Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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Good Morning,
This morning, I would like to highlight a passage, that is definitely on the top 100 passages every Christian ought to know.
It is passage, in which every Evangelical Systematic Theology quotes.
As we dive into this text, I would like to begin by asking some basic doctrine questions.
Some basic questions about the application of faith to everyday life.
In the world of opinions,
How do I know which one is right?
In a given day, I am bombarded with opinions from
Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube
News and TV
My Family doctor
My Boss and Coworkers
Oh Friends and Family - often have very strong opinions.
My kids
We live in a world of opinions … and are bombarded by opinions.
Like it or not.
And in that world -
> How do I know when I should listen to the “experts”?
> On what Basis do I dismiss, friends, coworkers, and family?
> Even Children - how do I know that they are not right?
Just because a kid says it … doesn’t mean they are wrong.
- I am reminded of how Jesus admonished people to have faith like the children.
(Matthew 18:2-4)
- On the other hand - Proverbs tells in the heart of a child is bound up folly.
So I am not saying, let your children make all your decisions.
Otherwise, you might find your pantry full of a lifetime supply of Twinkies.
Even in the church, on matters of faith.
When do I accept church history and reject church history?
When do I listen to church fathers and when do I reject church fathers?
When do I listen to my chaplain or Pastor, and when do I reject them?
After all, church history, church fathers, chaplains, and pastors are not automatically right.
To press this issue more -
Are there not a lot of opinions about religion, the church, and Jesus?
You want to see how Pagan America really is, and has always been.
Talk about Spiritual things in the work place.
All of sudden -
You are confronted with
skepticism, or hatred.
A weird mix of heresy and orthodoxy - The cults.
Agnostics - who believe no one can know for Sure.
people who have opinions … but just don’t think it is polite to bring it up in public.
And people who have been hurt … and want nothing to do with things of faith.
And hopefully at least one person who is an Orthodox, Born again Christian.
How do I decide which opinion to listen to?
2 Tim 3:16-17 - answers that question.
It is a passage, which teaches us which Opinion we ought to listen to.
This verse reminds us that –
Our Bibles are 100% sufficient at answering my questions about life.
And this text gives us 2 reasons we know God’s word is sufficient.
In the world of opinions,
everyone has a theory, an opinion, a magical solution to life’s greatest questions.
And this isn’t just because we live in the world of Smartphones and social media.
Consider, that the reason George Washington was so quite and reserved …
He didn’t want to speak foolishly and ignorantly like most other people.
(Documentary, the First American)
George Washington lived in the World of Opinions … and so do you.
<<<<We don’t live in the world of opinions because of Smartphones,
We live in the world of opinions because we live in a world of people and ideas >>>
So I put the question before us -
Why should the Word of God be our first and final answer about the questions of life?
And this text gives two reasons the Word of God is more than enough.
First, reason the Bible is more than enough - is because –
1) Scripture is from God. (2 Ti 3:16a)
What does it meant all Scripture is God breathed?
And I would say - it is inspired by God.
We may be more familiar with the way the King James translates this passage, along with NASB and the NET Bible.
Technically, the ESV is a little more literal here.
Though the other translations use a word that means the same thing.
The word quite literally means that all Scripture was breathed out by God.
Systematic theology would call this inspired.
“Breathed out by God” means Inspired.
Wayne Grudem defines Inspired this way -
Inspired: A term referring to the fact that the words of Scripture are spoken by God.
(Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem)
What is the significance that all Scripture is inspired by God?
a) Inspired means God has spoken to you.
Some have doubted God’s Word because it was pinned by men.
It is true, that God’s word was written by ordinary men.
But this passage reminds us, that it is equally true that Scripture was pinned by God.
The inspiration of the Bible means God has spoken, and in particular he has spoken to you.
We may not realize how significant that is,
but when we consider the historical record of the Bible - God personally speaking to you was a rare occurrence.
Billions of people have lived since God created the heavens and the earth, and yet God has only spoken to a few.
And this verse teaches that God has chosen to speak to you through the Scriptures.
Every Christian should look to word for the questions of life - because God has spoken to you.
b) Inspired means Scripture is authoritative.
There once was a man who wanted to expand the building of his business.
But he did not believe that the building permit was constitutional.
So he built this monstrous building against city code,
and ignored the local city officials.
He believed that he could legally ignore the law that requires a building permit.
That man today sits in jail,
because he refused to get a building permit.
He doubted the authority of the local ordinance.
Sometimes people doubt whether God’s word has authority over their lives,
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