Sardis: The Dead Church
Praise the Lord wouldn't tremendous singing thankful for the Cross of Christ. Amen. Where would we be today? Without the cross of Jesus Christ. Love you have your Bibles. Please. Take your mom's One turns Revelation. Chapter number three As We are continuing our series, looking at the letters from Jesus. These are literal letters that Jesus wrote to literal churches in the Apostle. John's last day. He received this Revelation while he was alone on the Isle of Patmos. They could not kill John. They tried to burn him in boiling hot oil. Tradition tells us history tells us but he did not die. And so the only thing that they found that they could do to get rid of this old, Apostle of Christ, was to isolate him on the Isle of Patmos, but even their God, used him tremendously, gave him this revelation of Jesus Christ. And a lot of times we look at the Book of Revelation and we think that this was only written to a generation that was to come in the far-off distant future, but in Revelation 1:4, we found it. This entirety of This Book of this, revelation of Jesus Christ was written to originally to the seven churches in Asia Minor. And so it's not just a a a prophecy of those things to come. It was written primarily to the ones who received it there in those churches in Asia Minor. Revelation chapter number 3 will looking at. Are fifth Church of the seven letters that Jesus wrote and it says into the angel of the church in Sardis. Write these things says, he who has the seven spirits of God, and the Seven Stars. I know your works that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead Be watchful or be alert. Be awake and strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die for. I have not found your works. Perfect before God. Remember therefore how you have received and heard. Holdfast and repent. Therefore, if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments, and they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy. He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from The Book of Life, but I will confess his name before my father and before his angels. And that he says, in every letter, he who has an ear. Let him hear what the spirit says, to the churches. I want to speak to you this morning on this stock, Sardis the dead Church. Let's pray Our Father. We come before you, Lord and humility. We come before you Lord, as those who are hungry. And in need of your sustenance in need of your word to feed us. Your father, I pray that we would do that today as we consider this particular letter to this church. Father. I pray that that we would apply these truths. To our hearts individually. And that we would apply these cruise to our church, collectively and corporately. I pray Lord that you would convict. I pray. Father that you would draw those who are lost your son, Jesus Christ. Who has offered himself up? As the propitiation of your wrath towards them. Jesus is the satisfaction of your ass. Has he took upon himself?
Your wrath that we should have deserved. I pray Lord that those who are lost with come to know your son Jesus today. We ask all these things in Christ, name and all of God's people said, amen. We know today through the advancements of Technology. Of the the vast distance to tremendous distance between stars and planets. And we know that because of this of this great vastness that is really beyond our comprehension to really understand how far a star is from the SAR planet Earth. The nearest stars to us are trillions of miles away. We cannot fathom that. And so, those large distances have Force astronomers to come up with an appropriate measurement unit. Called light years. One light year equals the distance that light travels traveling at 186,000 miles per second. Not per hour per second. And so it's the distance of light that travels more than 186 miles per second travels in one year's time span, which is some 6 trillion miles in one year like and travel up to 6 trillion miles enormous distance to even the nearest Stars presents a very interesting possibility. And that is, if a star that is 30 light years away. If somehow that star exploded in died 5 years ago, we would not even be able to tell by looking at it for another. 25 years. Is that amazing? Even though the star is no longer in existence, the light from that star would go on Shining as if nothing had changed. Well, that illustration perfectly sums up the situation in many churches. They will still shine. They still shine with the reflected light from a bright pass. But in reality, they have already died. Such was the church at Sardis. This fifth letter of the total 7 letters. This church of Sardis, had a name that it was alive. But in reality, they were dead. And this letter, as with every letter is a warning for any church. Any charts, no matter how glorious it's past, maybe could become like the Church of Sardis. Now, before we get into the message this morning, I want to spend just a few moments looking at the city of Sardis itself, because there is an amazing parallel between the church at Sardis and the history of the city of Sardis. Several hundred years before Christ wrote this letter to the Apostle or to this before Christ. Wrote this letter to the Church of Sardis, Sardis was the capital city at one time of the kingdom of Lydia. Sardis was the capital of the lydian Kingdom which was at the Pinnacle of its Kingdom. It took up. Most of Asia, Minor took up most of modern-day turkey, but this Kingdom Olivia Kingdom got started in around 1200 BC and it ended around 546 BC. I start as had been one of the greatest and wealthiest capital cities in the wealthiest Kingdom of the world at that one time. As a matter of fact, the first gold coins in the first silver coins were printed and circulated out of the city of Sardis Sardis reached its Pinnacle during the years of King croesus. My Sardis, reach its Zenith under creases. It also fell under croesus. Creases says many emperors. Once they build a big Empire want to continue to expand that Empire. We see that even today don't lie with Putin in Russia. They're never satisfied with what they have. They want more and that was normally the destruction of great Empires because it was spread themselves. So thin, they could not defend what they had. And so croesus. Thought that he was going to invade Persia and kongkrit. And so he did that. He he invaded Persia. He was wanting to defeat, Cyrus the Great, the king there but if you know the story, he did not defeat Persia. There was a great battle called The Battle of Sion. Bro. There was estimated 100,000 casualties in this war. Sardis though, Lydia did not win the war. As a matter of fact, they were hightailing it back to Sardis the capital city. And there they would, hopefully find some Refuge because the city itself sat on a hill and it was to them Invincible, but they found out that it was not invincible. And because they were not watchful. The enemy came in and destroyed. The city and the king from that time, forward Sardis was a story of a city that was known for both its wealth and power but lost it both.
They neglected. Do you watch will? They became complacent? And they felt like they were Invincible, but they found out that they were not. Another interesting thing about the city of Sardis and it's very important to understand. It's the context of it, the city of sort of had a famous cemetery. Aiden Acropolis. And it was called a city on a thousand hills. And the hills that is talking about, not talk about the Rolling Hills of some Valley, or some some Ridge. But rather is named after many burial, mounds where they are in the graveyard and could be seen from the city. I said Jesus picks up on this history in in rebuking the Church of Sardis and it says, hey, you have a reputation that you are alive. But in reality, your dad. And just as sorry, as his famous cemetery, had a thousand hills 1000 grave, Mounds, Jesus reminds us that. He sure can have a thousand or Plus members and still be As Dead As the inhabitants of a cemetery.
So, this is a great. Tremendous awesome letter. That Jesus rights to this church. I want you to know three things as we consider this particular letter, notice. First of all, the great positions pronouncement. Notice his pronouncement.
He States and verse number one that he really proclaims his deity. And verse 1. He, he talks about in the angel of the Church of Sardis write these things. He says, he who has the seven spirits of God, and who is holding the Seven Stars? Now the seven spirits of God, you might think hold on a second brother. Wait, I thought there was just one Holy Spirit. Well, it is and there is just one Holy Spirit. The number seven here is symbolic of the completeness and the Fulfillment of the Holy Spirit. It's a complete Ministry. This Sevenfold Ministry of the spirit is defined in Isaiah 11 and 12. It says, they're the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him. Notice a spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and Mike, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. And so in Christ is the plenitude of the Holy Spirit. It is a perfect complete spirit. And this is a reminder to churches that we are to operate, only. None under the power of human might not under the power of human skill or organization, but under the awesome power of the Holy Spirit.
I've been noticing matches at Seven Stars and we know Revelation, chapter 1 verse 20 that the Seven Stars a Jesus tells us speaks of the seven angels. And whether you interpret the Seven Stars or angels, as the pastors of these seven churches or literal Angels, who are there to be a guardian of the seven churches. The point is this Christ. Hold them in his hand. He is Christ is not only the power of the church, but crisis also the protector of his church. So he comes and he proclaims his deity busy also proclaims his discernment.
Notice he says again. I know your works. Now, this is the fifth time that we have. Seen this statement from the Lord Jesus Christ. I think he's wanting to tell us something, right. I know your works. It's very interesting that Sardis, like laodicea the seventh letter that will look at. Did not receive any praise. I did not receive any commendation. From the Lord Jesus. But he is the one who knows your Works. Did it, that is to say that he comes as one who sees all and he knows all he knows everything we are doing and listen. Not only that. He not only sees our activity. But he also sees. Our motives. That drives our activity. He knows your heart. He knows everything you do. He knows why you do it. And when you think about that, that's a very sobering thought. You know, one day we're going to be judge of the Judgment seat of Christ. Not only what we have done for the Lord. Jesus Christ and what we have not done, but we're going to be judged by the motives of which while we did those things. Why did you give that money? Why did you serve in that capacity? Was it to serve the Lord? Jesus Christ, or was it for game? And if it's for game or any other reason, the Bible tells us those Works will burn before the Lord. He knows your works but notice also he comes proclaiming his diagnosis. And it's not a good diagnosis, is it? Again, verse 1, he says I know your works. But you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. So apparently they're works. Their activity, gave them the appearance of life. And Jesus tells them that they have a reputation.
Listen, just as the city of Sardis was known. Abbott's greatness of its wealth and power. The Church of Sardis was known for being overconfident. Just as a city was the Church of Sardis was was known for being boastful just as the city of the kingdom was. They had a name yet behind the reputation. There was no substance there. The church was all named and no reality. All reputation, but no life.
But what was it? That gave them? The name. What was it that gave is church at Sardis this reputation? Well, to be a number of things. It could have been their financial stature in the community. It could have been that they were a church that had a lot of activities on. A lot of programs Water Ministries. They could have been given to the poor. They could have help in those things out early and people could have seen those things and thoughts. Hey, this is a good church. That church has got to be alive.
They had a name. That they have life, but in reality, they were dead. What is interesting is that is that this letter? We find no threat at all if any persecution that they were in during like pergamus. No persecution in this letter. There was no, they were not combating false teaching as they were in Smyrna. Very interesting. Evidently Satan did not consider Sardis. Worthy of spiritual attack. Sake. Do not consider Sardis worthy of a threat. Worthy of spiritual attack because they didn't, he just as a threat to his kingdom of darkness. Sorry, this was a very peaceful Church. It enjoyed peace, but it was the kind of peas you'd find at a cemetery.
Folks. Listen, I rather Pastor a church. That is fighting against spiritual tax of Satan, then Pastor a church that never had any problems because Satan feels like as if we are no threat whatsoever.
Listen to a church without any problems. Is a sign that there is a major problem.
And I know a lot of people when there are some problems. The first thing they do is they leave the church. And normally, what they find out, if that's the reason that they're leaving that they're leaving. Jumping out of the frying pan and heading into the fire. Because if any churches, preaching the word of God. Every church is going to battle Satan. Every church is going to battle and have storms because of the threat that Satan feels of the church.
And if you do find a church with there is absolutely no problems be aware of that, beware of that, because a church, without any problems. As a sign, that there is a great problem. SOS Ardis was what we were what would we refer to today as a nominal Church? A so-called church. It was a, it was Christian in name, but name only. Listen to members if you were to ask them, did they profess Christ? And there was a absolutely, we profess Christ, but in reality, their hearts were turned from the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus goes on the second verse for, you have a few names even in Sardis. People who have not defiled their garments that were defiled speaks of soiling their garments. And so this indicates that most of the, most of the members who made up his church at Sardis. Most of them had defiled themselves with sin. One Rider said, almost the entire church had submitted themselves to the surrounding world of Pagan religion and instead of being an influence on the culture, it became influenced by that culture. So, Jesus, complains and verse to I have found your works. Perfect. I have not found your works. Perfect. In the sight of God, the word perfect here does not speak of a Perfection as we would think of it today. It is a word. That means full complete. In other words, why the works may have been spiritually impressive to men. In God's sight. There were empty of substance. God rejected their works. In the Old Testament, we see this being played out that got rejected blemished Lambs offered for sacrifice. Will in the same way Christ saw that the religion in Sardis was empty of real devotion. It was empty of thanks to God. And so you have people who named the name of Christ, yet. They lived in a worldly, sinful lifestyle, claiming to know Christ, but living in a such a way that they defiled and soiled their white garments. This portrait of the church in Sardis. Remind me so much of Paul's words and Paws warning and 2nd, Timothy chapter 3 for Paul Warren Timothy. Hay times are coming that it's going to be very difficult for you difficult time. They're coming and the characterization of those and that time, they'll be those characterized by selfishness arrogance, Disobedience, ingratitude. Unholy minutes. The church would be attacked by charlatans involves teachers and slander. That's a reading. Paul's description. We might think he was describing the world around him except what Paul says in verse 5 can only be said of people. Within the church verse five. It says they have the appearance of godliness, but deny the power thereof. This was the description of the church at Sardis. Despite its Works, despite its reputation. They had the appearance of Dominus, but they denied the power thereof. Another words. This church was Howard Lee prosperous. It was busy with externals of religious activity, but it was void of spiritual life and Power. So this brings up this question, how do churches die?
How did such a church with a reputation for life, fall into a state of death? Was there, at least three explanations for how the church in Sardis died and they can be drawn from their well-known past in history. Notice number one churches die. When they do not watch out for the enemy. Churches die. When they do not watch out for the enemy. Just as Stardust was overthrown. When they fled from the Battle of fine, bro. And went up to the city of Sardis.
They thought the city itself because of the way, it was placed on a hill and is a very difficult to climb up the pass to get to the city itself. They were invincible. So they did not even set out Watchman to watch out for the Persians who were coming after them. Because they did not set out. Any Watchman late parrot.
But this is why churches must always be on guard concerning false teaching. Paul warned the Ephesian Elders to expect doctrinal attack and he was urging the pastures, therefore be alert.
My job and watch out, Christians must be awake against the temptation of sin. We should not be asleep concerning temptation of seeing. We should not be slumbering concerning Satan's temptation. As a matter of fact, Jesus said, watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.
And then churches must guard against assimilation. Into the spiritually dead state of the world.
Very easy for us to assimilate to a law Society. And that is our biggest struggle today. The world wants to assimilate us. They want some old us. This is why Jesus said watch yourselves. Lest your hearts. Be weighed down with dissipation. Sinfulness drunkenness in the cares of this life. I'll listen, if we are not bitching want, we may find that an enemy has like Sardis scaled, our walls, and open our gates and there to destroy us.
Churches die. When they do not watch out for the enemy, notice to number to churches die. When they rely upon past victories. But neglect, the spiritual by tality. They need in the present. Churches can die when they rely on their impressive name. Churches die. When they rely solely upon their spiritual Legacy. That Grandma and Grandpa left them. Or the rich heritage. They die when they rely upon those things and not 10 to their spiritual Vitality in the present. Sardis was a church that had a golden past. But unfortunately, they misplace their security. Church's Church's today may try to Coast on a reputation that they have earned and pastimes. We cannot do that. We can be thankful for the big trees that God has given us in the past, but we must be vigilant in the present.
even if we have a strong Christian reputation, We must tend to the reality. To strengthen our faith daily. This is what James was talking about when he said, draw near unto God, and God will draw near unto you. That is a constant drawing constant notices. Thirdly, churches die when they lose sight of their mission. And then pursue Zane sayings. Churches Fall Away by pursuing vein, an empty things in place of the true spiritual Riches of salvation. Under King, croesus Sardis, exalted in wealth and ease, but failed to cultivate virtues such as courage and strength. And in the same way churches today May focus on their finances. They may Focus solely upon music, programs, and their Ministry events, and their lavish the facility, yet with all these any church that is without the glory of Christ.
Is a church that is nearing death. Our soon will die. The substance of a church must be the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Faith in Christ worship through Christ and genuine service to Christ must always be the primary focus of a truth Church. It is so easy for us to get preoccupied on things that really do not matter.
That. It's a Temptation that we all must be made aware of.
Focusing on anything else will lead to a church. Losing its vitality and perhaps even its life. Noticed. Secondly, not only do we see the great positions for now. So, but we see the great physician prescription.
Not only does Sardis, show us have Church's died. But Jesus message here, sets the agenda, agenda.
For how to revive a dead or dying church. I love this Revelation chapter 3 and verse two and three provide some instructions for church church, Revival. Coupled with a warning. If the church is not revived. Says versus To Be watchful or wake up and springs in the things, which remained that are ready to die for. I have not found your works. Perfect before God. Remember therefore how you have received and heard, holdfast and repent. Therefore. If you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief and you will not know what our I will come upon you notice. First of all Christ to man, is for slumbering sleeping Believers at Sardis. Wake up. They were to wake up this call here shows that there was at least still a remnant of believers who were say they were True Believers, but they were sleep spiritually. I mean, after all Christ would not command those who were dead to awaken from sleep. No. One writer says this. Says that this command suggests that Revival begins with a few individuals. Who wake up to the condition of those around them, and then begin to be concerned for them? Allison history tells us that suck that the city of Sardis fell twice to the sword because Watchmen were asleep. So listen. It's Revival would correspondingly begin with Christians who are awake to the times, and they begin because of their away from this to the spiritual things. They begin to stimulate New Life. He said, brother. Wait, why didn't these believers who were True? Believers living in this very secular Church. Why didn't they just leave the church and go to another one? I tell you one, because there was not another one. There was only one church and they were forced to stay and work for the betterment and they spread and proclamation of the Gospel. What was the first command for a viable? First, instruction for Bible the second? These awakened Christians are to as birth to tell to strengthen. Those things that remain in as about to die. A Christian or a church. That is we need to be strengthened by God's grace.
Now, what is the way in which a Christian? And what is the way a church is strengthened by God's grace. Well, the primary means of Grace here is God's. Holy word. That's how Peter wrote in 1st Peter one that we are born again only by the living and abiding word of God. As I mentioned earlier that the description of Sardis is very similar to Paul's warning and 2nd, Timothy chapter 3 is very interesting and very helpful for us to understand that Paul advised Timothy not to seek some, some worldly solution to these problems here. But rather he said, in verse 14, continue and what you have learned and continue to firmly, believe what you have been taught. Concerning the sacred writings the Holy Scripture, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith in Christ. Jesus. Paul continue to go on a 16 that Don's out. Breathed word is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction a training in righteousness. And other words. Paul was saying, hey, look times are tough. You have a lot of Tears within the church. You have a lot of people who may have a form of godliness. But yet, they deny the power thereof. What do you do? Timothy, you preach the word preach, the word. It is a means of Grace for our strength, and sustenance.
This was God's command to the prophet Ezekiel in the Old Testament.
When that faithful Prophet was summoned to minister to the valley of dry bones. Remember that story? True story. Did you imagine the prophet here? He is facing this grisly scene of decomposing bodies, symbolic of the situation, and Sardis and many other churches. Hold the prophet. Prophesy over these bones and say to them old dry bones, hear the word of the Lord, and it seeks. You'll preach God's word in the Bible tells us that the breath came into them and they lived and they stood on their feet as a great Army. I was in here. We see, not only a Man dates for preaching and teaching in the church. But also the way that any Christian or any church can beer be revived it is through God's. Holy word. Notice thirdly, besides Keating price command, to awaken out of sleep, and to strengthen those things that that remain. Sardis was to remember, then what they had received in her. The people. Of course, of course, to remember the gospel truth. I have brought them salvation. They were also to remember, Jesus himself, who is the grace of our salvation? These people are counsel to remember where the Lord brought them from and what he has done for them. And our prayer meeting prior to our service. There was one gentleman who prayed and he just thank the Lord. As he was remembering his past and what the Lord saved him from, he was thanking the lord for his salvation. Hey, listen, to remember, it just as good to remember where we were before Christ, and where we are now because of Christ? And notice also Jesus commands at his word would be obeyed. And that sin would be repented of, that's what he says, a 3 when it says hold fast. Stay firm and repent. It's always say that it is not sufficient, only to hear the word. We must also obey what we here. We show our faith in the Bible, not by our hearing. You can come eat Sunday in heat and still be a disobedient, Christian. You show your faith in Christ by you hearing and then obeying the words of Christ.
Obeying is teaching obeying the commands of Christ in you walk in here. But only those who are True Believers will obey and follow the lord Jesus.
And they are to repent. well, that is a Taboo word today in it. The idea of repentance today is it is about as foreign as you can get. But when a church has allowed itself to be loathed laws, into a state of Slumber and sleep, their only. Hope is to repent. What does it mean to repent? It means that we come to a place where we experienced a change of mind about our sins, that results in a change of Direction. We turn from our sins and we turn toward God. Repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of action. Let me see. What repentance is not repentance. Is not you shedding tears. Over your sin.
There are a lot of people who are heartbroken that they did send. But they're more heartbroken that they are going to reap the consequences of sin than they are of actually breaking the laws of God. Judas wept bitterly but Judas did not repent of what he did. And so it is not simply being broken over. Are seeing that's not what, what repentance is. It is to be broken from our sins. That's what repentance and noticed this how important this is that obedience and repentance to the Lord. Jesus Christ is not optional at all.
as a matter of fact, Are reinforced by a dire warning from Christ. Verse 3 tells us therefore. If you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief and you will not know what hour, I will come upon you. The Christ here is not speaking of he's not speaking of his second coming. Rather he is speaking of his coming judgment. Met his price will visit. This will be Christians and give them painful discipline. If it's necessary for them to repent and turn from their sin and turn once again to cry brother. Ted spoke on that this morning in our Bible study. Churches that will not obey or repent May suddenly find that their lampstands have been removed and the light has fully gone out. And it said, many churches, today are in that condition.
They may function the same way. They always have. They may have services and they have singing. Then they have preaching that may have Outreach Ministries. They may give to missions, but they are dead. They are ineffective. They're merely going through the motions. They have while activity, but they are dead. Several years ago at our home. We had a poisonous snake. And Matthew and I were outside and I took a hoe and I chopped his head off. Those of you who know what happens to a snake that was fully alive and then suddenly lose its head, what it does it. Wiggles all over the place and Matthew said, dad is, is the snake alive still? I said no son. That snake is dead. He just don't know it yet. OK, Google up on a, on a farm back, in the old days, used to take those chickens and cut those chickens heads off and they would flop around run around just as if they had, they had a lot of activity, but there was no life, no life.
That can be said of a lot of churches today.
Like Samson, the Lord has left them. And I did not know that the Lord had even departed. Noticed, quickly, My Soul Time, always moves. Faster. When I'm preaching. I promise you. Notice last of the great physician promises. Notices promises.
He promises something to the remnant, in verse 4. He says you have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments. And they shall walk with me. And why? For they are worthy. Here we see that True Believers are those who had not Fallen to secular influences. They had abstained from the grossest sins into which nominal Christians fall into. As bad as things were in Sardis, there were some who were saved and those who were seeking after the Lord. And this is, the Lord is saying to these members here. In essence, you you folks are standing faith. Not defiled your garments. You have not sold. Your garments with a deadness that exists all around you. Jesus said they shall walk with me in white.
Revelation 22 verse 14. Speaks of blessed are those who wash their robes so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter into the city Gates into the City, by the gates. So when we who are sinners trust rice and are saved, we had been imputed Christ's righteousness on our camp that when the Lord sees us, is not see us in our sins. He sees the righteousness of Christ. He sees the righteousness of Christ. Now, that that chains at pure garment that has been placed upon us through regeneration is seen most vividly. In the Practical Holiness of a faithful. Dolly life. Turning increasingly increasingly from sin by Christ power. And so we are striving to be holy as Christ is Holy and one of the signs that a person has been born again, is that they are striving to live as Christ lives. Notice first five his promise to the repentant. He says, he who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments and I will not blot out his name from The Book of Life. Now, right there. You might think all my soul. I saved person can lose your salvation. In Christ can just block their names out. What's important to note that this verse does not say that some who are saved made a loser salvation? It's not saying that some may have their names blotted out from God's book as some people have claimed here. No. As a matter of fact, Jesus Point here is really cute and fluffy the security of True Believers. Jesus said, I will not blot out his name, out of The Book of Life. This is a verse that offers a precious promise of absolute security. All those who believe Upon Jesus. Now, it helps us to understand the culture in the car, and the customs of this day. In, in John's day, the leaders and rulers, keep a register of all the citizens of the city each name with place in this book. And if someone died or if they commit a serious crime, their name was erased from that register and for the Christian, I took a stand for Christ who would not worship or bothering me to Cesar could be in Jeopardy of having their name taken off of their registry there in of the other citizenship. But you see here Christ, the King of Heaven promises never to erase a true Christians name from the roll of those whose names were written before the foundation of the world Revelation, 13:8 Elvis. On the contrary verse 5 says that Christ, will confess every Believers name before God, the father. And before his holy angels, He will affirm that they belong to him. He will one day have us in heaven and he will declare to the Holy Angels and to his father. These are mine. These are mine. I have bought them and pay for them by my own blood. And here Christ, reaffirm the promise, he made during his Earthly Ministry. Everyone who confesses me before men. I will also confess him before. My father who is in heaven. The comforting truth. The true Christian salvation is eternally, secure is an unmistakable teaching of scripture. And nowhere is that truth more strongly stated in, in Romans chapter 8, verses 28 through 39 where it talks about that. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God. Hallelujah for that. As we think about this church. Church of Sardis.
Maybe you're here and you know, without a shadow of a doubt that you have been saved. As you examine your life.
You know that you've been sleeping spiritually. Well, listen to Christ's command, to wake you up. Wake up, if you are asleep. Maybe somebody here. You have the appearance of life. You come to church, your name is on the role of the church. but in reality, You don't have any spiritual life within you. And maybe through this preaching and hearing of God's word, you realize that you have never truly been save. You have just this facade.
But you never have really been transformed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to Jesus said in John chapter 6, that it is a spirit who gives life Spirit who gives life. And so if you sent right now that you are dead.
Call On Jesus. Calling him. Even at this moment, calling the one who holds the seven spirits. And he will give you a life.
Or if you sense right now that you are dead or if you know that you are alive. but you feel Creeping deadness. Acid stains of sin of this world. Have pain, your garments. Seek the Lord. Remember. What he has saved you from repent and return to him. That's bright. Our Father.
I pray that even as we're closing in prayer.
That Lord that you would examine. Each heart. Father, I pray for the sleeping Christian. This one bring it Christian lore that they would have weight. I think they would remember that they would repent and hold fast to your word.
I pray for the church collectively Lord. I pray that we never become a church like Sardis.
Father, I pray that you would give us life. Help us to serve you in the spirit of holiness.
father, I pray the Lord for The ones that are here that have never trusted Christ, they, they know that they are dead. Spiritually. There's no life within them. How do I pray that? Through your work every generation. Through the Holy Spirit Lord that you would draw them to your son Jesus. At that, he would repent. And they would trust you as their lord and savior. And be saved today.
Oh Lord. I pray that you would do your work. I'm drawing and convicting. With all these things in Christ name. Hey, man.