Service and Hospitality
God visits Abraham
Why did the Lord approach Abram in this manner? Could not the word have been given from heaven or in a dream? Yes it could, but the manner of this communication was probably meant to underscore that Abraham had a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord through the covenant. In the ancient world, and especially in Israel, to eat together was important for the making of treaties or confirming covenants. Thus, when the Lord was ready to specify the fulfillment of the promise of a son, he came in person and ate a meal in Abraham’s tent. Nothing could have communicated the close relationship of the covenant better than this. Likewise, down through the ages in worship, fellowship with God has been signified by a communal meal, first the Israelites eating the peace offering in the presence of God (cf. Lev 3; 7), and then later the church celebrating Holy Communion at the Lord’s Table.