March 6, 2022 Sunday Worship Service (Roy)
Good morning. You want to be ready? Right? But L. Let's get ready. We need to be ready. Want to be ready it. So as we think about being ready, we think about the kingdom. Jesus has been preparing the people for the kingdom. The kingdom has yet to come and Jesus is going to assure in that Kingdom at some point it right now, as we look at the sermon on the mountain as we have been looking at for the past couple weeks. We're looking at Jesus showing what is going to be like for a person to be a part of the Kingdom. It's all we talked a little bit about the Beatitudes. Talking about those attitudes that we need to have in our lives in order to be a citizen of his kingdom and as he continues in this Frame of thought, he's talking now about law. And so we're going to be looking at Christ and the law a little bit this morning. We just had a scripture reading, concerning worry. One of the things that Jesus got to tell us where to look at that next week, as we study the idea of worried because we all worried at times, but he was worried should not be a part of the Kingdom. Worried should not be a part of our lives. And one of the reasons why? Because Jesus was going to bring a kingdom, that had a new low. A new law, a new testament, a New Covenant, and that the people who submit to that will that Covenant would have a remedy for all things including worried? But before we get there next week, we're looking at the law. Looking at what Jesus had to say concerning the law and what law was he talking about? Well, in Matthew Chapter 5, beginning of verse 17 through 20, we have here, some highlights of that Passage. First. In verse 17, Jesus. I have not come to destroy or abolish, but to fulfill the law. And you remember he said not one jot or tittle of the law will pass away until all has been fulfilled and that John is the Eyota. We always say, not one iota, right. Well, then your tire is the eye, the Greek eye, the letter, I and the total is the shortest of the Hebrew script, those little punctuation marks above word. And so he says, not even those things will pass away until all has been accomplished or fulfilled. And finally, and verse 19 says, you said all she'll be called at called least in the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not hold to watch mentor. Talking about the things the kingdom and what is addressing is really the Pharisees. He's pointing out the fact that the Jewish leaders, the fight of the scribes, the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the Sanhedrin as well, guilty of not teaching God's word. And so they said or so Jesus the Same listen, they're not teaching God's word and when the kingdom comes they will be the least. And the poorest of the poor memory, just talked about having those who are poor in spirit those who are Meek, right? He sang those people will rise to the occasion in God's eye because they are prepared to continue teaching and holding to God's word. And then finally, just too. As we introduced this, this subject today. He says in verse 20, except your righteousness exceeds, the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees. You shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. So he's telling the people who are gathered there, that the scribes and Pharisees have a particular righteousness. And really what he saying is they are unrighteous. There are unrighteous people and so he says, whatever you do. Now, on behalf of God, that will surely exceed the righteousness, the unrighteous, this of the scribes and the Pharisees. And so that leaves the people into the coming Kingdom. Now a lot of people look at that burst they say, well, you know, he said all things will be fulfilled. Did you know that there's a group of people who claim that the second coming has already occurred? That the Judgment has already occurred and that the resurrection of the Dead is already occurred because all things have been fulfilled. What Jesus says here. And what Jesus is really talking about all things concerning him. He's the point of the law. What all things concerning him are fulfilled, then the law will have ended that's what he say to make it abundantly, clear? Luke chapter 24, and he says that he said, these are the words which I spoke to you. I was still with you. That all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses and the prophets, and the song for the writings concerning me concerning me. And then the law will be done away with it because we learn from the scriptures themselves, that the law would be nailed to the cross. But interestingly enough, as we consider the end of the law. We find what Jesus says in Luke chapter 16 and verse 16. He says the law and the prophets were until John until John. It's all the point that he's making there was John was going to be the last prophet. And the Old Testament talked about John being considered the new Elijah that he would come and he would start talking about the coming Kingdom. In fact, the very words out of his mouth were repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. And so John was the new Elijah that he was coming to prepare, but the Old Testament gave him the authority to offer up a new things. New Concepts, new ideas. And so this is what John did and also you remember the Old Testament allowed the coming Messiah to provide new information as well. And so when you read some of the information in chapter 5 of Matthew, you find Jesus saying you have heard it said of old, but I say to you now, he says that several times and the sermon on the mail and that is you have said, but I say and so he's adding something new, he's not adding to the law because the law has said, he can add these new things, that was his responsibility. And so fine here, that to some degree. The law was until John the last prophet of the Old Testament and the law.
In verse 14 was nailed to the cross, sing that song, it was nailed to the cross. It was nailed to the cross, write the law of Moses. The old Covenant law was nailed to the cross and tasted. It was taken out of the way. It was known that had no more power. It was no longer efficacious for anything. And so, all of it was removed by Jesus At The Cross. And remember, as we're talking about how, John, and Jesus could both add new information. Well, that's exactly what God, the father said to do. You remember at the Mount of transformation Transfiguration, in Matthew chapter 17, we find that Jesus is appearing, on the mount with Elijah and Moses. Moses represented the law, the law of Moses, and Elijah represented the prophets. And so you remember that, a voice came out of heaven. And said, this is my beloved Son. Hear. Ye him. In other words, you're no longer going to listen to Moses and you're no longer going to listen to Elijah, but you are going to listen to my son beginning. No. He has the words of Life Peterson. Where can we go? Lord for you have the words of life and he had the words of life. Now. On that occasion. I know we read in 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 beginning of her 6 that the apostles were the Ministers of the New Covenant and other words. They were Ministers of a new body of Doctrine. They were teaching the old body of Doctrine. They were teaching the old Covenant law. They were now teachings of Christ, the law of Christ, and fine, and along that line in Galatians chapter 3. We find this interesting Passage. So Paul writes what purpose then does the Lost serve? It was added because of transgression sin till the seed should come. And that's that it was talking about in contacts is Jesus Christ. And so until the sea till Christ should come, so the law had a purpose, but the law was until Christ. But the scripture has confined or understand that the Promise by the faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe the fellow is the gospel. The faith is a body of Doctrine be called the New Testament, the New Covenant teaching. And so, notice he says the faith, we can say, the New Covenant in Christ. Jesus might be given to those who believe I bought these for the safe came. We were kept under guard by the law of Moses kept for the thing, which would afterward be revealed as it was now. So Paul is showing us that the old was done away with the new head and turd in that the old served its purpose in Jesus Christ. And now the faith, the gospel, the New Covenant was the body of teaching on Call people. Where to submit to. Where to find themselves under no longer, go back and serve the law. But to serve, now the gospel to serve that which would sanctify them. And so parking 21 years, there for the law, was our tutor to bring this to Christ. There's the purpose that we might be justified by the faith, not by the law, but by the face, but after the faith is come, we are no longer under the tutor under it to the tutors a lot with no longer under the law. We're no longer on your almost sacrifices, those binding and hard and terrible things that we had to do. We don't have to do things any longer specially, if you were a Jew. Remember Jesus said, my yoke is easy and my burden is light. He's talking about he's making the contrast to what the Pharisees and their fathers were doing to the people finding a yoke upon the neck of the people that they couldn't bear. They couldn't understand, they couldn't hold up under that law. There was no answer because there was no Bloodshed by Jesus Christ yet. But now, Gentiles and Jews come together under one law under one gospel. The faith and the tutor is now obsolete. The tutor has retired, because the tutor the teacher has done its job, and has brought Christ to the people to the world. And so again, we see the purpose of the law of Moses, the law of Moses felt just for the Jews. And I brought them to Christ. And once Christ came Christ, offered up, a new creation, called The Kingdom, the church. And within that church. Now all people can answer in that is both Jew and Gentile.
It has become too Romans chapter 10 on other interesting passage concerning the law, but also concerning the Jewish people. It says, brother in this is Paul talking Brethren. My heart's, desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. Frye building witness that. They had a Zeal for God but not according to knowledge. There's a lot of people in the world today, like the Jews. They have a Zeal for God. Probably more steel Zeal than some of us have. But is it according to knowledge that is, is it according to God's word? That's the thing. The bottom line is, he has to compare what is being taught with what, God teaches. And often you'll find, there's a discrepancy between what some teach and what God teaches, even though they have a Zeal. They're on fire for God. They love their God, but it's not according. To knowledge. He says, for they being ignorant of God's righteousness and seeking to establish their own righteousness. The right. It's under consideration. Here is not the attributes of God, his righteousness, that he's a righteous being. But that his laws is Gospel is that, which is righteous because it offers up righteous acts righteous works for you and I to carry out. That's the point. Remember, we can't go back to the law of Moses and do the things of the law. Because the laws Dead and Gone nailed to the cross. So Jesus or at least in this case, Paul saying, listen, they're good note. The Jews are trying to establish their own righteousness by going back to the wall in context. They were forcing circumcision upon the Gentiles. And so they were saying to the Gentiles. Well, we understand, you were baptized into Christ Jesus, for the remission of your sins, about you still not justified. You're still not like Jews. The chosen people of God, you, you need to be circumcised. And they were going back to the law. The law is dead out of the way. So what ethic is he, what power was in the law that could save them? Nothing because the new had already supplanted the old. So he says, they have not submitted to the righteousness of God. They have not submitted to the gospel. The very theme of the book of Romans is for, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God to Salvation for everyone, who believes for the Jew first. And also, for the Greek or Gentile, So, that's the whole premise of the book and four 16 chapters. Paul is talking about the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through faith. And then he says, for Christ is the end of the law where we kind of just read that. And Galatians by Paul where Paul said, the law was our Schoolmaster or our tutor that brought us to Christ and Christ is the end of the law. The law is no longer. The water people in Christendom, a lot of our religious friends and neighbors, who practice things of the law, like the Sabbath, keeping the Sabbath, holy and so forth. And I think a lot of more ignorant of the fact of what Paul actually says here and what Jesus was pointing out. And so, we find the necessity of Jesus, being the end of the law for what, for justification for righteousness. That's the same word, righteousness, and justification the same root word. To everyone who believes so Christ makes one righteous through the gospel. No one could be made righteous by the law. And so, another thing that, the Hebrews writer points out is this behold, this is talking about Jesus, talking about Jesus being active in the Old Testament and what he has to say to the father and this comes from the The Book of Psalms. He says, behold I have come to do your will or God. He takes away the first first, what? First Covenant, the first the old Covenant was the first Kung Fu takes away the first that he may establish. The second talk to you about in contacts the new company or the New Testament. So notice what else he says, he says by that will by that will what will? Christwill that's found in the second Covenant or the second estimate that we'll buy. That will we have been sanctified?
You can't be Sanctified by the old, you have to be Sanctified by the new because that's what Christ ushered in, the New Testament, or Covenant in his blood. And that's exactly what Luke tells us and Luke chapter 22. This cup is the New Covenant in my blood, which is shed for you. And so, as a memorial, as Christians, we assemble every Lord's day. Every first day of the week, to remember what Jesus did upon the cross, that Jesus died for our sins and we eat the element, we call the bread that symbolizes his body. That body was beaten with bruise was bloody. I did that for you and for me and so by eating the bread, we called to mind the offense in the scenes of that day thinking about what Jesus had to do on our behalf. And then he says this cup is the New Covenant in my blood and now he's dispersing the fruit of the vine for his disciples. And then he chosen drink, ye all of it. Each of you says, my blood which is shed for you. What was shed for you, the New Covenant in my Blood. Until we find here, the idea that Jesus shed his blood for the New Covenant, not just for your, our sins, yours and mine. But you in that which will sustain us to Heaven that which will justify that which will sanctify us when we submit to that Covenant to that covered in his blood, but the greatest thing that's offered by the shedding of his blood, is your salvation, my salvation. Part of the New Covenant was what Jesus said to tell the apostles. He says go therefore and Make Disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them all, things that I have commanded you and lo I'm with, you always even unto the end of the age. Jesus gave them new information to which they were to teach the spirit would die the apostles into teaching that information to the to the masses of people. We have that information in writing. We call that scripture and in the scripture we have the will of God, the will of God that was communicated by words. Words. Words, identify what was in the heart in the mind of God, God, so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. But God, so loved the world that he gave us his word is Will. And from his own heart, every word that's in scripture. Comes from the Holy Spirit. God. And each word is a representation of what was in his mind and that's his heart is mine. That's been open for you and for me to take hold of And to take part of it. So Jesus, just before he went back to be with the father, told his disciples.
Go into all the world and preach the gospel who believes and is baptized shall be saved. He who does not believe, she'll be condemned. And so the very beginning of that new covenant was this believe that message, believe that message that Jesus brought into the world and by believing that message, once you believe it and accepted as true, he says, and be baptized, he that believes and is baptized shall be saved. Just a very simple plan. And so Jesus offers that to you today. Perhaps you're not a Christian but a Christian Life Begins by doing what Jesus said. And Jesus said, if you want to follow me deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me. And the way that you could do that this morning is by putting Jesus Christ on his baptism. If you've done that, but you have not been faithful to Jesus Christ. Jesus says, repent of your sin and all will be made knew that at the repentance of one sitter. All the angels of heaven will give Applause. Isn't that something? If you're subject to that beautiful and wonderful, invitation, that Christ offered today. Want to come by today. That's Together. We Stand and say,