The Passover Purpose: The New Covenant
Then Came the Day
A special part of the Passover celebration
The meal is an intimate meal
The Preparation of the Meal
Luke shows that Jesus initiated plans for the Passover arrangements (v. 8; Matt 26:17 and Mark 14:12 mention only the disciples’ question, v. 9). Jesus’ instructions guaranteed privacy, indeed, secrecy, perhaps to avoid his premature arrest.
Two were sent
How to Find the location
A Man carrying a jar
A Master of the House
A prepared upper room
Anyone with a two-story home, the second of which contained a “large” upper room, would be considered well-to-do. This family presumably resided in the Upper City of Jerusalem, near the temple, rather than the poorer Lower City, downwind of Jerusalem’s sewage. Because the Passover had to be eaten within Jerusalem’s walls, most homes would be crowded with guests; but the accommodations for Jesus’ last meal with his disciples would be quite adequate.
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The Institution of the Lord’s Supper
The time had come
The Symbolism of the Lamb
Jesus breaks bread and drinks a cup with his disciples. Jesus declares that the bread represents his body and the cup represents his blood. The act of his disciples eating the bread and drinking the cup is analogous to entering into a new covenant just as the Passover meal is the representative meal of the old covenant.