Freedom through Confession
Sermon Tone Analysis
Prayer- “Dear Jesus, I pray for every person in this room. Life is filled with all sorts of emotions, some good and some bad. But Lord, I pray that we draw close to you through it all. As we talk about confession and freedom from sin. I pray that you open our hearts to your word, Amen!”
Tonight we are going to talking about how we can become free (if not already) from sin! I’ve been praying for this talk tonight, because with it comes life.
What I am about to talk about, seriously might be one of the most important things I ever will discuss with you. It’s a matter of life or death!
Sin and Death
Sin and Death
Q. Let’s first discuss- What is sin? Can anyone tell me?
Definition- “Sin, that which is in opposition to God’s wonderful purposes for his creation.”
The original word for sin is ḥāṭā- Which translates into english as “To miss the mark”
If the Hebrews were shooting bow and arrows and they missed their target they would also use this word ḥāṭā, because they missed the mark”
Sin is missing the mark of what God intended as good.
A while back, I was listening to a sermon and this is what the pastor had to say about sin-
“Sin is just a distortion of what God originally created as good.”
Sin is taking what God created for good and using it for bad.
For instance, stealing is a sin because you didn’t work to earn what you stole, lying to get what you want is a sin because you weren’t being honest, bullying is a sin because God calls us to love one another, killing is a sin because it’s taking a life that God created to live on this earth.
Sin goes against God’s original design-
Satan who is the father of sin, cannot create something out of nothing. He isn’t God, satan takes what is already made, and distorts it. He changes its intention.
God gave us our emotions, desires, and personalities so that we can have engaging relationships with him and other humans. He gave us hands and feet so that we can get up and move, talk with our friends, give hugs, help others, grow, and expand the earth.
However, we use our mouths to speak hatefully, and our hands to hurt those around us.
The Bible says that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit created man and woman in their likeness. We are the image of God. This is what makes us different than anything else on this planet. We are reflections of God!
Look at this mirror, imagine it being me in the garden of Eden, without sin, as God originally designed. We are a perfect reflection. This is what sin does, to that image.
(Shatter mirror)
Now when you look at the mirror, the image is distorted and if I tried to touch it, I would probably cut myself and bleed.
This was Satan’s plan to destroy God’s creation. He was going to shatter God’s image, and make its reflection point toward other directions.
Satan seeks to distort and destroy God’s creation. That is why satan tempted Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. He wanted to shatter the image that God had created (Us).
I’d like to mention that sin makes us focus on all the wrong things.
Think back to a moment that you wish you could have appreciated more. We can often times take for granted precious moments in our lives. We focus on all the wrong things. This is an affect of sin, it confuses us, and leads us to believe we want things that are actually useless or worse harmful to us.
What does sin do to us?
What does sin do to us?
Romans 3:23 says
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”
We just read that all of us, you, me, your leaders, everyone. Has fallen short of the Glory of God. Which means, we have all done bad things. We all have sin in our hearts.
“Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, in this way death spread to all people, because all sinned...” (Romans 5:12, CSB)
Sin is in a relationship with death. Wherever you find sin, you will soon find death.
They dance step in step with each other.
They are tied together. Because humanity has sinned, there is always death and destruction around us.
Which is why the Israelites in the OT, had to make animal sacrifices to pay for their sins. If they wanted to stay in relationship with God they had to shed the blood of animals to pay for their sins. The priest would pray, and lay its hands on a goat and then send it off into the wilderness to die. The punishment was being passed off from the humans and into the sacrifice.
It was the people that deserved the punishment, but the goat functioned as a sacrifice for their sins. Instead of Israel’s blood, it was the escape goat”
Sin requires payment- Sin demands a payment of death, and it is unavoidable. Sin holds us away from having eternal life with God.
Hell is the absence of God. Hell is the dwelling place of death and destruction.
The Bible says that we are born into our sins. We don’t become sinners once we first lie and cheat, but we lie and cheat because we are born into sin. It’s unavoidable. We do what’s right in our own eyes, and we disobey God’s will for us.
STORY- About 5 years ago, my sister wanted to be baptized and at my parents church. The pastor always talks to the person before they get baptized so they understand what they are doing. Pastor Nate started to talk to my sister about sin and how because of sin, we are separated from God. He finally asked her if she understood what he was talking about and she said
“Oh yes, I know what sin is. That is what my brothers do.”
Everyone in the room kinda laughed but at the same time, it was an important issue to address. My sister had to ask herself “Am I a sinner? Do I need help?” In order for my sister to be baptized she had to understand that she was a sinner, in need a savior!
Baptism is the response to our confession of sin.
The Bible says “Repent and be baptized.”
Baptism should be done soon after someone repents of their sins and excepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
My sister understood what sin was because of me and my brothers sins, but she didn’t at first consider, that even her (my parent’s near perfect child) could also be a sinner, in need of saving.
Let me ask you this- Do you know that you are a sinner, that you also was born into sin? The world likes to tell people that most everyone are good people. But that’s not the truth. All have sinned and fallen from God’s will.
Do you understand Jesus’ role in your life?
Sin has kept you from your Creator. Sin separates you from the Father.
But there is such good news to be heard!
Jesus died for you, so that we can be free from sin.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36, ESV)
We don’t have to be afraid of sin and death because we have Jesus Christ. It is through Him that we are saved.
Remember how I talked about animal sacrifices? God knew that there would never be enough animals to cover the sins of humanity. It wasn’t enough, there needed to be a greater sacrifice that would be sufficient enough to pay the wages of sin and death. Which is why we have Jesus!
The people of the OT, were told that their will one day be a man, that will pay the price for our sins.
The Bible says-
“If we say, “We have no sin,” we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:8–9, CSB)
The only thing that was great enough was God Himself. In order for God’s people to be free from sin and death. Jesus would have to die, in order that we may live.
God created a rescue plan to save you and me, the Father sent Jesus His one and only Son to earth as a baby.
Jesus grew up and lived a life without sin, faithful, humble, and pure. In order that he may become the sacrifice for our sins.
We Find Freedom Through Confession
We Find Freedom Through Confession
DEFINITION- Confession is the acknowledgement of sin in your life.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins. The victory over sin and death is already won.
The victory is ready to be claimed in every life on earth. But in order to be set free from sin, we have to confess in our hearts that we are sinners, that have fallen short of God’s Glory. And that we need a savior to pay the price for our sins.
Jesus died for those who believe in Him.
If you do not understand that you, yourself are a sinner. Jesus cannot live inside your heart.
Confession is the cup that holds the water of life. Without the cup, you can never drink.
If we confess our sins, we are set free in Christ. But only if we confess.
2b. Jesus died for our sins
2b. Jesus died for our sins
“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree; so that, having died to sins, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24, CSB)
Jesus died on the cross holding all of our sins. He became the sacrifice, worthy of our sins. He took them with him into the grave, but three days later when he arose from the dead. He brought us back into life with Him.
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace
I wanted to end with a story and a song-
There was a man named John Newton (1725-1807)
He was a sailor, for a slave ship and it was horrific what he did, selling humans for money. He didn’t know Jesus, and was
When John Newton was a child his mother would pray that he’d become a preacher but here he was, abducting human’s from their home land, and selling them.
John Newton is a wonderful example of how Christ can set you free.
As he was on the slave-ship there he started reading one of the two books that were on the ship
“Imitation of Christ”, it led to him asking Jesus into his heart. And confessing the sins against God and the people he sold for money.
His mothers prayer was eventually answered because he quit his job as a slave trader, and became an abolitionist and preacher.
He confessed his sins, asked for forgiveness, and accepted Jesus as his savior.
While Newton was a preacher, he wrote a song that I think all of you might be familiar with. He wrote amazing grace, which expressed his wonder.
That Jesus is so loving, and gracious that he would even save a man like himself. A slave trader. That even his sins, could be paid on the cross.
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
If any of you haven’t ever confessed your sins to God. I encourage you, to take a moment with me and let’s confess our sins to God.
“Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead.
I confess Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Thank you for raising Jesus from the dead, making me righteous and in right standing with You. Thank you for eternal life in Christ Jesus. Amen!
If this was your first time confessing your sins and accepting Jesus into your lives! Come tell me, tell your leader. We want to celebrate your new relationship with Jesus!