When Life Hurts: Lessons from Habakkuk
There are some names or phrases that have become common in our discussions in the last few weeks. See if you recognize them.
Bernard Good - that would be a good name - yes!
Bernard Madoff
Stimulus Package
Timothy Geithner
By the way, we may even still talk about the war in Iraq
These are discouraging times, these are frightening times, clearly we can be a bit unsettled.
So what do we do when life seems to bring more hurt and pain than it does peace and blessing?
I would like us to go back in time to read something that is some where in the vicinity of 2500 years old. What we read this morning will seem like it is coming right our of the local news paper or tv news cast. It will appear to be a commentary on the very things that trouble us.
Turn to Habakkuk
When those struggles come remember:
vss 4-7 - GREED
vss 9-10 - INJUSTICE
class=Section2> Vs 12 - VIOLENCE
When those struggles come remember:
You are not ALONE
What things did Habakkuk encounter in his day?
Greed - Injustice - violence - seduction - idolatry
Even though it may SEEM like it
Vss 1-4 Ever cry out to God is similar fashion
Habakkuk was struggling with personal issues (sin of Judah) and then he was going to have to struggle with historical issues (God using Babylon to do his work)
Vss 5-11 Is God’s answer. It is not what Habakkuk wanted to hear.
Vss 13
When those struggles come remember:
To stop and consider the MIGHTY WORKS of God
vs 16 Fear
Initial Fear though
What do you do with initial fear?
Vs 17
Suppose I lose my money
Suppose I lose my job
Suppose I lose my house
Suppose I lose my retirement
Suppose I lose my health
He reminded himself of the mighty acts of God
When life hurts I will . . .