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Kmart, Wal-Mart, Target, TJ Maxx, Ross Dress for Less, Costco, Amazon
When I say these names, what we usually think about is…
Bargains. Savings. Getting the most for your money.
Let’s face it. Often times, people like us are obsessed with spending our money in the best way possible.
If we’re going to spend our money, we think it’s a great investment to spend it in these sorts of places.
However, the Bible tells us the absolute best way to spend our money. It can be summed up in a phrase:
Best way to spend my money: Faith oriented, faith filled sacrificial giving
Human being’s best spend is sacrificial giving.
Faith oriented sacrifice means to willingly give the best that I have for a better purpose
It’s a level of giving that affects my living.
Rapidly, I want to show you five things that faith oriented sacrificial giving will do in your life if you get involved in it.
The first thing that faith oriented sacrificial giving does.
Faith oriented sacrificial giving builds vision
Today we’re looking at…1 Chronicles 29.
Let me set the stage for this part of the Bible. David. You may know King David…
He’s called a man after God’s own heart. He was a brilliant musician, poet, leader.
David was the man who killed the world heavyweight champion, Goliath.
AND people were shocked, people couldn’t believe it. That victory catapulted David into leadership.
In 1 Chronicles 29, David’s up in age now. And he’s in the process of transferring the leadership of Israel to his son, Solomon.
David, before this takes place stands before the entire nation of Israel…
And tells them that God had given him a dream to build a house of worship, a temple.
He said that Israel needed to do what God wanted, in 1 Chronicles 29:1 it says…
“The task is great because this palatial structure is not for man but for the Lord God.” 1 Chronicles 29:1
David recognized something.
He saw right up front that this wasn’t just another housing tract, another gymnasium.
This was the house of God. For people that matter to God…
What you at Northside are taking part in at the present time, it’s based on another house of God, for people that matter to God.
The mandate of the people of God is to GO and reach people for God. Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8
And we’ve been doing that for 2 years now…
One thing I know about Jamey Mills is he’s not interested in more people because he’s interested in more numbers.
But numbers do matter to him, because numbers represent people who matter to God.
And if people matter to God then they ought to matter to Northside.
Jesus is the one, Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:46-48, John 20:21, Acts 1:8
Jesus said, we are to GO!
Well, David recognized this same thing…
God had shown the children of Israel where this house of worship should be and David started the process.
People who are visionaries are risk-takers, they’ll give to a cause.
That’s particularly true for those of us who know Jesus Christ personally.
We’re right there on the edge. We’re taking steps of risk, leaps of faith to see things happen for God’s glory. Ecclesiastes 3:1-3.
“There is a time for everything. There is a time to build." Ecclesiastes 3:1-3
And David recognized that this was the moment and he said now is the time to seize the moment.
We can’t dilly dally around. We can’t think about it.
We can’t contemplate it. We can’t bring in 300 committee members to study it for a couple of years.
We’ve got to go for it. The time is now.
That’s precisely what God is doing here at Northside.
The time is now…
There’s a sense of urgency…eternal urgency…
So first, participate in faith oriented, sacrificial giving and watch and see what happens. Second,
Faith oriented sacrificial giving develops commitment
Here’s what David says. 1 Chronicles 29:3…
“In my devotion to the temple of my God…” 1 Chronicles 29:3
You might want to circle the word devotion because devotion and commitment are used simultaneously.
“…I now give my personal treasures of gold and silver for the temple of my God over and above everything else I have provided.” 1 Chronicles 29:3
David gave all of his personal treasures to God, in essence he cashed out his 401K, his Roth IRA, what he had in the bank.
He gave $80,000,000 to the building of a house of worship that day.
Talk about a faith oriented, sacrificial gift. He led the pack.
And something, I want you to remember is this…Solomon, his son, watched him do that.
Solomon was standing right there when David made his commitment, $80,000,000 to the campaign.
No where in there do you hear Solomon saying,
“Oh no, Dad, you’re giving away my inheritance. Dad, I won’t be able to build another house. Please don’t do it, dad.”
“Dad, I won’t be able to buy another Ferrari chariot. Please, Dad, no, I won’t be able to go to college…”
He doesn’t do that. He celebrates his dad and his dad modeled faith oriented sacrificial giving.
Parents will ask me what they can do for their children that’ll really help them, how they can mark them for life.
You know what I say. I tell them that one of the best things they can do is give in faith oriented, sacrificial proportions.
Give the best you have willingly for a greater purpose.
In letting your children see someone who is extravagantly generous…generous to their church,
You’ve given your children something that money cannot buy.
We’re about building the church. Jesus said, build My church.
He said the manifold wisdom of Himself will be made known through the church.
The Bible also said that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church.
So when you talk about giving, the most important thing that a group of people can ever give to is a church.
And let me say this, you can give based on two things. This is important…you can give based on
I can give based on reason
Or you can give based on
I can give based on revelation
Two options.
Most of us give based on reason.
We say, what can I afford to give? What can I do that’ll just be enough?
That’s what I call a fact based, “safe-rificial” gift.
I’ll talk to my accountant. I’ll act like it’s faith. I’ll act like I am sacrificing, but I’m really not.
That’s what I’ll do. I’ll give based on reason. There’s a problem.
That takes no faith. No devotion. No commitment. Zero. None.
I don’t want to give based on reason, I can give based on revelation.
And that’s the Biblical mandate of giving. Revelation.
That’s saying God is the initiator of all gifts, I want to be a channel, a conduit to give.
“What do You want to give through me?”
And when you talk to God about it, when you pray about your faith oriented sacrificial giving,
I’m not talking about charity. I’m talking about God giving.
It can become an act of worship if you ask God what He wants to do through you.
That’s revelation giving, it’s both faith and sacrifice
Asking God, not your accountant or your spreadsheet, to reveal to you what to give.
Paul, described this in 2 Corinthians 8:3.
“And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability…” 2 Corinthians 8:1-3
They gave even BEYOND there ability…Let me stop right here and say something.
This endeavor for Northside
Where Jamey and the management team is asking each and every one of you to give over and above your regular giving to Northside…
And I boldly ask you to do so, I’m not ashamed in any way to ask you to do so, it’s the best commitment I believe someone can make…
Why? Well, your dollars will forever and ever reach people for Jesus Christ…
Lives will be changed, marriages will be restored, families will be put back together, addicts will be set free…
People will go to heaven…
So I want you to pray about and think about what your commitment will be…but I want you to know…
This campaign is about not equal resources but equal responsibility…it’s not about equal gifts but equal sacrifice.
God does not look at the amount of the gift. He looks at the amount left over.
Let me say that again, God does not look at the amount of the gift. He looks at the amount left over.
Sue and I love this verse. 2 Samuel 24:24.
Now David had a chance right here to take the easy way out.
He had a chance to play it safe, to just do a little bit. He’s the man, the King.
What did he do? Here’s what he did.
“I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” 2 Samuel 24:24
You see a faith oriented, sacrificial gift, ladies and gentlemen, is a gift that actually changes the way you live.
A faith oriented, sacrificial gift is a financial gift that changes the way you live
We’re not talking about taking away the necessities of life, but you change your lifestyle.
That’s the Biblical pattern of generosity and giving.
Faith & Sacrifice is rooted in the concept called love. Don’t ever forget that. Don’t ever skip over that point.
Abraham sacrificed to the Lord because he LOVED him.
David sacrificed to the Lord because he LOVED him.
God, the Father, sacrificed for you and me because He LOVED us.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” John 3:16
That is the very essence and nature of Christianity.
David says that, “he will not sacrifice to the Lord his God burnt offerings that cost him nothing…”
You see, David knew that…
A gift that cost him nothing was really like no gift at all.
The next point…
Faith oriented sacrificial giving challenges others
You heard of the Pepsi challenge. Well, this is the Israelite challenge. David puts it down. David was a motivator.
Here’s what he said. I Chronicles 29:5.
David knew this was an opportunity of a lifetime.
And folks, I want to say something and I say it not to shock you, not to startle you.
But we only have a couple of times in our lives to do extravagant things for God, only a few times.
Some of you will be a great part of this ministry, this church, because you have given.
Others of you, you know who you are, you’re sitting back on the sidelines acting like you’re sacrificing,
But in reality, you’re tipping God…
You know it and God knows it. It’s called fact based, “safe-rificial” giving,
You’re not into the David, Abraham, God the Father, God the Son faith oriented sacrificial giving.
And you’re going to miss it. You know what will happen?
At some point in the months ahead, God is going to provide a piece of land or building of some sort,
And when that land or building comes available, you’ll enjoy it with the rest of Northside even though you’ve not paid the price,
Even though you’ve not stepped out in faith, even though you’ve not sacrificed.
You’ll love it but you’ll know down deep in your heart of hearts that you missed it.
Many of you…are asking yourself. “Give to God or Not, Give to God or NOT.”
Look at what David said,
“Now who is willing to consecrate himself today to the Lord?” I Chronicles 29:5
In effect, here’s what he’s saying, “OK, now you know, here’s what I’m giving. Who is willing to do the same?
Who is willing to follow me in faith & sacrifice?
Some of you may wonder,
What did you and your wife do during capital spiritual and financial campaigns in the church you planted?
David named his gift down to the penny.
A leader cannot take a church where he is not willing to go himself first. And that’s why we will do it.
David gave 110 tons of gold
David gave 260 tons of silver
Sue and I couldn’t ask the church we led to do what we are not willing to do!
And I can’t ask you to do what I’m not willing to do.
Like David, as your leader, I’ve got to surrender…I’ve got to invite God to rock my world.
What do I mean, rock my world or surrendering, surrender what?
The way we see it, is everything goes out onto the table…Romans 12…talks about living sacrifices…
Sacrifices in those days were put onto an altar…a table if you will…
So put everything onto the table and everything is open to inspection and discussion, as we seek God’s direction.
Our salaries
Our checking account
Our savings account
Our retirement accounts
All our expenditures
It is taking a hard look at things like:
Our home,
Cable TV
Our cars
What is most important is asking God, now that it’s all on the table, “Okay, God, what do you want?”
“What would honor you?”
Our commitment $_________.
Now as soon as I say that, the amount might mess with your mind…Dollar amounts are weird…
Some of you have way, way, way more than us and God might expect and want more from you than from us…
So for some of you when we share the ball park we’re in some of you will be tempted to go, “Man, I can do that…”
And for some of you, you don’t have as much as we do and you’re going to go, “dang, I could never do that…”
And so God isn’t calling you to do some of the stuff he’s calling us to…
This process is hard because it brings up the things we don’t have yet.
Or need to take care of like window treatment for our front window, appliance repairs
We’re thinking about ways to create additional income like renting out rooms in our house.
This is the type of processing we did
I always thought the less I had the harder it was for me to give.
And the more I have the easier it would be for me to give but it’s quite the opposite.
That’s why the bible talks about the deceitfulness of richness…
Is it uncomfortable to go to these places, heck yes!
Does God want us to go to these places?Yes!
At the end of the day, here’s what Sue and I thought, it’s really not about giving, it’s about keeping…
At the end of the process of prayer, it really comes down to what will God will allow us to keep?
The same was true of David as the leader he brought his gifts with extravagant generosity,
Then he said…
Who will consecrate himself to the Lord this day…
So who else is going to step up and go BEYOND…and then in 1 Chronicles 29:6
“Then the leaders of the families, the officers of the tribes of Israel, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, and the officials in charge of the high’s work gave willingly.” 1 Chronicles 29:6
They said, whoa, David is sacrificing like that, we want to sacrifice too.
And in the next verse, they named their gifts, how much they had given.
That’s the way God works. God always has a chain of command.
David challenged them. And look at the response of the people. 1 Chronicle 29:9.
“The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders…” 1 Chronicles 29:9
They were so excited that they were giving Hebrew high-fives. Unbelievable.
David has sacrificed. The leadership has sacrificed. This is phenomenal.
“…The people rejoiced at the willing response of the leaders…for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the Lord.” 1 Chronicles 29:9
It’s kind of funny, during this season, Jamey is casting vision and motivating all of Northside as a church.
Yet, he’s talking about money.
It’s not always popular, you know.
When I’m preaching, though, I can look out and identify the people who are giving.
They’re smiling. They’re relaxed. They know this is what it is about.
Do you know what the root word of miserable is? Miser.
Have you ever known a miserable person? I guarantee that they are takers.
I’ve never met a miserable person who was a giving person. And these people responded by giving sacrificially.
They took in $400,000,000 on one day. Nice offering. Fourthly,
Faith oriented sacrificial giving refines character
Here is what David said, 1 Chronicles 29:17
“I know my God that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity.” 1 Chronicles 29:17
See that character quality, integrity?
There are too many of us who have a lot of our character qualities on the endangered character species list.
They’re not there. They’re extinct.
David says that if you want to build character, give in faith oriented, sacrificial way.
“All these things have I given willingly and with honest intent.” 1 Chronicles 29:17
How many of you have a diamond ring, watch or necklace?
Do you know what the difference is between your diamond and a bunch of worthless carbon?
I’ll tell you. A diamond has been under intense heat and pressure and force.
It’s withstood that and become the most beautiful stone known to humankind.
During this spiritual journey,
The Holy Spirit is going to put pressure and heat on you.
Some of you in the weeks ahead, on Commitment weekend on April _____,
You’ll actually get up out of your seat and bring up your commitment…
And in that moment, I’ll get the opportunity as your pastor, of seeing a lot of spiritual diamonds as you give sacrificially.
But some of you, you’ll sit there, you’ll say, nope, no way, no how, not going to do it, and you’ll still float around like that carbon.
You don’t want to face it. You want to run from the issue. You don’t really want to give. It’s too risky. It takes too much.
Do you want to be carbon or a diamond?
God wants you and me to be that diamond.
What we’re involved in these weeks…you know what it is…really…
This is a test to see where you are spiritually. 1 Chronicles 29:18.
“Keep this desire in the hearts of your people forever.” 1 Chronicles 29:18
See here is my prayer as someone who is watching Northside
“I pray that they keep their hearts loyal to you.” 1 Chronicles 29:18
That’s what I pray, that we keep this spirit, this loyalty operating in our lives.
After God blesses, it is easy just to relax, to let the guard down, sit back and spiritually chill.
God says don’t do that. Continue to grow. Continue to move. Continue to have that vision.
So we are going to be about this. Isn’t that exciting?
Faith oriented sacrificial giving is the concept.