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As we continue our study through Genesis
This morning we find our text in Genesis 9
Noah had left the Ark
A new world was coming alive after the flood
And the words before us given to us by God
Stand as a testament to the timeless wisdom of
the Word of God
In 1984… this man
District Attorney A.M. Stroud III
Of Shreveport Louisiana was the lead
In the December 1984 first-degree murder
trial of Glenn Ford
Glen was sentenced to death
For a murder that took place in Shreveport
Ford was released from prison in
March of 2014
After the state admitted new evidence
Proving Ford was not the killer
One year later… in March of 2015
Stroud wrote a brutally honest apology
For the Shreveport Times
Listen to his apology:
In 1984… I was 33 years old
I was arrogant… judgmental
Narcissistic and very full of myself
I was not as interested in justice
As I was in winning
To borrow a phrase from Al Pacino in the
movie… ‘And justice for All’
‘Winning became everything’
As a result
Mr. Ford spend 30 years of his life
In a small… dingy … cell
Lighting was poor… heating and cooling were
almost non-existent
After the death verdict was handed down
I went out with others and celebrated with a
few rounds of drinks
That’s sick
I had been entrusted with the duty
To seek the death of a fellow human being
A very solemn task that certainly did not
warrant any celebration
In my rebuttal argument
During the penalty phase of the trial
I mocked Mr. Ford
Stating that this man wanted to stay alive
So he could be given the opportunity to prove
his innocence
How totally wrong I was
I was apologize to Glenn Ford
For all the misery I have caused him and his
I apologize to the victim’s family
For giving them the false hope of some closure
I apologize to the members of the jury
For not having all of the story that should
have been disclosed to them
I apologize to the court in not having been
more diligent in my duty
Glenn Ford died at age 65
Less than a few months after this letter
And just a little over a year after having been
released from death row
Stories like this haunt us
Because there is a long list of depraved men in
this country
Who lust after power… control
And they should be removed from office
And yes at times the system is broken
But does this mean we abandon the death
penalty all together?
Does knowing that perfect justice will not be
found until the Kingdom of Christ
When Christ rules and reigns from
Does this mean justice cannot ever be found
And carried out in this life?
Does it mean that it is murder to kill someone
Who has taken the life of another?
These are some of the questions we seek to
answer in our text this morning
Join me in Genesis 9
Starting in verse 1
‘So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to
them: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth."
The sons of Noah were there
It was the sons of Noah that would reproduce
after the Flood
This blessing was given by Elohim
This was a new beginning for mankind
But take a look at verse 2
This is significant
Because there was a drastic change in how the
animals would now respond to men
Verse 2 tells us
‘And the fear of you and the dread of you shall
be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand.
What happened?
Why did this situation change?
Because there is a big difference between the
world of Genesis 1 and Genesis 8
In Genesis 1… God said that His creation was
very good
There was perfect harmony between man and
the beasts of the earth
First there was the Fall of man in Genesis 3
Now the skins of animals were being used for
Sacrifices were now be made
To atone for the sin of man
And now there was a devastating judgment
upon the earth
The earth had just been covered with water
Most of the land animals had been killed
That will bring about some fear
Most of you know that we came from Wisconsin
We have Black Bear in Wisconsin
They are thick where we lived
We’ve had them find our apple trees
Eat as many as they could
And then lay around and nap in our yard
But they are not feared
Hikers don’t carry guns there
Because they don’t need too
Black bears are hunted in Wisconsin
So they have developed such a fear of man
That they run off at the sight of you
God was telling Noah
The animals are going to start fearing man
And I think part of the reason is the very next
Men were now going to be given permission to
eat them
There is a natural fear now after the flood
That God has allowed
But the problem comes
When large animals are raised in captivity
And then released
They don’t have a fear of man
Tigers… wolves
Large animals raised in captivity
Typically don’t survive if they are released
They lose the natural behaviors given by God
To hunt… to survive
And to fear man
Then we read with verse 3 and 4
‘Every moving thing that lives shall be food
for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs.
‘But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is,
its blood.
Now the beasts of the earth would flee man
And man was now given permission to eat
Men… hunting was now legit