Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
Light to the World
Intro -
Church as we begin with this idea of going through some of the parables of Jesus
I need to be honest with you
I have a great study Bible, that actual has a spreadsheet of Jesus’ Parables and that is what I am using as we start this process
I bit of work smarter and not harder in finding a list of the parables if that makes sense
This first Parable is a great following to Matthew 28:19-20
That you and I are to be lights to the world
That you and I as believers in Jesus Christ are to be different
That is what makes of different from the world is the fact that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Because of the power of the Gospel that saves
Because of the Jesus dying on the cross and rising from the grave and because you have a personal relationship with Jesus you are set apart
These are Jesus’ words to us as believers
You guys are to effect the outside world
Jesus uses everyday things to get his message across
Salt effects the flavor of food
Salt also helps preserve and protect food from spoiling
Either way it has an effect and a major effect on the food
You and I should have an effect
Our lives should be different because of our relationship with Jesus
We should be different because of our relationship with Jesus
Jesus also uses light to highlight the effectiveness
If we turned all the lights out and showed you darkness and then had one thing of light
That one small thing of light would overwhelming effect the darkness that it would go forth to every corner and expel darkness
Did you hear that, Darkness cannot expel light
It cannot get dark enough in this room to put this light out
Praise the Lord for the light
This is what Jesus is talking about how the believer should be
These are words he is saying about you and I and dare I say it the church
Because of Jesus you and I are lights
Because of Jesus you are set apart
You want to be different church
Love people
You want to be different believer in Jesus Christ
Love people
Now please hear me to love someone and truly love someone is to care for them
It doesn’t mean you accept everything from them
I love my kids so much and care for them so much but there I things I am not accepting of
And because I love them so much I tell them
When we love people truly love people well tell them when they are wrong
It is not judging them, it is not disliking or hating them and church it is time the people of GOd stand up and say so
Yes there is a right and wrong in todays world
It is not Jeremy’s right or wrong but it is truth’s right and wrong
Now there are ways of showing love to someone and still being able to tell them they are wrong and that can sometimes be difficult to find
But the world will identify you and I as believers in Jesus Christ because of the love we have for them
Instead of the judging and hatred we so often read about
And the reason they will identify you and I as believers in Jesus Christ is because Jesus is the definition of Love
And you and I should be sharing that with the world
Church Jesus calls us to be different than the world
So long ago in the Garden sin entered into the world and because of that sin we now have a fallen world
Wrong seems right
Boys that want to be girls and girls that want to be boys are praised
Bad is glorified
Killing unborn babies seems to be right in this world
Everything seems to be backwards
There is a bunch of nasty horrible things going on in this world
Jesus calls you and I as believers in Him to be different to be set apart
It is no longer enough to listen to the Christian music, wear Christian tshirts, and occasionally post Bible verses on social media
It is time that you and I be completely set apart
It is time that we speak up in truth and love church
It is time that we let our light shine
Jesus calls us to let our light shine in such a way that God gets all the glory
It is no longer enough to carry Jesus around in your pocket
I have these kem lights I bought while I was in the hospital
If you are believer in Jesus Christ I would like you to come up and get one
And just hold on to it when you get back to your seat
But these are good lights
I know they will eventually burn out but for our demonstration today they will work
See right now you have the light of the world in your hand
You are ready to use it at any moment
But if we turned all the lights out you would be no different than any other lost person in the world, sitting in darkness
I think for far to long now believers and even churches have had the light of the world in their hands ready to use but for whatever reason have not hit the switch, or broke the light
And church now is the time that we let our light shine
See what happens when we begin to shine our lights for Jesus
Darkness flees and sin is exposed and that is when Jesus can come in and do the work of the great healer and heal us up from sin
Church it is time that we allow our light to shine in such a way that glorifies and reflects Jesus Himself
It is time that we stand up for the Truth and allow our light that is Jesus inside us to effect this dark dark world
It won’t always be easy, and sometimes you will be the only light in a dark situation but church remain faithful
People are attracted to light when they live in darkness
As we move to this time of invitation and the Band comes up
If you are here today and do not have a personal relationship with Jesus let me be very honest with you this morning you are sitting in darkness and you are headed for eternal separation from God because of sin
But God
God sent His only son Jesus to pay for your sin and you can accept that free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ this morning by repenting of your sin and trusting in Jesus
Or maybe you are a believer in Jesus but like most believers you have hidden our light or to be honest not used it at all
I would call you to repent this morning and become right with Jesus this morning
Or maybe you simple need to spend sometime in prayer this morning
The altar is open
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