be noted this is done through the Holy Spirit and not our own… As we grow into this work of divinity we must remember its not our… Freely we have received, freely we shall give.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9