20093023 SC Reg Conf
Jude 3
Just because someone says something doesn't make it so.
WWCG clip...
Can we identify America in Bible prophecy? Flurry boring and negative...
Can't be fixed...British Israelism And Sabbath and Saturday.Completely bogus...Greg!!!
Joe says false and bous
Michael depressing and bogus...
No evidence offered... I Thess 5:21 hang on go what is right.
Only one God.... Assyrians in NW Iraq etc. Understanding of Bible prophecy is based on our understanding of America and Britain. Rick Sheridan... teacher of history. British Isralism 1320 AD Scottish Declaration of Independance. Matt 10 go to the lost tribes of Israel. Issue of salvation.
Bible Best proof Cyrus... mentioned by name... Alexander the Great....
Crazy speculation hurts... Cush is America.... Isa 18 !!!!
Whole house of Israel
Gates of enemies proof not Jews.
Company of nations.
Blessing to all nations
Gen 49 Deut 33
586 BC
701 BC to Assyria and never returned
I Kings 5.... king of tyre... ings 10 1000 BC Phoenicians 3 year voyages.
Metal rich countries.. Copper coast of S Ireland
Tin and copper = bronze
1400 BC Tuatha de danna
Brought names with them.
Anodanus Rhone
Danmoni Cornwall
Assyria and Armenia pathway
King Omri built
Welsh Cymri
Sarmatians to England back to Armenia... E of Black Sea
II Kings 11:12
Stone of Scone... tradition of Brits. Ez 22
900 AD to Scotland
Perez and Zerah
Red hand of Ulster
Jewish in N Ireland.
Joseph of Arimathrea tin merchant.
Phoenicians with Danites traveling.
John Sadler 1649 AD book...
600 AD Anglos arrived to push Britains
Bard to tell stories had to be trained.
Covenant=agreement you do I do...
Lev 26 repent... hope
Perish quickly
Deut 29 31 in the Latter Days. Isaiah 700BC Isa 9:14 Isa 10 Isa 11 four corners of the earth
Jer 2, 4,5,6 Hab 2:7 overnight treasury bonds can be dumped
Ez 3,5,7,9,20, 33
730 BC Hosea 5 stumble together Hosea 10
Matt 10:6 where to go IIP 1:19 not fables
Good for PBL
lost to education today...
Bennett on british israelism
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