Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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< .5
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.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The First Peter chapter 3 beginning at verse 1.
It says, in the same way, you wise, be submissive to your own husband, so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behaviour of their wives as they observe your chaste and respectful Behavior.
Your doormat must not be merely external braiding the hair and wearing gold jewelry or putting on dresses, but let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable, quality of a gentle and quiet Spirit, which is precious in the sight of God for this way.
In former times, the holy women also who hoped in God used to Adorn themselves being submissive to their own husbands.
Just as Sarah obeyed, Abraham calling him Lord and you have become her children.
If you do what is right without being frightened, by any fear.
You husband's in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way as with someone weaker since she is a woman and show her honor as a fellow, heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.
Super third time.
Peter talks about submission.
But this time it's between a husband and a wife.
And before we dive into this, let me just say that from the three mentions of submission, that it is a way of life.
You realize that, don't you?
Because we talked about submission in civil government and submission in the workplace.
What's next to Mission in home?
So it is a way of life and it's not just for wives to submit.
Guess what?
Husbands, we have to submit to And there's certainly a lot of this that I want to talk about today.
All of us are involved in the humble attitude of submission.
In fact, when I say all of us were involved in that, I'm taking that from Ephesians 5 verse 21, which says this and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.
Be subject to one another in the fear of Christ everyone submits.
But the key to that humble submission is found in Ephesians 5:18, and it says, this and be not drunk with wine and which is success but be filled with the spirit.
And everything from that point on comes out of being filled with the spirit that picks up from first 19, all the way into 16:9.
And basically what he is saying, when you're filled with the spirit, you will humbly worship.
That's verse 19.
You will humbly.
Give, thanks.
That's for his 21st 21.
You will humbly submit to one.
Another verse 22 to 24 wise will humbly submit to their husbands verses 25 to 30.
Three husbands will humbly submit to their wives by loving their wives chapter.
6 verses, one, two, three children will humbly submit by obeying their parents.
6:40 father's will humbly submit by not provoking, their children to anger but will bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, then chapter 6, verses 5 through 8, says that employees will humbly submit by obeying their employers.
And then last and 6:9 employers will humbly submit by not threatening, our showing partiality to their employees.
So as you can see, we're all involved in submission.
And that's basic for relationships, as basic for society to function as a whole.
There has to be submission.
Even in the church.
We find in chapter 5 of this letter in verse five as Believers.
We humbly submit to our elders and also in 5:3 Elders, humbly submit by not lording, over their flock.
So as we come here to chapter 3. Yeah, we see the same concept and I want you to notice that Peter begins first wife in verse 1 and then with the husband in verse 7 and why does he spend 6 verses talking about the wise and only one verse talkin about the husband?
Is that trying to say that there is a problem here with the wife submitting.
I think it will become more apparent and we're clear as we talked about this.
First of all, we have to say this when we look at the wives and he tells them to be submissive, notice in verse one, how he says this.
He says in the same way.
You wives be submissive to your own husbands, so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behaviour of their wives.
Pepper sprays in the same way.
It's translated likewise in the authorized version and what it's doing here is continuing the construction of the passage.
It begin and 2:18.
And the subject that we have just noted of submission.
When he uses the word be submissive.
He's using the same Greek word that he used in Chapter 2 and verse 13 and 10:18 is the Greek word who Picasso?
And it means to line up under the rank under.
It's not talkin about a spineless submission.
What is talking about voluntary selflessness?
And that's always a good thing when we can die to self.
One writer says this, it's the submission which is based on the death of Pride and the desire to serve.
And it goes on to say it is the submission, not a fear, but a perfect love.
And that's what God has designed its Society.
He designed in the home.
He designed it in the government.
He designed it in the workplace.
Is that we would Manifest this kind of behavior?
Now, what Paul talks about, the wife submitting to her husband in Ephesians, 5:22 her submission as is if it's to the Lord, the tells her to submit to your husband, as to the Lord when he mentions it in Colossians 318.
He tells us that it's fitting in the Lord.
So not only is it to the Lord, but it's fitting to the Lord.
Is it over in 1st Timothy 2? When he mentions it?
The third time, he talks about this being the creative order might want to look at this.
Notice what he says in 1st Timothy 2. A 13, He says for it was Adam, who was first created and then Eve and it was not Adam who was deceived with the woman being deceived fell into transgression.
But women will be preserved through the bearing of children, if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint.
So, if you'll notice there, he says, Adam was formed first.
And then e, that is the Creative Design that is the creative order.
And when we were talking about submission and wife submitting to her husband were talking about that being a roll.
We're not talking about her being a doormat.
We're not talking about her, not having any knees that get mad because this pass is certainly addresses that.
But when you're seeing some of this, you're seeing like, in 1st Corinthians 11:3, where talks about Christ.
The head of every man in the man is the head of a woman and God is the head of Christ was talking about divine order.
That God has designed.
So it when Peter use this inverse, one is using it as an opportunity to get this to win, your husband to cry.
And what do we say about all the other times?
When we talked about submission, be submitted to the government?
Because you want to win them to Christ.
Why should I be submissive in the workplace?
Because again you want to win them to Christ.
You want to have a good testimony in the workplace.
You want to be a model citizen in society and the same is true in the hole.
Now, the background of this we've been talkin about that in the Roman Empire, it existed primarily as slaves.
The majority of the people in the churches were slaves.
So they had a master and some didn't have good Masters at cruel Masters.
And that's why in the previous passage.
We looked at you talked about how you would respond even those who were cruel.
Those who are unreasonable.
Because again, the goal is evangelism.
The goal is to win them to Christ.
But we had this kind of notion in this understanding that if somebody is treating us harshly than we have a license to turn around and do it back to him.
The Bible doesn't give us that license.
The Bible says, do not return evil for evil and then we have the example of Christ in Chapter 2 verses 21 to 25.
What did he do when he was reviled?
What did he do?
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