Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
John’s Gospel does not record all the events in the life of Jesus that do not help him fulfill his purpose on earth.
Between healing and feeing the 5,000 there was a miracle that was recorded in all four Gospels.
A great crowd of people followed Jesus, this was known as a multitude.
They were listening to him for several days, hearing his teaching and watching the miracles He performed.
Jesus needed to get time away to rest but the needs of the crowds pressed in on Him.
Due to compassion He ministered to the multitude in 3 different ways:
Jesus fed the multitude
Jesus left the multitude
Jesus taught the multitude
Pray that the Word of God would speak to the hearts of those who listen.
Jesus feeds the Multitude John 6:1-14
Jesus met the needs of the vast crowd.
Let’s take a look at four solutions:
The disciples said send the people away - Get rid of the problem.
But that was not the way Jesus wanted to care for them.
There was a lot of hungry people and they were there a long time and He knew that if He sent them away hungry there would be some that would faint due to hunger.
It was also late in the day, evening and it was not safe to travel at that time of day.
2. Raise money to buy food for everyone.
We often think that money solves everything.
But it does not.
Despite the prices that have got out of control etc.
In order to feed the multitude it would cost 200 days wages.
This would have tested Philip’s faith here for sure because He was the treasurer.
3. Share food that people brought
Andrew found a boy who had a lunch of loaves and dish.
( 2 fish and 5 loaves)
Andrew did not know how this would work but he told Jesus trying to help find a solution.
That’s typical of us too isn’t it - to make due with what they had.
4. Came from Jesus - The True Solution
Jesus took the boys lunch - blessed it - broke it and shared it out to the disciples to disburse to the whole crowd.
Here is an important lesson for us - whenever there is a need give all you can to Jesus and let Him do the Rest!
Begin with what you have - but give it ALL to Him.
The gift from the boy = Pouring out expensive ointment
All he had = All she had
Jesus performed the miracle
John pointed out twice that Jesus blessed the food.
Matt, Mark, Luke - said He looked up to heaven and gave thanks.
God is the source of all things - good and needful.
Do not concentrate on what you don’t have.
Give thanks for all you have and He will make it go further.
The people who Jesus fed with the loaves and fish they did not need physical food they needed life.
Jesus gives eternal life.
The purpose of the sign was that He might preach the ministry of grace and truth.
The people wanted food.
In grace - the Lord fed the hungry people.
In truth - He gave them the Word of God.
The multitude of people wanted food but not truth.
In the end many abandonded Jesus and refused to walk with Him.
You see there two kinds of food here:
Food for the Body
Food for the Soul
Jesus leaves the multitude John 6:15-21
The next day mystery - Capernaum
How did Jesus get there?
The crowd saw the disciples embark to go across the sea of Galilee to Capernaum and then the mend were lost in the storm.
The crowd saw Jesus leave the place and go to a mountain.
The next morning Jesus and the disciples were in Capernaum.
It was far away.
Jesus did not come on another ship or walk around the lake.
He walked on the water!
Get into the boat is what Jesus encouraged the disciples to do.
Jesus needed to get away.
The crowd wanted to make Him king.
Some of the disciples may have jumped at the opportunity to be famous and powerful.
But that was not God’s plan & Jesus is all about His Father’s business.
A storm was coming - in our translation it says a strong wind - Jesus knew it but it was not the weather He was protecting them from.
There was danger of being swept away by a fanatical crowd who was more dangerous.
Jesus showed the need for balance here also otherwise pride would come in and they would fall.
The disciples needed to face this storm and trust Jesus more.
Sometimes we face storms due to disobedience and sometimes because we obeyed.
Say what?
They saw Jesus feed the 5000 this was a miracle - a valuable lesson but the storm they were facing was the exam after the lesson.
Christ is in Heaven interceeding for us but we are in the midst of the storms of life trying to reach shore.
One day He will come for us and we shall reach our port safely - the storms all past.
During this time there were several miracles:
Jesus walked on the water and so did Peter
Jesus calmed the storm instantly
Jesus led them into green pastures
Jesus brought them into quiet waters
Jesus taught the multitude John 6:22-71
The crowds that followed Jesus wanted to be impressed, they wanted shock and awe.
Some only wanted to see miracles but never submitted or yieled their lives to Christ.
Friends here this morning we are hearing about all Jesus did for the discples and all He did for us.
Yet some will still walk away and reject Him.
Do not let that be you!
Don’t miss out on all He has for your life.
No doubt some of the people who had been fed simply went away to their
homes, while others stayed to see what Jesus would do next.
Our Lord’s sermon probably began outdoors, and then the discussion moved into the synagogue
It would be impossible for a huge crowd to participate in the synagogue service, though the overflow could remain outside and hear what was being said.
This sermon on “the bread of life” is actually a dialogue between Christ and the people, especially the religious leaders (“the Jews”).
There are 4 responses of the crowd to Jesus found in John 6:22-71.
The disciples may have been impressed that so many people stayed through a storm in order to seek their Master, but Jesus was not impressed.
He knows the human heart.
He knew that the people originally followed Him because of His miracles (John 6:2), but now their motive was to get fed!
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9