Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
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Social Tendencies
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Majestic Lord, our only Sovereign one Creator and eternal sustainer of all things.
We praise you today, for you alone, are God, Father and Son, and Holy Spirit, you alone are God.
And as the one who gave light to the Earth, by the power of your words, speak, we pray.
The light of Illumination of understanding into our souls this morning.
As we open your precious word and see what you would have for us in Genesis.
Your word is life-giving.
Your word is precious, and it is true in every sense of the word.
In Jesus name, I pray, amen.
Won't invite you to take your seats and open your Bibles to page one.
The Book of Genesis.
I hope that doesn't get tiring.
That's actually where it is, or open your Bible app to the Book of Genesis this morning.
We're going to see right out of the gates that God who has created all things from nothing is to be praised as Creator even before he is to be praised as Redeemer.
God who created all things from nothing is to be praised as Creator even before he is to be praised as Our Redeemer often.
We, we praise God for saving us and that's good.
And it's right.
You'll hear me actually turn that page at the end of our message today.
That's good, and it's right.
And we ought to but before we praise God, for what he has done for us.
We are always to praise God for who he is.
The fourth and fifth Chapters at the end of your Bible.
In the Book of Revelation contain, just a wonderful hymn of praise to God.
I've got a couple of them actually, 45 wreath, hymns of praise to the Lord and God is praised by living creatures.
And by the 24 Elders, beat for being just God's being And for creating listen to verses 8 and 11.
In the four living creatures, each of them with six wings.
Are full of eyes all around and Within These are creatures that don't walk around the earth.
These are creatures that don't swim under the sea.
These are creatures that God created the god in the Angels, see in the spiritual places that we don't even say except for has their described for understanding and revelation.
Full of eyes all around Within.
Day and night, they never cease to say.
Holy holy.
Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
Who was
Who is?
And who is to come?
Converse 11, the 24 Elders.
Say worthy.
Are you?
Our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power for or because you created all things and by you or will they existed and were created.
And so we praise God Francis Schaeffer in Genesis and time and space says our praise to.
God is not first of all.
David heads up.
I'm coughing a lot today.
I'll try to turn it off when I can, but I won't be able to catch em all.
We're surely going to be busy editing week.
Francis Schaeffer said our praise.
The God is not.
First of all, in the area of soteriology or the doctrine of salvation.
If we're being fully scriptural.
We don't praise him first because he saved us, but because he is there and he is always been there and we praise him because he willed all other things including man into existence.
So God is to be praised as Creator even before has to be praised as Redeemer in ancient Hebrew days.
This is a very polytheistic people.
They worship many gods.
Well, because they conquered them up in their imaginations and they worshiped them many gods lowercase G because there is only one God They would conjure up these ideas and they would worship creation and end and Davina.
Fi, if that's even a word is made it up God's creation and God takes issue with that.
Is a grave error.
Friends are purpose and understanding the word of God is first and foremost to understand God, as he has revealed himself to us and to worship and praise him for the Creator that he is.
God gave light givers the one who created the light on the first day also gave us like a member initially got created lights that wasn't attached to a source because God is the source as though there was as you might think of it as Ambien lighter or something of that effect, but not like that was coming from a son cuz there was no sun at this time.
And in verses 14 through 19.
We see that God create light Giver, that God said, let there be lights in the expanse of the Heavens to separate the day from the night.
And let them be these lights for signs and four seasons in four days and four years.
And let them be as lights in the expanse of the Heavens to give light upon the Earth.
And it was so she's going to see that pattern over and over again.
God said it and it was so God said it and it was.
So God saw it and it was good.
And God made the two great lights for 16.
The greater light to Rule the Day and the Lesser light to rule the night and the stars and got set them to give light on the earth to rule over the day and drool over the night.
And two, separate the light from the darkness and God saw that it was good in, there was evening and there was morning the 4th day.
God is for the Earth, according to his perfect intentional design.
And now we see that God is filling the Earth, first and foremost here with, with light givers on the fourth day.
God gave his light-bearers.
These luminaries as beacons are is as signals of light, right?
Think about it.
If you're out on the Out on the Ocean and and you look at the shore and you see these and you see these lighthouses, right?
The sun in the moon are like lighthouses on a jagged.
Sure, but let you know where you are to give you perspective.
Help us understand time to separate the day for the night, from the night, and, and four seasons and four days and four years.
Think about how the Sun just work.
Was just think with our natural Minds here with what God is helping us to see the sun changes, the climate, we've experienced that drastically in the last 10 days.
The sun affects the climate, the Earth orbits around the Sun, once every 365.2 days which one we have leap years.
I don't like figure out how to best catch up time with.
So there are seasons in our days and our years have consistency to them.
Are the side effects.
It brings growing seasons?
And with the Earth on a tilt.
Spinning and moving around the sun, we have dormant seasons.
I remember, I'm But let me just say this first, the sun is 93 million miles away.
It's exactly the right location that you've heard people talk about this frequently.
If we were any closer or I should say much closer, we burn up.
We were further away.
We freeze.
We're at just the right location to have life-sustaining heat and cool at just the right temperature for just the right amount of time.
Just thinking about the axis of the earth.
Remember, living in Alaska for my high school years and I love living up there.
We lived in outside of Anchorage and It would have done, you may know that in Alaska.
You have this.
Of time.
That's much darker for much longer, right?
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