mark 5 - the outreaching hand of Christ
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The first observation i want to make in the text is found early on in the verses of 21- and that is our lord’s timing. This is a important part of this story. You see the timing of Christ is absolutly perfect. There is no wondering what should have been, or what could have been. He is and remains sovergin in everything. Not just in our ups but also in the downs he is still our lord!
You know i believe we have all heard that phrase, “timing is everything.” I guess I have heard that my whole life! Usually it is when one of us catch a break. Or we obtain some sort of fourtue. Or maybe, you avioded a catostrphic result because you left early or late.. I want to aruge this with you! life is not about coinendence. It is not about the stars lining up to give you favor. It is not about working hard enough to catch your big break! It is about the soverginty of God and his power working within your life!! And just like for us, it was these characters that had an appointment to meet the King and to make his name maginifed. If you remeber over in JOhn chapter 9 we see the same thing, perfect timing! Jesus passes by this blind man and then Jesus turned his fate around—as He did for us.
And you know the amazing thing about it all is for both parties He is there for them. Two seperate types of people here. young woman with a bleeding disorder and then the daughter of Jarius who was bascially royality in this culture. But the results are the same! They both recieve a healing from God. they both received what they needed. And so do we. It is our faith in God that grants us the mirical of what we need. a healing from within. Jesus is our provision.
Provision by faith
Provision by faith
The next obersvation i think we can draw from this text is the Lord’s provision in christ Jesus. And we cant talk about the healing of these two people until we talk about what preceeded there healing. What was it? I beleive in any circumstance of healing in the Bible, it is faith that always precedes the healing. Dont ever forget that. And never forget the object of the Faith of these two situations. the object of their faith is not rooted within themselves. For instances, the dad of the girl who is dieing, his faith is not rooted in his good works or anything of the such. His faith is not rooted in some ritually to the gods. HIs faith is rooted in this man who proclaims he is the messiah. HIs faith is rooted in the one who counts it not robbery to be equal with God. HIs faith is rooted in Jesus Christ! Same with the other girl right? The woman with the problems of blood—where is her faith? look at that agian with me in berse 27. She used up all of her rescoures at everyone else.. at one time in her life having faith in every doctor around but when did her life change? When she met her father. look at what the text brings to light.. The outcasted woman who may have been rich at one time loses everything because of this issue of blood. But she had been hearing and wondering if maybe her life could be changed by this man. She had faith in HIm. look at verse 34. She had faith in HIm and she walked away in peace! What a gift God has given the world in His Son!
The invitation of Jesus
The invitation of Jesus
The final thing i noticed in the text is the invitaion of the Lord. look how he ends the converstation with this first woman. He ends calling her daugter. What a beatufil story right? WE dont know her story, but how much joy must she feeling knowing this man changed her life and now he is not done with her—shes a daughter. Same with the other girl right? Jesus invites her to raise up from her death bed and live life! And i know you can see the connection here! He has done these things for us to—has he not? He has given us a new life hasnt he? He has made us sons and daughters—joint airs with Christ! He has called us out from the death bed.. He has told us to get up and live. and walk. and eat from his word, which is the bread of life!
What does this mean for us? I think Paul sums it up the best in his letter to the Ephenuis and to the Colossians.