Breaking Bad...Barriers
General theme - Our hatred, biases, prejudices, and bigotry cause us to miss divine opportunities. In Jesus day, Jews and Samaritans did not get along. Jesus travelled through a despised land, talked to a despised woman, of a despised race, and a despised reputation. All of these were despised - not because Jesus viewed them that way, but because His culture did. As a result of Jesus breaking through the social barriers, many people believed in Him. In the movie “Avatar,” the Na’vi have a phrase “I see you” - meaning - not only do they see you physically - but they see who you are. Jesus truly saw this woman who was socially outcast because of her lifestyle and showed her compassion. Jesus saw the people of this Samaritan village and willingly remained with them for two days, opening scripture to them. Do we see the people around us the way that God does? Is there latent prejudice that keeps us from engaging with people who are different than us?