It's Supper Time
TEXT: Luke 14:23
TOPIC: It’s Supper Time!
Pastor Bobby Earls, FBC, Center Point, Sunday morning, September 18, 2005
When I was a boy growing up in the country of South Carolina I loved to play outside. I loved the outside. Give me a bike, a ball and bat, and a good buddy or two and I’d play outside from dawn to dust. We’d play until we were exhausted and just about to die of starvation or at least we thought so.
It was just about then when we’d hear those words I loved to hear. Down over the hill and across the garden I could hear mom calling, “Children, come and eat. It’s supper time.” I’m here to tell you, she only had to call one time.
In Luke 14 we are told of a supper to which our Lord Jesus was called. A wealthy, well-respected Pharisee had invited Jesus to have supper at his house and Jesus had gone. (By the way, that’s why it’s biblical to eat out).
During the supper Jesus told the Pharisee not to invite just his friends and those he knew could offer him something in return. Jesus told him to invite the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind. Then God would bless him in return.
Look at verse 15 of Luke 14. (Read Luke 14:15-23)
Church, it’s supper time! God has prepared a great banquet in Jesus’ honor and He wants you as His special guest. But watch this now. Not only does God invite you to sit at His table and eat of His food, but our Lord Jesus commissions us to go and bring others to the meal as well. It’s supper time.
The joy of salvation. We should never get over being saved.
What does it mean to be saved? Our sins have been forgiven. We have been made the sons of God. We have the joy of living the abundant life and we have the hope of spending an eternity with Jesus.
God help us never to get over our salvation!
“a certain man” The Lord Jesus
“a great supper” everlasting life with Jesus in heaven.
“bade many” invited many
“sent” God sent, God commissioned His servant
“at supper time” It’s urgent because it’s late. It’s supper time. Supper-last meal of the day.
“Come” for all things are now ready.”
A. The first man rejects God’s invitation because of His possessions, v. 18.
B. The second man rejects God’s invitation because of His work, v. 19.
C. The third man rejects God’s invitation because of His family, v. 20.
The Lord reissues the invitation. He extends the same invitation a second time. He broadens the scope of those who are invited. But notice also,
A. Our Lord’s anger over those who reject His offer, “angry”
B. Our Lord’s instructions to His servant, “Go out quickly” “into streets and lanes of the city.”
C. Our Lord’s guest list, “the poor, the maimed, the halt and the blind” (the lost)
D. The Servant’s obedience
E. The fact that there’s still room for more
F. Our Lord’s further instructions in verse 23 “highways and hedges” the countryside
G. Our Lord’s purpose “that His house may be filled.”
Now let me ask you a few questions. Does God change? Does God still extend His invitation to come to supper to all men? Do some still reject God’s offer?
Does the fact that some men reject God’s invitation alter the urgency and responsibility we have to invite others to come to Christ?
Does God still desire for His house to be filled?
I believe God is pleased with a church that makes sharing the good news about Jesus a priority. Evangelism must always be the main thrust of a great church. I believe in and practice intentional evangelism through structured visitation and outreach. I believe the Sunday School is still one of the greatest assets of a growing church, as well as small groups, and worship.
There are many ways of reaching people, and all are good, but vigorous outreach through the Sunday School is best:
1.3 % of those save through Crusade or Revival Evangelism will be baptized.
18-23 % of those who are personally evangelized will be baptized.
Only 1 of 268 persons who occasionally come to worship will be saved!
1 of every 3 persons who are enrolled and consistently attend SS will be saved and baptized with a 12 month period.
I believe in the basics of Sunday School work: REACH, TEACH, WIN AND DEVELOP. We must discover prospects, organize classes for effective outreach and train SS leadership how to reach, teach, win the lost and develop the saved. “That God’s house may be filled.”
The point is, whatever structures are present in the church, or programming, or ministries, should all be focused on reaching the lost, inviting them to the supper!
Our Lord Jesus is telling us, its supper time. And everyone has the right to taste and see that the Lord is good.
Would you bow your heads and pray with me?