Reconciliation in Ephesians 2:11-22

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In Ephesians 2:11-22, Paul teaches that God the Holy Spirit is building a spiritual temple, which is the church and it is composed of both Jew and Gentile races.
Both Jews and Gentiles were reconciled into the body of Christ through the baptism of the Spirit.
The church in Ephesus was composed primarily of Gentiles racially rather than those of Jewish descent.
Ephesians 2:11 Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “Uncircumcision” by the so-called “Circumcision,”’ which is performed in the flesh by human hands. (NASB95)
The term “circumcision” refers to people who are Jewish racially whereas the term “uncircumcision” refers to those people who are not Jewish in racial descent, which is synonymous with the term “Gentiles.”
The term “uncircumcision” was actually a derogatory term used by the Jews among themselves when referring to the Gentiles.
Ephesians 2:12 remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. (NASB95)
In Ephesians 2:11, Paul gives five-fold description of the Gentiles:
(1) “Separate from Christ”: The Gentiles were not saved and under condemnation since salvation is received through faith alone in Christ alone.
(2) “Excluded from the commonwealth of Israel”: The Gentiles were not citizens of the nation of Israel, which God had specifically separated from the heathen to represent Him in the world.
(3) “Strangers to the covenants of promise”: The Gentiles were “not” the beneficiaries of the four unconditional covenants to Israel: (a) New (b) Palestinian (c) Davidic (d) Abrahamic.
(4) “Having no hope”: The Gentiles were under the deception and tyranny of Satan, in fear of death and having no understanding of the true meaning and purpose of human life, which is to love and serve and worship the Lord Jesus Christ.
(5) “Without God in the world”: The Gentiles did not know or have a relationship or fellowship with the true and living God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus you (Gentiles) who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14 For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall. (NASB95)
Ephesians 2:14, teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ’s substitutionary spiritual and physical deaths on the cross demolished the barrier that separated Jew and Gentile races from being united.
Our Lord’s death united both Jew and Gentile races and made both groups into one new entity and organic unit.
The barrier” is a reference to the Jewish Temple, which was divided into various courts: (1) Holy of Holies (2) Holy Place (3) Priests (4) Israel (5) Women (6) Gentiles.
A wall, about three or four feet high, ran through the temple area separating the Court of the Gentiles from the inner court into which Jews only were permitted.
This wall contained an inscription, which read: “No foreigner may enter within the barricade which surrounds the sanctuary and enclosure. Anyone who is caught doing so will have himself to blame for his ensuing death.”
The inner court is where the worship of God took place, and the Gentiles were not allowed but Christ’s work has enabled the Gentiles to worship God.
Ephesians 2:15 by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace. (NASB95)
The term “His flesh” refers to the perfect “human nature” of our Lord.
The enmity” is a reference to the Mosaic Law.
The cause of the enmity was the Mosaic Law because the Law made a definite distinction between Jews racially and Gentiles.
The Mosaic Law was perfectly fulfilled by the impeccable humanity of Christ in hypostatic union during His First Advent (Romans 10:4).
The Law was designed to show man his total helpless and hopeless condition before a righteous and just God and to lead him to the Savior.
Ephesians 2:16 and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity. (NASB95)
Ephesians 2:16 teaches that one of the purposes of Christ’s death was to not only fulfill the righteous demands of the Mosaic Law but also make effect a reconciliation between the Jewish and Gentiles races into one body.
Where Ephesians 2:14 teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ is our peace, Ephesians 2:17 teaches that He proclaimed God’s peace treaty to those were “far away,” which refers to the Gentiles and to those “near,” which refers to the Jews.
Ephesians 2:18 for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. 19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household. (NASB95)
Paul is teaching the Ephesians that their citizenship is in heaven and are now members of God’s household (Philippians 3:20).
Ephesians 2:20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone. (NASB95)
The phrase “the foundation of the apostles and prophets” refers to the “teaching” of the mystery doctrine for the church by the apostles and the “New” Testament prophets who proclaimed the mystery doctrine for the church age until the New Testament canon was closed in 96 A.D.
The Person of Jesus Christ and His teaching is the Chief Cornerstone of the church.
Psalm 118:22 “The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone. 23 This is the LORD'S doing; It is marvelous in our eyes.” (NASB95)
Ephesians 2:21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord. (NASB95)
Both Jewish and Gentile believers are said to be growing into a holy temple in the Lord, which is accomplished by growing up spiritually and becoming like Christ (Ephesians 4:11-16).
Ephesians 2:22 in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit. (NASB95)
God does not dwell now in a temple built with human hands but now dwells in His new temple, which is constructed not from inanimate materials but of living believers.
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit now permanently indwell every church age believer, both Jew and Gentile (Ephesians 4:4-6; Colossians 1:25-27; Romans 8:11).
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